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Thursday, 6 March 2025

+ 2021
By Lindsay Kuhl, Jane Russell Valezy, & Esther Bettney
Teachers everywhere have repeatedly faced new and ongoing challenges over the past year as we have transitioned through various forms of learning. We have tried to ensure that multilingual students' voices are heard and that we provide a variety of options so all students can succeed. ..more
By Tim Johnson & Tony Winch
Tim Johnson and Tony Winch decided to give more autonomy and control to their students. Some failed to prioritize work, but many adapted well. The new approach generally made students more responsible for their learning, boosted achievement, and taught critical skills. ..more
By Kathleen Naglee
There is no life now outside of work, confides Head of School Kathleen Naglee, who has stopped trying to pretend otherwise. In the throes of the pandemic, remaining committed to her community of learners and fellow educators has come at a great personal cost. ..more
By David Willows
The entire future of how our schools will function appears to be the subject of some considerable debate and not an insignificant amount of opinion and conjecture. Problem is, people are not very good at making predictions. ..more
By Jill Alali
Commencing in the 2021-2022 academic year, Fairgreen students will be able to embrace an international network of experts in sustainability by choosing tracks in Nature Conservation, Sustainable Hospitality, Sustainable Fashion and more. ..more
+ 2020
By Bruce Gilbert
Canada presents as an idyllic place to weather the pandemic. But while the move "home" has its obvious advantages, longtime international educator Bruce Gilbert is having trouble making small talk with other parents on the sidelines at his kid's soccer game. And that's a problem. ..more
By Veenaa Agrawal
The Little Library, a student project spearheaded by Veenaa Agrawal of Lincoln Community School (Accra), is making a big impact on local students in her Abelemkpe community as access to learning resources grows even more limited due to the pandemic.  ..more
By Xianxuan Xu
Recently there has been a call for teachers to teach disciplinary literacy—literacy skills specialized to individual subject matter, especially in middle and high schools, since experts from different disciplines approach their respective texts quite differently. ..more
By the Office of Overseas Schools
Congratulations to Melissa M Schaub, elementary principal of the American International School of Lagos in Lagos, Nigeria, and to Daniel R. Todd, elementary principal of International School of Uganda, who were selected for the 2020 National Distinguished Principals Award. ..more
By Lisa Martin
Disrupted Model United Nations seasons, cancelled conferences, and tens of thousands of disappointed delegates around the world have been grappling with the impact of the pandemic... and innovating like crazy, leading to program growth and increased engagement. ..more
By Kimberly Kingry
The start of this new academic year meant opening our doors exclusively to faculty and staff. There is obvious disappointment in the lack of face-to-face engagement with our community. Still, we're determined to make this our Year of Recovery. ..more
By Anne Keeling, ISC Research
A new report published by ISC Research and Next Frontier Inclusion describes inclusion practices and trends within the world’s international schools market. A total of 207 international schools from 69 countries were surveyed; students with learning needs are present in most. ..more
By Richard Bampfylde
The explosion in early August that rocked the Lebanese capital Beirut left over 200 residents dead, 6,000 injured, and 350,000 homeless. This tragedy compounded existing social, political, economic, and health crises. Brummana High School Students stepped up. ..more
By Jaime Ellenberger
Teachers in Sweden tend to enjoy a healthy work/life balance, preventing extensive teacher turnover due to overexhaustion. As an American, Jaime Ellenberger had a lot to learn about walking away at the end of the day. ..more
By Rahaf Ala’aldin Yousef Mishael, Grade 8
We needed to grow smarter and more productive and thus created a new routine for our days, to keep us busy, healthy, and happy. We have uncovered new hobbies and tried to find ways to calm ourselves down during breakdowns and stressful moments. ..more
By Meadow Dibble, TIE Editor
The Association of International Educators and Leaders of Color has launched a campaign to engage the international education community in efforts to end the virulent anti-black racism and scapegoating endured by people of African descent in China over the past few weeks. ..more
By Nicholas McKie
Teachers with less international experience and expertise are being chosen over their fully qualified international counterparts who teach in international settings on the basis that they have studied in the UK so will have QTS. Time for a rethink. ..more
By Bettina L. Love, University of Georgia
Asking educators to understand how racism functions in their classrooms and to fight for social justice when they have so many issues to tackle every day may sound counterproductive, but many of their students’ traumas are a direct result of oppressive systems and ideologies. ..more
By Henry Afful
It’s often said that adversity is the mother of innovation. This has been a true reflection on the response we had to our teaching and learning experience at ARIS. Truly, the challenges the COVID-19 global pandemic has fueled our quest for excellence and led to some serious creativity and innovation. ..more
By Josefino Rivera, Jr.
All schools in Hong Kong were suspended until 20 April 2020, but that did not stop students at the American International School (AIS) of Hong Kong from learning as AIS educators elaborated their innovative teaching strategies using various online tools. ..more
By Thomas Ferrebee & Ernesto Carriazo
At Colegio Nueva Granada’s Writing Center in Bogotá, Colombia, students serve their peers in a space where the school’s core values of respect, responsibility, integrity, and caring are made manifest and academic rigor is cultivated in community. ..more
The TEACH-NOW Graduate School of Education announced today the appointment of Dr. Kevin J Ruth as the Vice President of Strategy. Dr. Ruth is an expert in international education and is the former Chief Executive Officer of the Educational Collaborative for International Schools (ECIS) ..more
By Margriet Ruurs
I recently toured five countries in Europe with my book Stepping Stones. Every book that gets published is exciting for a writer, but some have more surprises in store than others. Nord Anglia International Schools around the world are currently using the book as basis for their annual Global Writing Competition. ..more
By Hovig Demirjian
Lebanon's economic and financial crisis brought thousands of young citizens and school-aged children into the streets to voice their anger and frustration. After much thought, I personally followed a group of my students, walking behind them as they chanted for justice, fairness, and economic equality. ..more
By Miles McFall
When the decision to expand the Dalian American International School program offerings to include a bilingual school for Chinese nationals was made in 2017, we asked: What do we value? What do we mean when we say we’re a “bilingual” school? How do the influences of culture on individuals and systems inform our planning? ..more
By Robert van der Eyken
In this reflective piece, Robert van der Eyken invites the international education community to engage in more critical self-examination about how much our words for sustainability align with our actions. His message takes on new meaning in light of the global health crisis. ..more
By Andrea Honigsfeld & Jon Nordmeyer
Some international teachers have been in virtual school for months, while for others it is a new experience. This article will share some key takeaways from what are we learning about international schools maintaining collaboration in support of English Learners (ELs). ..more
By Meadow Dibble, TIE Editor
TIE Editor Meadow Dibble interviews Edward E. Greene, Executive Director of the East Asia Regional Council of Schools (EARCOS), who describes the impact of the coronavirus on international school communities throughout his region. ..more
By Tom Ulmet, ACAMIS
Executive Director of the Association of China and Mongolia International Schools (ACAMIS) Tom Ulmet recounts the emergence of what has now become a pandemic and recaps important research on the spread of COVID-19. ..more
By Forrest Broman
The founder of TIE and Director of Children of Haiti and Refugee Projects (COHRP) shares 14 lessons learned during his many years as a school head in at Walworth Barbour American International School in Israel and Escuela Campo Alegre in Venezuela. ..more
By Shwetangna Chakrabarty
Education 4.0 is a term used to describe the ways in which we need to prepare students for the fourth industrial revolution, or the advent of the 22nd century. Guangzhou Nanfang International School in China has had the opportunity to pilot Education 4.0—albeit under duress. ..more
By AAIE Board of Trustees
Andy Page-Smith has been named AAIE’s 2020 Superintendent of the Year. After ten years as School Director of the American International School of Johannesburg, in July 2020 he will take up a new position as CEO – Executive Director of AISH. ..more
By Carlos Minuesa
The 21st-century school aspires to teach through comprehension, but how do teachers know when students have understood a topic? ASV is using various indicators to renovate their academic programs and to respond to challenges in contemporary education. ..more
By Brittany Betts, TIE CEO
Rhythmic drumming and singing filled the halls of the Cape Town Convention Center on 21 November 2019 as more than 500 attendees flooded into the opening session to kick off the 50th anniversary conference of the Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA). ..more
By Ewan McIntosh
Independent schools are swiftly abandoning traditionally static long-term strategy planning. Instead, they’re adopting agile approaches to designing strategy so that they engage their whole community in changing how they think about what’s possible in school. But this process of agile innovation isn’t all fun and games. ..more
By Dave Krocker
I do believe it is incumbent upon school leaders to place faith in our students’ and community’s ability to handle something new. Tell them you believe in them, that you trust them, and that you want them to have joyful opportunities and make positive memories of their high school experience. ..more
By Matt Piercy
What does “learning” really mean? It seems essential that we define it—if not as a society, or as an international school community, then at least at the institutional level. How do we expect students to think critically if we are not providing them the necessary time and space in which to do it? ..more
By Matt Brady
An imagined conversation among a school’s leadership team reconvening for 2019/2020, discussing tech integration—or taking old systems and tacking on the latest tech, taking as many shortcuts as possible, and then assuming everything will work just fine. ..more
By Vicky Placeres
This year, the elementary school at Uruguayan American School adopted the Math In Focus program, based on the Singapore Math Approach for Grades 1–5. This program emphasizes collaboration, discussion, the use of models, and multiple problem-solving strategies. ..more
+ 2019
By Tabitha Davis and Caitlin Tegenfeldt
Every August we welcome a new group of students into our classrooms. At the same time, we tend to assume that returning students will not need social support in transitioning to our grade level. Unfortunately, these assumptions can be incorrect. ..more
By Timothy Veale
I believe it will help current and aspiring leaders to learn about international school “lifers”—those having worked in international schools longer than 20 years—and, in so doing, to understand what will continue to drive these legacies and new ones, well into the future. ..more
By Neil Morgan Griffiths
When policies and practices are designed to support and encourage professionalism, they positively impact school culture. Buyback is the medical world’s equivalent of exercise, in that it cures just about everything, and enhances what is already good. ..more
By Andrew Ranson
International schools everywhere are seeking ways to help their students live the core values of the mission statements that define school communities. Five years ago, in our work as coaches of the high school girls’ volleyball team, my colleague and I began an experiment. ..more
The news in brief from all corners of the education field: dangers of early school enrollment, international enrollment in U.S. way down, flipping an entire school day, U.S. schools hiring teachers from overseas, ranking U.K. schools, dropping standardized testing. ..more
By Anne Keeling
Cloud finance will effectively allow international schools to manage all of their finance activity within their central MIS system, optimizing data management. ..more
By Global (Ayechan, Haein, Hayman, Phaebe, and Stuti)
Members of International School Yangon’s Eco Schools Team led a protest on 20 September 2019, highlighting their main concerns about the school’s contribution to climate change and advocating for the elimination of single-use plastics on campus. ..more
By Matt Wilce
The American School in Japan (ASIJ) has received a gift of ¥100,000,000 (nearly US$950,000) to its endowment from the ASIJ Parent Teacher Association (PTA). “Building our endowment is one of ASIJ’s most important strategic objectives over the next few years." ..more
By Robert Cummings
More than 1,600 teachers and school leaders shared big ideas, exchanged best practices from the classroom and reflected on the roles they play in preparing students for the rapidly changing global economy of the 21st century. ..more
By Todd Lichtenwalter
When increased insecurity within Venezuela forced Colegio Internacional de Carabobo to discontinue its yearly field trips to Hato Pinero and Morrocoy, a committed team created an Infinity Learning Space for the collaborative practice of 21st-Century Learning Skills and Systems Thinking. ..more
By Michael Griffin
Consistently, the quality of teaching is recognized as the most important factor in elevating student achievement. So what makes an effective teacher? What exactly is it that sets good teachers apart? ..more
By Meadow Dibble, TIE Editor
Lucaya International School had only just opened its doors to usher in a new school year when Hurricane Dorian forced the administration to abruptly slam them shut again and batten down the hatches. Showing resilience and solidarity, the LIS community seeks to recover and help others do the same. ..more
By Rebecca Perry
Every year, two outstanding principals are selected from the international schools that are assisted by the Office of Overseas Schools of the United States Department of State to receive the National Distinguished Principals Award. ..more
By Robert Cummings
As part of a focused effort to reduce financial barriers for students and schools to participate in its unique programmes, the International Baccalaureate (IB) has announced that it is eliminating the $172/£138 "candidate registration" fee. ..more
Kerry Anne Langton passed away peacefully on June 14, 2019 at her home on Vashon Island, Washington. For thirty years, she lived and traveled abroad with her husband and family, serving on the board of international schools in Kenya, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Nepal, and India. ..more
By Gregory R. van Goidtsnoven
With the emergence of a robust Asian market in global economics, the role of “English language” skills has been placed at the forefront of competitive and effective business strategies. What English should be taught? How should we teach it? ..more
By Margaret Shibuya
International administrators take into consideration racism and sexism in their school environments and hiring practices as they make their decisions to retain or hire employees. But what about ageism? This form of discrimination has yet to be addressed. ..more
By Helen Kelly
In the Asian context, bringing teachers around to the need for change in working toward future-ready learning is only one piece of the puzzle. It is just as important that parents support the direction in which a school intends to move. ..more
By Matt Harris, TIE Columnist
At many schools, parents are expected to monitor around five channels of communication for important school information. School staff have to deal with even more. Students eyeballs-deep in academic responsibilities are asked to keep track of multiple communication systems. ..more
By Kristen MacConnell
In hosting the AASSA Educator’s Conference, our Nido de Aguilas Theme Team imagined a wide variety of partnerships. Little did we know, one of the most powerful partnerships to yield transformational learning was right under our noses. ..more
By Anne Keeling
Today, according to data from ISC Research, 5.6 million children between the ages of 3 and 18 are attending English-medium international schools around the world. Nearly two decades ago, in the year 2000, there were just 969,000 children learning in these schools. ..more
By Sara Segar
Traveling as a teenager with purpose, accompanied by trusted advisors and peers, is an invaluable learning experience. A school travel program gives students the resources, support, and guidance to make educational travel a reality. ..more
By Jill Barshay and Sasha Aslanian
Georgia State is one of a growing number of schools that have turned to big data to help them identify students who might be struggling – or soon be struggling – academically. Critics question if predictive analytics at college invades privacy and reinforces racial inequities. ..more
A little over two years ago, we set out to provide an educational solution for the children of the Syrian refugees—our neighbors—who had to fled their homeland because of the war. Since then, we have met refugees from all over the Middle East and from Afghanistan, Iran, and Africa. ..more
By Derrick C. des Vignes
There are many ideas about what education ought to be as we look to the future. Positive education has proven to be a pathway toward a flourishing life that can transform our world. I would like to offer a simple concept: education is about the search for freedom. ..more
By Carlos Minuesa Moya
American School of Valencia hosted a professional conference for marketing and communications coordinators in international education on May 4 and 5, 2019. The conference took place in Valencia with seven international schools attending. ..more
By Jessica Friend Bartlett
Following a busy year of fundraising for their planned visit to Nepal, unexpected flight cancellations set ACS students and staff on a new path to the Itala Foundation School, a Welsh NGO in Zambia. ..more
By Ngozi Max-Macarthy
The Educators’ Network was created seven years ago by a core group of Ghanaian teachers at Lincoln Community School with the goal of helping to improve student achievement by sharing their knowledge of international teaching best practices with their peers at local schools in Ghana. ..more
By Michelle Collin
Effective in the 2019—2020 academic year, ISS will change its leadership structure in the Asia Pacific Office. ..more
By Andrei Ghicu
Concordia's physical education (PE) program began offering parkour for students up to Grade 4. After just six weeks devoted to exploring parkour daily, students can perform stunning moves on the equipment by going under, over, jumping, and landing at a very high speeds. ..more
By Dzenana Ceman
Dr. Bunnell has stated that the “PRP in a school... is still probably an individual whose background is not in PR and who does it alongside other teaching or managerial commitments.” I interviewed schools in various parts of the United States and Europe to find out whether much had changed since Dr. Bunnell conducted his 2005 study. ..more
By Shwetangna Chakrabarty
Council of International Schools (CIS) organizes a university tour once every year during the summer. From this experience, I've distilled five main tips for students as they embark on the university admissions process. ..more
By Helen Kelly
Successful change leadership in this context involves leaders not only developing a vision for future-ready learning and providing structures for implementation but also attending to the emotional climate in which they are operating. ..more
By Shannon Fehse and Josh Krajczar
For the thousands of international educators who have been fortunate enough to cross paths with Dr. Richard (Dick) Krajczar over the years, there remains an element of disbelief that he’s really gone. ..more
By Chip Barder, AISH President
Dr. Andy Page-Smith has been appointed the new CEO of the Academy of International School Heads (AISH), effective July 2020. Andy brings almost 40 years of service as a professional educator, including 18 years as a Head of School in Kuwait, Hong Kong, and currently in Johannesburg. ..more
By Jared Maisel
Concussions have gained increased notoriety in media, sports, and academia over the last 10 to 20 years. This is for good reason. Researchers have found a correlation in risk for neurological disorders with chronic blows to the head and concussion mismanagement. ..more
By Alice Brown & Kate Ginn
Last year, the International School of Phnom Penh (ISPP) offered six scholarships to students from the Cambodian Children's Fund. Now, following a tough two-month process, another CCF cohort is about to join the first. ..more
By Michelle Collin
Effective in the 2019—2020 academic year, ISS will change its leadership structure in the Asia Pacific Office. Dr. Dale Cox will step down from the ISS Vice-President, Asia Pacific role to assume a faculty position at Utah Valley University in the U.S. ..more
By Anne Keeling
Southeast Asia has become a major region for international education. The field of international schools there continues to expand, and the desire among parents to provide their children with an English-medium education that follows international curricula and examinations is rising. ..more
By Meadow Hilley, TIE Editor
Sheena Nabholz, Head of School at Lincoln Community School in Accra, Ghana, speaks with TIE Editor Meadow Hilley, reflecting on her path toward leadership and the importance of mentors for women of talent. ..more
By Anne Keeling
Latest market trends from ISC Research on international education in China show that the international private schools market has grown substantially due to an increasing demand from Chinese parents for an international, bilingual approach to learning for their children. ..more
By Norma Hudson
Designing its learning environment from the ground up is quite possibly one of the most invigorating and thought-provoking opportunities a school can experience. In envisioning its new campus, the International School of Kuala Lumpur sought to create an environment that supports creative, collaborative, and constructive learning from prep-reception all the way through Grade 12. ..more
By Maurice Carder
Detailed, long-term research shows that a professional program of second language instruction is the key element allowing second language students to develop their English. However, many international schools have found it more convenient to follow national models of the Anglosphere. ..more
By Lindsey Kundel
Close to 9 percent of full-time TAS faculty have obtained a doctoral degree, defined by HR as either a PhD, JD, or EdD. This number will go up significantly in the next two academic years. A record number of full-time faculty are currently pursuing doctoral degrees in their spare time. ..more
By Maritte Moskovics
To define the UAS learner profile, we all worked together as a community of educators, students, and parents to create the conditions that will help our students be globally aware, creative, emotionally intelligent, and collaborative critical thinkers. ..more
By Kevin Bartlett
In 40 years of school leadership, I’ve learned a lot from reading the work of smart thinkers like Michael Fullan. He’d suggest that it is not so much that we run out of time, but more that we run out of energy. Schools have energy cycles. ..more
By Anne Keeling
“Pathways From English-medium International Schools to University” is a new, free report published by ISC Research that shares information about the university choices being made by students at the world’s international schools. ..more
By Shwetangna Chakrabarty
As an international school teacher, my biggest challenge is to cater to the needs of a diverse population of students from all over the world. At the same time, my greatest teaching asset is precisely the diversity of the student population! ..more
By Anne Keeling
Winners of the 2019 International School Awards were celebrated at a ceremony in London on Monday night, 21st January. Over 200 senior leaders from international schools and education organizations around the world attended the gala event. ..more
By Xianxuan Xu
A solid body of empirical research documents that support and mentoring by veteran teachers has a positive effect on beginning teachers’ quality of instruction, job satisfaction, commitment, retention, and capacity to improve their students’ academic achievement. ..more
By John Lyons
Students at Kyiv International School (KIS) can now participate in the school’s first Student Diversity Project (SDP), a weekly intercultural communication activity to help promote student cross-cultural learning, understanding, and activism on campus and beyond. ..more
By Eyob Workineh
ICS Addis hosted a three-day PLC at Work Institute in October. The focus of the experience was building a learning culture in international schools through the strands of school culture, assessment, response to intervention, and personalized learning. ..more
By Shir Shoval-Simhoni, Amanda Dzwairo, and Carolyn Asante-Dartey
Let’s face it, the Theory of Knowledge (ToK) class, mandatory for all IB Diploma candidates, is a challenge. We are exposed to so many new ideas, concepts, and vocabulary that it seems sometimes the toughest of our seven IB subjects. ..more
By Mike Johnson
In the wake of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas massacre, schools should consider both appropriate security hardware and technology solutions and commit to the important work of emergency planning management. ..more
By Patrick M. Carroll
in 2016-17, SMIC had just celebrated its 15th anniversary when Principal Kelley Ridings first broached the idea of redesigning our school’s middle school program, which had gone largely unchanged since the school opened. This simple conversation ultimately led to a reimagining. ..more
By Anya L.
iGEM is a premier synthetic biology competition for high school and university students, where teams use biological parts to synthetically design a system and operate them in living cells. The TAS team won a gold medal and was also nominated for seven other awards. ..more
By Barry Sutherland
International School Phnom Penh decided it was time to review its assistance program with a view to providing opportunities for very poor students—the ones most international schools choose not to serve. What ensued was an inspiring, impactful, and sometimes painful experience. ..more
By Anna Seipelt Goco
International School Manila’s Beamcats team was given the opportunity to carry out its proposed experiment at the CERN physics lab in Geneva, Switzerland. The project aims to determine the viability of using pion therapy as an alternative method of cancer treatment. ..more
By Helen Kelly
To prepare us for a world in which the only certainty is uncertainty, education needs to focus more on the development of “soft skills” and attributes as traditional education—which emphasizes the transfer of knowledge from teacher to student—decreases in relevance. ..more
+ 2018
By Scott McLeod
Like most institutions in society, international schools are realizing that the intertwined, very disruptive forces of technology and globalization require us to rethink things, often at an elemental level. As they reassess, they are typically focused on four big shifts. ..more
By Meadow Hilley, TIE Editor
From 25–27 October, 2018, over 1,000 international educators gathered at the Shangri-La hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to attend the 50th-annual EARCOS Leadership Conference 2018, hosted by the East Asia Regional Council of Schools. ..more
By Dominique Pierre and Jacqueline Fabius
This September, COHP started its ninth year of operation, still offering a free education, three meals a day, and full medical care to its student body of 65. While every year has brought its challenges, this year is a big one as COHP launches its high school program. ..more
By Ettie Zilber
Host-country staff is sometimes overlooked in planning orientation programs. HCS all play vital roles in the school and need training and orientation in order to make sense of their interactions with foreigners within the community. ..more
By Matt Harris
Are STEM, STEAM, and coding programs having the desired effect of building intrinsic technical skills among students that will be used in university and beyond? My travels and experiences have shown the answer to be… maybe. But we can do better. ..more
By Mark McGowan
In recent years, the IB Diploma Programme has asked schools to more actively integrate Theory of Knowledge (ToK) into their curriculums. However, some continue to struggle with the how and why of such an undertaking. Here are a few strategies. ..more
By Anita Brady
Drawing on Eriksonian theory, Dr. Joyce Mills works to improve behavior through expressive methods. Combining a strong belief in the power of telling stories and the importance of play, Dr. Mills’ StoryPlay® emphasizes cultural diversity, natural healing abilities, and creative solutions. ..more
By Anita Brady
Drawing on Eriksonian theory, Dr. Joyce Mills works to improve behavior through expressive methods. Combining a strong belief in the power of telling stories and the importance of play, Dr. Mills’ StoryPlay® emphasizes cultural diversity, natural healing abilities, and creative solutions. ..more
By Will Griffin
Seoul American Middle School 8th grader Alexander Daniel represented the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) as a finalist in the 2018 National Geographic Bee in Washington, D.C. ..more
By Stephen Barratt
The career experiences of an international educator are many and varied, creating considerable opportunities for professional growth. So what happens when they return “home”? If you are considering returning "home,” are you certain you know where that is now? ..more
By Matt Harris
Technology tools differ in every school and the needs of students vary based on age and curriculum. There is no clear bifurcation between those who are and are not tech-savvy teachers. Instead, tech-savvy teaching encompasses a spectrum of skills across a range of categories. ..more
By Tiffani Razavi
A recent report by the Making Caring Common Project of the Harvard Graduate School of Education calls attention to the values at the core of education as the potential foundation for real social change. ..more
By Maya and Patricio Saenz Flores
This year, the AISA Global Issues Service Summit was held at the International School of Kenya (ISK), from 18–20 January. Schools from all over Africa, and even one from Europe, joined us for three days filled with inspiration, excitement, enjoyment, and hard work. ..more
By Tamara Studniski
The history of Xiamen International School (XIS) is closely linked with that of industry in the area. When XIS’s doors first opened to 81 students in 1997, many parents of those enrolled worked for Kodak, as the company had just opened a factory in the city. ..more
By Matt Piercy
For the past six decades, The American Cooperative School of Tunis (ACST) has embraced this inevitable change. Recently, this manifested in the reinstatement for the 2018–19 academic year of the previously discontinued Tunisian Studies trips, or Week Without Walls Program. ..more
By Anne Keeling
ISC Research reports that student enrollment increased globally during the last twelve months by 7 percent, taking the total number of children now learning at international schools to 5.1 million, a compound annual growth rate in the past five years of 6.7 percent. ..more
By Denry Machin
School leaders—international school leaders especially—must balance the aims of educational and financial effectiveness. How does the born and bred educationalist cope in such an environment? ..more
By Peter Bird
I have taken the plunge and arrived in Chennai, India to repeat the experience of starting a new school in a country that I had never stepped foot in before. Now here I am, busily creating social media buzz and momentum as the countdown clock ticks away on our website... ..more
By Freddie Oomkens
In honour of the International Baccalaureate’s (IB) 50th anniversary this year, students from 153 countries, studying all four IB programmes came together and developed projects in an effort to tackle real-world problems in extraordinary ways. ..more
By Dick Moore
International Schools Services (ISS) and Lumo Education Ltd. (Lumo) signed a formal collaboration agreement to co-develop new schools on behalf of clients, using a blended Finnish-American model within an international framework to serve the K–12 community. ..more
By Natasha Warikoo, Harvard University
More and more students at Harvard are examining their admission files to try to understand how they got in. The U.S. government is also plans to examine the files as part of a discrimination case filed by 63 Asian- American groups. ..more
By Xianxuan Xu
In the educational field, principals tend to make hiring decisions based on perceptions of organizational fit of applicants, and they believe it is an important attribute to look for in making their selection. However, researchers disagree on whether organizational fit is an effective criterion for assessing the quality of candidates. ..more
By Oorna Mukherjee
Climate change and plastic pollution are among the most perilous issues of our time. ARIS has joined the march, taking part in the second annual Earth Day Accra and facing the plastic crisis head-on. ..more
By Leila Holmyard
Leila Holmyard considers Michael J. Thompson's A Guide to Establishing and Maintaining Quality International Schools the ideal summer read for school owners, board members, and educators new to the international school community. ..more
By Meadow Hilley, TIE Editor
John Magagna is Founding Director of Search Associates. He spoke with TIE Editor Meadow Hilley at Search Associates' Cambridge fair, held 26–28 January. John will retire in August. Here he shares his wisdom and experience with TIE's readers. ..more
By Mike Simpson
“Sport is, to use the jargon of economics, a zero-sum game: if I win, you, by definition, lose.” But education operates on a different model altogether. It is a game where everyone can win simultaneously. ..more
By Meadow Hilley, TIE Editor
Over the past dozen years, Will Richardson has become an outspoken advocate for change in schools worldwide. Writing and speaking about the intersection of social online learning networks and education, Will has worked with educators in over 20 countries to understand the opportunities and challenges of learning in the modern world. ..more
By Xianxuan Xu
The primary task of human resource management is simple: to choose the right person for the right job. This is especially important in education because the success of a school is determined to a large extent by the effectiveness of its teacher, leader, and staff workforce. ..more
By Beckett Haight
International schools are quickly moving in the direction of ensuring broad support for students, wherever their needs may lie. Just because a student is in a college prep school or has been accepted to be full IB, doesn’t mean that staff won’t need to collaborate and co-plan. ..more
By Meadow Hilley, TIE Editor
Frankfurt International School (FIS) has been getting a lot of attention of late from companies looking to relocate their employees to Germany in the wake of Brexit. Rather than grow, however, FIS has opted to maintain its current size. ..more
By Freddie Oomkens
To increase the amount of highly skilled teachers across the world, the University of the People (UoPeople) and the International Baccalaureate (IB) have launched a tuition-free, online Master’s of Education (M.Ed.) programme. ..more
By John Mikton
For European international schools, due to the implementation of a new law called the General Data Protection Regulation, the personal data of all faculty members, parents, and students will need to be organized and protected in accordance with the new rules laid down by the GDPR. ..more
By Kathleen Naglee
We lead world-renowned schools with highly qualified staff, and accredited programs with U.S. State Department assistance. Yet, there were only three female heads of school in our region in academic years 2016–17, 2017–18. How is this still the case in educational leadership? ..more
By Kevin Glass, AAIE President
On behalf of our worldwide AAIE community, the board of trustees is pleased to announce that Mark E. Ulfers, current head of school of the American School of Paris will become AAIE’s next executive director, beginning July 2018. ..more
By Deron Marvin
In the fall, Deron Marvin will begin his first official international school headship. To prepare the transition, he sought out and interviewed two wise leaders--John Goodwin and Charles Barder--who between them boast 91 years' worth of knowledge and experience in international education. ..more
By Brandon Fisher
The Big Data and Analytics Education Conference (6th BDA EdCon) at Concordia will bring together academics, educators and industry partners to exchange knowledge and ideas to better prepare students for the work force. ..more
By Mike Simpson
Resilience, along with perseverance, diligence, self-discipline, positivity, and a love for learning, is a success skill that we are working hard at our school to develop in all of our children. I believe that the development of all of these success skills are dependent upon a child’s sense of capacity—the belief that they are capable of achievement. ..more
By Anne Keeling
Arlo Kipfer has joined ISC Research as Business Development Consultant for Asia Pacific and the Americas. Arlo’s move to ISC Research demonstrates the company’s commitment to ensuring that highly skilled location and sector specialists are available to provide the essential expertise. ..more
By Aviva Rosensweig
Walworth Barbour American International School (WBAIS ) in Israel is a very professional, and at the same time friendly, community that embraces new members with great warmth and personal attention. ..more
By Jeffrey Michael Jurkovac
In the last decade, the Pan American School of Porto Alegre has doubled its enrollment to 400 students, from preschool through high school. Our community has embraced the idea of creating an international school that forms students with a global perspective of the world. ..more
By Yolanda Murphy-Barrena
Outgoing Executive Director of AAIE Yolanda Murphy-Barrena remembers her predecessor, international educator and leader Dr. Elsa Lamb. ..more
By Anne Keeling
Demand for international education is going from strength to strength in many countries of the world. At the recent ISC Research Conference, the company’s field researchers shared some of the very latest intelligence and data about developments within the international schools market this academic year. ..more
By Nina Blake
Besides being the oldest accredited American school abroad still in full operation, the American School Foundation is now considered one of the leading private schools in Mexico, thanks to its competitive K–12 educational programs. ..more
By Chipo Marunda-Piki
Through an action research, I set out to assess the extent to which elements of space affect the development of academic skills in my learners. This article is a glimpse into my journey as a teacher-researcher and into how I can use space as curriculum in my teaching and learning in Southern Africa. ..more
By Akofa Wallace
UNIS Hanoi celebrates three significant milestones in 2017-18. This year marks the School’s 30th year in operation, 20 years as the first IB school in Asia, and the Head of School’s 10th year at the helm of UNIS Hanoi. ..more
By Kevin Glass an Mike McCarthy
Kevin Glass of AIS and Mike McCarthy of CNN International want your school to join hundreds of others around the world in marking #myfreedomday, a global day of action to help end modern-day slavery. ..more
By Helen Lee
Shelly Luke Wille has been chosen to participate in the Heads of Schools program at Columbia University’s Klingenstein Center. This two-week, fully-funded fellowship for heads of independent and international schools offers a unique opportunity to renew vision, passion, and energy for school leadership. ..more
By Joy Jameson
With the frequent turnover in teaching and administrative staff at international schools, it is not uncommon to find situations lacking in organization and effectiveness. In an effort to bring things under control, administrators sometimes establish a micro-management system. ..more
By Linda Egan
Professional musicians from Orchestre de Chambre de Luxembourg (OCL), conducted by the renowned German conductor, Kiril Stankow, will be performing with students from the International School in Luxembourg & St George’s International School on 31 Jan and 1 Feb. ..more
By Ana Leahy
The long pathway to becoming an IB school has finally come to an end! We, at the International Programs School, have reached the goal we set four years ago, having completed our last Middle States Association accreditation self-study. ..more
By Liz Jheeta
Peter Shumlin, former three-term governor of Vermont, visited with Shekou International School (SIS) students recently. Urging the young people to “use their voice to make a difference,” the former governor recounted the story of how he entered politics to make change at the local level. ..more
By Geoff Richman
Two learning support teachers from The International School of Amsterdam (ISA) presented “The Differentiation Station,” a reclaimed bookshelfish piece of furniture with six compartments, each containing a specific tool students might use to find success in their classrooms. ..more
By Bonnie Billak
Three of the most common challenges among ESL programs worldwide are space, scheduling, and staffing. Let’s take a closer look at the characteristics of each challenge and explore some possible ways to approach its resolution. ..more
By Eddie Levisman
Every time I move to a new school—which, admittedly, seems to feel more often as you grow older—I face the early October dread: a new IB coordinator telling me that “at our school we have a policy of non-disclosure; please do not share the predicted grades with the students, thank you very much.” Rationale? None. ..more
By Christian Orlic
Last August, 13 students from the American School of Barcelona (ASB) took two weeks off their summer vacation and traveled to the Amazon basin in Peru to participate in a student-run medical mission organized by Michigan State University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine (MSUCOM). ..more
By Jade Fulce
Five Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) students were named among 2019 National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists this year by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC). ..more
By Lesley Tait
In September 2012, the American Cooperative School of Tunis (ACST) was confronted with a monumental challenge when protests erupted and attention moved from the U.S. embassy to the school. Over the past six years, the ACST community has sought to rebuild better. ..more
By Daniel Ware
Students from TASIS The American School in England (TASIS England) recently participated in a 12-day trip to the Balkans as part of the TASIS Leadership Academy (TLA) with the aim of exploring political and diplomatic leadership, as well as conflict resolution. ..more
By Richard Bampfylde
International College (IC), Lebanon, one of the largest international schools in the world with over 3,600 students across two campuses, has successfully integrated the world-renowned Danielson Framework into its educational practices. ..more
By Anne Keeling
A report published by ISC Research shows the opportunities that English-medium international schools provide as a route to higher education. The study queried over 300 college counselors around the world to identify the higher education destination choices of Grade 12 international school students and what influenced their selection. ..more
By Sara Griffith
In January 1944, Mrs. Liliana Segre was deported from Binario 21 of Milan’s Central Station to Auschwitz, along with more than 775 Italian children under the age of 14. Only 25 of those 775 children survived. Mrs. Segre was one of them. ..more
By Elaine Kanellis
More than 73,000 students are beginning the 2018-2019 School Year in Department of the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) schools around the world. Here's an update. ..more
By Linda Egan
Computer Science Education Week is a worldwide annual program. For the fifth year in a row, students from the International School of Luxembourg (ISL) took part in “The Hour of Code” and other activities to develop their computational thinking skills. ..more
By George Couros
In my opinion, the principal is probably the most important job in an educational organization. Though the following questions were developed for superintendents to ask principals, they are questions any educator, parent, or even student should be able to openly ask their principal. ..more
By Anne Keeling
At the ISC Research Conference, which took place near Oxford this January, the company’s field researchers shared some of the very latest intelligence and data about developments within the international schools market this academic year. ..more
By Gail D. Schoppert
The Foreign Administrators and Retirees Tournament of Sport XXIV (FARTS) features golfers who headed up or taught in over 50 international schools. ..more
By Danielle Andriantsiferana
The American School of Antananarivo in Madagascar spent a decade planning and preparing to build a new campus, suffering several setbacks along the way, including a coup and having land confiscated. The construction itself took nearly two years. ..more
By Michael Johnston
Parents of PK–12 students are consistently subjected to edubabble, which creates a disconnect when the conversation about learning gets picked up at home. At Colegio Maya, creating a common way to organize learning and having a consistent definition of what it means has been a game changer for teachers, students, parents, and all stakeholders. ..more
By Kristen Lowman
The team from Taipei American School (TAS) won the High School Grand Prize at the 2017 International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Championship in Boston. Their project, NANOTRAP, focuses on developing an effective mechanism for removing nanoparticles from wastewater. ..more
By Lateefa Farah
The American School of Doha recently held its annual Friendship Festival celebration, welcoming over 4,000 people from different backgrounds and showcasing the true multicultural state of Qatar. ..more
By Will Griffin
Emily McCormick, a teacher at Seoul American High School, has been named the 2018 Department of Defense Education Activity History Teacher of the Year, an award presented annually by the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History. ..more
By Lexi Lee
In 2018, AISJ will be moving from its current campus to a new, purpose-built, state-of-the-art campus. Today, as we begin the second half of our school year, excitement over the opening of the new campus is growing. ..more
By Linda Egan
GIN was founded 15 years ago at the International School of Luxembourg and has since become a global phenomenon with over 100,000 members spanning five continents. Its purpose is to empower young people to collaborate locally, regionally, and globally in order to create sustainable solutions for global issues. ..more
By Marcelo Calero
Six Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) schools were selected as 2017-18 state-level winners and honorable mentions in the eCYBERMISSION competition sponsored by the U.S. Army Educational Outreach Program. ..more
By Meadow Hilley, TIE Editor
Esol Education’s Fairgreen International School was designed with a changing landscape in mind, as climate change looms large. Situated in the heart of Dubai’s Sustainable City, the school embodies in its very structure the principles and practices it seeks to instill. ..more
By Emma Harper
A small group of high school students at the American School of Milan (ASM) are gearing up for a special service trip to Puerto Rico. This is the third such trip organized by ASM math teacher Dovid Fein, who has been focused on providing students with volunteer opportunities abroad. ..more
+ 2017
By Ettie Zilber
“No more death by power-point.” This is how my graduate students learned that their final projects would have to be presented to the class using 20 pre-timed slides totaling 6 minutes and 40 seconds, giving them only 20 seconds per slide. ..more
By Richard Gaskell
The decline of Western expatriates in China and the increase of returning Chinese expatriates to their home country signal shifts that are steadily changing the face of the international schools market in China. ..more
By Juliette Harik
The American School of Doha (ASD) officially announces the Alfardan Group as the Sponsor Premier of the Machakos Education Center in Kenya. This sponsorship aligns with the Alfardan Group’s corporate social responsibility in support of global education. ..more
By Paul Magnuson
Just about three weeks ago I wrote to my teachers: “Once during marking period 4 I’d like to do a ‘teacherless’ observation in one of your classes. The goal: How well can the students organize themselves in order to sustain learning over the course of the hour?" ..more
By Areta Williams
In November 2019, the Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA) turns 50. To mark this milestone, AISA is preparing a publication including narratives, photos, and documents that will chronicle its history. ..more
By Derrick des Vignes and Jocelyn Wiley
Many people are currently seeking support or motivation in the form of coaching. Guided strategies can allow individuals to seek answers to their own personally meaningful questions. An objective of this journey to self-discovery and personal fulfilment is, as Sun Tzu expresses in The Art of War, in the end, when a person’s work is done, they will believe they have achieved success on their own. ..more
By Todd Cherner
Though the availability of educational technologies is growing, teacher training in this area has not kept pace in many regions with these emerging technologies or begun to lessen the Digital Divide. ..more
By Colette Chalier
The American School of Kinshasa (TASOK) played host to its first ever Model United Nations (MUN) conference last spring. The event was a great success, but it took plenty of focused energy from students and staff to get it off the ground in the context of the DRC. ..more
By Arun Subbian and Rachel Bishop
Celebrating 2017 as the Year of Culture provided the perfect opportunity for The American School of Bombay (ASB) and the British Council to collaborate and host “Mix the Play,” an interactive video platform that allows children to experience Shakespeare as never before. ..more
By Anne Keeling
WCBS, one of the leading providers of school information management for the world’s international schools market, has expanded into true cloud technology to provide the best possible MIS (Management Information System) solutions for international schools today. ..more
By Matt Harris
Usually, if schools want to talk to me it is either to show me something amazing or to ask my advice on how to become the sort of school that would have something amazing to show. A lot of international schools want to use technology for promoting excellence, but have not been successful in making that goal materialize. ..more
From across the spectrum, your news in brief. Are valedictorians changing the world? Supply soon to exceed demand for international schools in Hong Kong. Obsessing over college admissions? Storytelling improves retention in all subjects... ..more
By Meadow Hilley, TIE Editor
The world of international education has lost a longtime leader with the passing on 22 August 2017 of Dr. Ernest Mannino, founder of the Association for the Advancement of International Education (AAIE). ..more
By Nina Blake
A powerful, 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck near Mexico City on September 19, 2017, leaving over 300 dead and countless people missing. The American School Foundation Community was quick to respond, putting together a team of volunteers to take action amidst the crisis. ..more
By Tiffani Razavi, Tie Staff Writer
General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) and A level results published in August show that performance across both sets of examinations, despite a range of reforms, is consistent with previous years. ..more
By Richard Gaskell
With the start of the new academic year, knowing where your school stands within the increasingly competitive international schools market is vital for senior leaders who need to strategically focus their marketing, admissions, and development plans. ..more
By Mary Russman
Elsa H. Donohue, elementary principal of the Jakarta Intercultural School (JIS) of Jakarta, Indonesia and Andrea Rosinger, elementary principal of the Frankfurt International School in Frankfurt, Germany were selected for the 2017 National Distinguished Principals Award. ..more
By Meadow Hilley, TIE Editor
International schools in Venezuela have been significantly impacted by the growing crisis in Venezuela. On another front, TIE contacted a number of Korean schools to find out if the government’s effort to curb the proliferation of “unauthorized” English-medium international schools was likely to impact their operations in any way. ..more
By Amy Digman
ACS Hillingdon International School welcomed students, staff, families and special guest, astronomer Mark Thompson, to the official opening of its £10 million science center on Thursday, 14 September 2017. ..more
By Asha C. Devi
Reflecting growing demand in Japan for the Singapore brand of education, the Singapore-based Global Indian International School (GIIS) has opened a second campus in Tokyo. The school, offers 520 seats for students from grades 4 to 12. ..more
By Michael Lees
The International School of Havana (ISH), a new member school of the Common Ground Collaborative (CGC), engaged in some powerful professional learning recently. With our newly developed mission, “Learning to Make a Difference,” ISH took its first solid steps in the important work of fundamentally changing our culture, with a strong focus on learning. ..more
By Chris Clark
Students, staff, and parents worked together with the school to conceptualize new learning spaces, common areas, and external landscape. Former WAB Board Member Jenny Mendoza offered her expertise and design work. ..more
By Xianxuan Xu
As the number of international schools increases globally, the competition for effective teachers is escalating. The most successful approaches to attracting high-quality teachers must address perceived benefits, including but not limited to financial incentives, opportunities for professional growth and career advancement, and a caring work environment. ..more
By Eloïse Engel
When I joined my current school in August of 2016, I was told I was becoming part of a family. It was something I had never heard in my 14-year teaching career. What does it mean, to become part of a family? Why do we use this metaphor when talking about a school community? ..more
By Tim Musgrove
Lahore American School (LAS) proudly celebrated its Diamond Jubilee this past November with a week of student activities, performances, exhibitions, and an inter-school polo match. Over the past 60 years, LAS has continued to grow in size but also to develop its educational program. ..more
By Chloe McMath
Twenty-four state schools across Kent are now authorized to offer the International Baccalaureate (IB) Career-related Programme (CP), with first teaching starting this term. This equates to almost 30% of state schools in the county. ..more
By Carey Halula, Michael Lambert, & Holly Raatz
Each year, Grade 8 students at Concordia International School Shanghai exercise the power of grit by exploring and discovering their passions—empowered by perseverance—through a plethora of innovative learning experiences and life-applicable simulations. ..more
By Johanna Schiller
BIS will begin accepting children from the age of 3 into our Early Childhood programme beginning in 2018. The new Early Years Centre for children aged 3-6 uses the Reggio Emilia approach. ..more
By Sophie Baillie
The International Baccalaureate has partnered with the World Academy of Sport to support student athletes aged 16 – 18 in managing the balance between academic study and training as high performing athletes. ..more
By Ellenor Whitfield
On 14 March 2017, students at Atlanta International School (AIS) celebrated #MyFreedomDay, a day-long student-driven event to raise awareness about modern slavery. This is the story of how a few students at an international school started a movement that reverberated throughout the world. ..more
By Andrew Torris
The Fine Arts Booster (FAB) Club at Universal American School in Dubai has annually taken on a major art project for the school community. This year their efforts have focused on building community through “yarnstorming,” with a project named “Bridges of Color.” ..more
By David Newman and Catherine Patten
The Marymount International School, Paris community along with the entire Global Network of RSHM Schools mourns the untimely loss of a dedicated leader, inspiring educator, and dear friend in Johanna Bambridge. ..more
By Kristen Lowman
This past spring, Taipei American School officially broke ground for the construction of its newest facility, the Tech Cube, a five-story, open-planned facility on campus dedicated to STEAM education with a focus on design, technology, and robotics. ..more
By Mark Van Den Bossche
St. Mary’s International School is located in western Tokyo close to the Tama River (Tamagawa), which acts as a boundary between Tokyo and Kawasaki. Like all of Japan’s rivers this is a heavily managed system; nevertheless, there is plenty to interest middle school students. ..more
By Margie Olson
Paul Olson was born on 29 December 1948 to Dr. Clitus Olson and nurse Dorothy Nord Olson. He was the oldest of four children and spent most of his childhood in the Belgian Congo, where his parents were medical missionaries. ..more
By Maica Cruz
As part of the International School Manila’s (ISM’s) Service Learning Program, a Disaster Relief Fund was created in the wake of super typhoon Yolanda. Donations were channeled to those devastated by the storm and priority was given to rebuilding a public school in Estancia, Iloilo, one of the coastal towns hit head-on. ..more
By Eddie Levisman
For decades, high school counselors at international schools were professionals trained first and foremost as mental health specialists who were later introduced to college counseling and academic advising. But college counseling is not about colleges, it’s about children, and it’s about a journey into the self in search of itself and its future expression. ..more
By Douglas M. Rife
The author provides summaries of three new titles in education: Global Perspectives: Professional Learning Communities at Work, The New Art and Science of Teaching, and HEART! Fully Forming Your Professional Life as a Teacher and Leader. ..more
By Paula Caligiuri, Northeastern University
Some international students, surmising that they’re unwelcome or unsafe studying in the U.S., are not applying. As a result, many American universities are reporting a significant decline in international student applications. ..more
By Chris Clark
As expat families prepare to move to a new country, the inability to tour and see potential international schools is a difficult obstacle—until now. WAB is the first international school to offer interactive robotic tours that put families in control of their school visit. ..more
By Neil Morgan Griffiths
I recently chatted with my eighth-grade son about his current PE unit. He was capable of talking about the various components of health and skill-related fitness, to the point where he produced a list to demonstrate exactly what he felt he knew. However, in continuing the conversation, I then asked him what exercise was. After agreeing that he should take five minutes or so to think about this, he came back with a blank; he had nothing. ..more
By Philip Harvey
Over the last six years I’ve worked as Dean of Students in the Upper School at the International School of Luxembourg (ISL). As I prepare to leave the world of education, I offer my reflections about leading pastoral care in a growing international school. ..more
By Sophie Baillie
The University of Southampton is the first Russell Group University to make an official admissions policy statement for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Career-related Programme (CP) in recognition of how the programme prepares its students for university and its value within the UK education system. ..more
By Katherine Brewer
I understand the challenges of recruiting in a high-pressure, time-sensitive environment. But I would argue that as recruiters we should strive to adhere to practices that align with a set of values upon which we can agree. ..more
By Johanna Schiller
Bavarian International School students welcomed a guest presentation by documentary film maker Lorenz Knauer, who is also president of the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI). In the framework of CAS, they have been learning about Goodall's pioneering ape research and the Tanzania Solar Lamp project. ..more
By Bonnie Billak
Establishing the perfect age at which children should learn a second language is a controversial topic. This controversy causes great confusion for school administrators, especially those with little or no background in second language acquisition, as they work to set up programs for their students. ..more
By Carlos Minuesa
On May 13, the American School of Valencia hosted a Google for Education Summit led by two Google Innovators. The event included hands-on, practical workshops on advanced uses of G Suite as well as instruction in apps specifically designed for education. ..more
By Xianxuan Xu
If we want students to reach their maximum potential, it is paramount that there be an effective teacher in every classroom working with every student. In this column we will provide a series of articles to address some of the most prominent questions related to the issues of teacher recruitment, selection, and retention. ..more
By Chris Clark
Western Academy of Beijing is proud to announce enrollment is now open for the Swiss School Beijing. A new partnership with the Association Swiss School Beijing, it will be the first Swiss School in China officially recognized by the Swiss government. ..more
By Meadow Hilley, TIE Editor
Chip Barder, Ernest Mannino Superintendent of the Year Award Barry Déquanne, AASSA International Education Leadership Award Gilbert C. Brown, Walid Abushakra Award for Impact on International Education ..more
By Matt Harris
Frequently, I hear heads of international schools speak of their relationships with parents as requiring a special touch. “They are our customers after all,” is the phrase I commonly hear. However, it does schools a great disservice to treat parents as customers. ..more
By Julia Martinez
The American School of Dubai (ASD), founded just a few years before the United Arab Emirates’ official formation in 1971, is celebrating its 50th anniversary during the 2016–2017 school year. ASD is one of the country’s longest-standing not-for-profit educational institutions. ..more
By Meadow Hilley, TIE Editor
“The objective of the Project Based Diploma program was to make sure our kids were learning and not being taught,” explains Cary Reid of UWC Mahindra, who received the International Innovative Leader of the Year Award at the Association for the Advancement of International Education’s (AAIE’s) annual conference in early February for his commitment to spearheading this phenomenal initiative. ..more
By Tiffani Razavi, Tie Staff Writer
For the international community, where to attend university is a big question, and for many, league tables of world university rankings are a starting point. With rising fees and uncertain graduate job prospects but also greater international flexibility, gaining some sense of the profile of higher education opportunities is essential. ..more
By Jade Fulce
Ms. Michelle Moore-Robinson of Kinser Elementary School in Japan has been selected as the 2017 DoDEA Elementary Principal of the Year and Ms. Sharon O'Donnell of Ramstein High School in Europe is the 2017 DoDEA Secondary Principal of the Year. ..more
By Brett D. McLeod
Those who possess the “gift” of oratory continue to command our attention and influence outcomes that affect us all, be it at work, with the technologies we use, the beliefs we hold, or the votes we cast. But oratory is no “gift.” ..more
By Mike Crowley
We know that data can be important as a means to guide and improve learning, but we also must concede that the growing obsession with testing and ranking is doing more damage to learners than good. ..more
By Charles E. Davis III
“The IB set me up well for university life. It taught me how to study and to learn.” These are the words of Emma Clark, who graduated from the International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL) with the class of 2015. ..more
By Aaron Tyo-Dickerson and Kristi Williams
Scratch is a computer program made and shared by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and is used by children around the world to create programs and share games, simulations, musical instruments, and art projects. Now students at the International Community School in Addis Ababa (ICS Addis) are leading the charge to translate Scratch into Amharic, Ethiopia’s national language. ..more
Sigrid Ott-Benson was a pioneer with a life of adventures. She spent her youth in the beautiful plains of North Dakota, USA and lived her later years in the picturesque Alpine village of Leysin, Switzerland. Her life’s experiences influenced her to become a leader in the international education movement. ..more
By R.N.A. de Silva
The Overseas School of Colombo is regarded as the most prestigious international school in the country. It is the oldest accredited international school in Sri Lanka. On learning that the students of Sujatha BV were without a mathematics teacher, Nimal de Silva, head of the Overseas School’s mathematics department, took on the task of offering classes on a voluntary basis, in his spare time. ..more
By Cynthia Nagrath, TIE Staff Writer
Dr. Yong Zhao, Professor of the University of Kansas and author of Perils or Promises: Education in the Age of Smart Machines, discussed the future of education and his views on the PISA exam, a controversial assessment test taken by over half a million students from 72 countries and economies worldwide. ..more
By Chris Clark
Western Academy of Beijing was named 'Best International School' at the Diplomats' Choice Awards on Thursday. The annual awards ceremony is hosted by Global Times, a daily newspaper with a circulation of 1.5 million. ..more
By Viggo Pete Hansen
"Humankind’s most important function is to prepare its offspring for their and subsequent generations’ survival. The only known solution for this is education. To help our youth learn, understand, and assimilate these issues of survival is the responsibility of those of who are currently in the educational trenches. We must be philosophers, moralists, logical reasoners, and above all, humble visionaries to promote survival of the species..." ..more
By Xianxuan Xu
Many people think that motivation is something that is inherent to the individual, rather than something that a teacher can influence. However, students’ motivation to learn is highly susceptible to change because of teacher intervention. ..more
By Christopher Frost
Tokyo International School is pleased to announce that it has been recognized as an Apple Distinguished School for 2015–2017 for its transformative use of iPad and MacBook throughout the school. ..more
By Bradford Barnhardt
Research conducted among anglophone international schools during the 2011–12 and 2012–13 school years, and recently published in the journal Ethics & Behavior, suggests that academic cheating may be largely driven by fluctuations in felt moral obligation. ..more
By Matt Harris
Teachers’ capacity for working with technology-rich environments, their understanding of fundamental learning principles and pedagogy, and their willingness to innovate are the life blood of exemplary EdTech programs. ..more
By Mike Crowley
Advocates of rigor believe that school should be “hard.” Rigor is most frequently characterized by an abundance of homework, tests, grading, and compliance. The paradigm shift to a learner-centered school context provides a new perspective on rigor, which can be challenging for educators and parents who are familiar with the 20th-century perspective. ..more
By Daniel Kerr
Teachers work incredibly hard and are easily my favorite people on the planet, and they deserve to be recognized way more than they are. But here’s the thing: when I really think about it, the best part of being a teacher and the true secret behind why we love it so much is that we may just get more out of this than we put in. ..more
By Richard Gaskell
The total number of students aged between three and 18 enrolled in English-medium international schools in the Middle East and Southeast Asia continued to increase significantly during the past academic year. ..more
By Mark London
ACS Hillingdon Lower School has been recognized as an Apple Distinguished School, a distinction reserved for schools that meet criteria for innovation, leadership, and educational excellence and demonstrate Apple’s vision of exemplary learning environments. ..more
By Paul Magnuson
Two days weekly we have 35 mostly unstructured minutes with our small middle school. Depending on coursework and student and staff interest, activities are planned (or usually not) and carried out. The other day it left me with a really satisfying buzz. ..more
By Janet Rubinstein
Last November, the American School of Paris Upper School (Grades 9 to 12) inaugurated a new school building, beginning a new era in their learning journey. It is the the first new facility in an ambitious, €36 million, 31-month campus build construction project. ..more
By Susie Belal
The International Baccalaureate mission is to help develop skills, attitudes, and knowledge that enable students to contribute towards creating a better and more peaceful world. This case study offers insights into the outcomes of offering the IBDP at an international school in Egypt. ..more
By Sophie Baillie
Research shows that graduates of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Career-related Programme (CP) believe that the course successfully prepares them for the world of work and for university. ..more
By Tony McLaughlin
The International School of Prague (ISP) announced that its long-serving Director, Dr. Arnie Bieber, has committed to continuing to lead the school through 2021. Founded in 1948, ISP is the oldest international school in the Czech Republic. ..more
By Jennifer Hutchings and Garland Green
BLIS sponsored a PD initiative that met the staff where they were, hit the target goals, inspired teachers and administrators, and provided valuable feedback for further growth. Dedicated to educational technology, it was titled “the teKNOWLEDGEy symposium.” ..more
By Marc-Frédéric Ott and Benjamin Smith
Sigrid B. Ott was an early pioneer of international education following World War II. To honor her commitment to education and her longevity, Leysin American School held a series of events to celebrate and coincide with her 100th birthday. ..more
By Cynthia Nagrath, TIE Staff Writer
Last week, educational leaders from international schools traveled from all corners of the globe to attend the 51st annual conference of AAIE – The Association for the Advancement of International Education. ..more
By TIE Staff
The Academy of International School Heads (AISH) held their annual OASIS Day meeting today at the French American School of San Francisco. Oasis Day is a day of learning and professional development for heads of international schools around the world. ..more
By Cynthia Nagrath, TIE Staff Writer
It’s not just learning and networking that takes place at AAIE – there’s a lot of giving going on at this conference too. For the past seven years attendees have given generously to the Children of Haiti Project also known by its acronym, COHP. ..more
By Louise Holland
One year after hundreds of thousands of refugees flooded into Munich Haupbahnhof, 120 “bravehearts” took the plunge at the HVB Club Pool, and participated in the inaugural Swim For Life fundraising event to help integrate those now trying to make a new life in Munich. ..more
By Shaun McElroy
Increasingly, schools have been separating out roles so that students will have separate social-emotional counselors, called School Counselors, and specialized College Counselors. ..more
By Jess Hench & Xianxuan Xu
There is increased interest in developing and researching non-cognitive skills in students, which include behaviors such as optimism, resilience, adaptability, and conscientiousness. But how should we measure such qualities and skills? Would such assessments be reliable? ..more
[email protected]
After our students wrote their IB exams, I started thinking about how much time they spent in the exam room and what the purpose of this experience might have been. Do we really need four hours and forty-five minutes to determine if a student is strong in Biology? Do we actually need five hours to find out if a student is good at History? ..more
By Matt Harris
At this point in the evolution of educational technology this statement is a bit trite, but it still needs to be said: Teaching Over Technology. Impact doesn’t start with the choice of what technology to use, but instead derives from teacher’s attitudes and capabilities. ..more
By Susan Ravizza, Michigan State University
There is no doubt that having a desktop computer or laptop in school is useful for writing papers, gathering information and learning how to program and use software. But surfing the internet during class could also prove to be a source of distraction and hinder learning. ..more
By Bonnie Billak
The number of students with no English or low English language proficiency levels applying for entry to international schools has grown. With the demanding curricular expectations of international schools, many wonder if students should be required to have a certain English-language proficiency level in order to attend these schools. ..more
By Jason Lane, University at Albany SUNY
As a scholar of global education policy, Jason Lane is looking to understand how college costs in the U.S. compare to those of the rest of the world. Nowhere is college truly free, he insists. The critical difference is whether the bulk of the costs are born by the student or by the government. ..more
By Timothy S. Stuart, Mona M. Stuart & Chip Kimball
Over the last four years, Singapore American School teachers and administrators visited more than one hundred of the most forward-thinking and innovative schools across four continents. These visits challenged many of our ideas about what education could and should become. ..more
By Jeffrey R. Sprague, University of Oregon
The National Education Association (NEA), the nation’s largest teachers’ union, recently launched an information campaign to tie Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s “inflammatory rhetoric” to an increase in bullying in America’s schools. ..more
+ 2016
Press Release
The not-for-profit education services organization NWEA has announced a partnership with Esol Education to provide training to educators using NWEA’s MAP growth assessment in the Middle East. ..more
By Chris Clark
All school buildings at Western Academy of Beijing are equipped with the highest grade air-filtration systems available, ensuring everyone breathes healthy air on campus. "The health and safety of our families at WAB has always been a priority," said Director Courtney Lowe. ..more
By Diane Glass
Western universities are increasingly turning to international schools as a reliable source for quality, degree-seeking overseas students as competition between higher education establishments grows. ..more
By Supranee Taecharungroj
Poverty and the cycle it perpetuates through generations represent an age-old problem that many view as a constant in life. A group of students and teachers at NIST International School Bangkok don’t believe that a solution is so unfathomable. ..more
By Brittany Betts, TIE CEO
Brittany Betts reports on an evening spent at Pixar Animation Studios alongside 235 teachers and educators who were invited to inaugurate what is hoped to be an ongoing relationship centered on the new product more
By Steve Parker
The Smithsonian American Art Museum recently selected four art contest winners out of 60 worldwide submissions in the fourth annual DoDEA schools art competition. ..more
By Chi-Yan Shang
When American School of Doha students traveled to Tanzania in the framework of the school's spring break service trip, they participated in setting up an educational enrichment program for local students of the St. Pius School in Arusha with concrete benefits. ..more
By Tom Fearon
The International School of Beijing (ISB) Futures Academy and the Experimental School Affiliated with Niulanshan First Secondary School (NLS) have collaborated to learn about local waterways and promote environmental sustainability as part of Project We Are One. ..more
By Jeff Johanson
The senior class at Yangon International School embarked upon the school’s annual trip to Naypyitaw and Parliament last March for the chance to attend Parliament on what would be the newly and democratically elected president's inauguration day. ..more
By Anne Keeling
Amendments to Chinese Government regulations for private schools that were announced recently and which focus on requirements for curricula and fees will impact all schools in China offering international education to local Chinese children. ..more
By Matthew Johnson
As you get your feet settled and find yourself with a better understanding of the calendar, budget, curriculum, and overall school culture, here are a few suggestions on building that foundation as an effective leader in today’s international schools. ..more
By Leo M. Lambert, Elon University; Peter Felten, Elon University
Many students arrive in college without a clear sense of purpose or direction. Two simple yet powerful things students can do to ensure that they have a transformative undergraduate experience, no matter where they go to college. ..more
By Nicholas Alchin
"If we reduce education to a commodity then we are certainly in danger of fraying its moral character and of treating students as consumers to woo, rather than as characters to build. And despite my support of private education, I know I would think twice before working in a for-profit school." ..more
By Garrett M. Broad, Fordham University
School garden projects are becoming hugely popular. Over 25 percent of public elementary schools include garden-based learning. Do these gardens improve the education and health of young people? ..more
By Jon Butcher
The Maker Movement has generated huge interest and excitement, but what exactly is it? Back in 2013, Edutopia announced the Maker Movement was “poised to transform learning” in schools. Three years on, how is it actually impacting learning? ..more
By Kelly Kramer
Like many of the Venezuelan international schools, CIC has seen a decrease in enrollment. I have seen many of our wonderfully supportive families leave CIC, not because they wanted to find another school, but because they felt obligated to find other economic opportunities for their child and their family. How do I—we, as leaders—guide our communities in such challenging times? ..more
By Maureen McCann
A teacher librarian at HKIS asks her students to select a book based on a character unlike them or about a situation with which they had no connection or experience. This purposeful literary selection would be called their Reading for Empathy choice, and would mark them profoundly. ..more
By Nick Bowley
Nick Bowley has written a moving tribute to the late William (Bill) Powell, who was dedicated to the inclusion of children with special educational needs in international schools. Bill, together with Ochan Kusuma-Powell, Kevin Bartlett, and Kristen Pelletier founded The Next Frontier: Inclusion with the vision of making inclusive international education a reality. ..more
By Jonathan Wai, Duke University; Ann Lupkowski Shoplik, University of Iowa; Susan Assouline, University of Iowa
About two out of seven children are likely bored in their classrooms, as they aren't learning much that is new. Should these children skip grades? The research shows many advantages to grade-skipping for talented students. However, they need to be socially and emotionally ready for it. ..more
By Steve Mancuso
"I draw my optimism for Venezuela from the many experiences I have amassed over my 20-plus years living in some of the most 'interesting' places in the world during some of the most 'interesting' times in their histories," writes Steve Mancuso, Superintendent at Colegio Internacional Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela. ..more
By Howard De Leeuw
While there have been numerous studies indicating the impact of quality teachers on student achievement, there is also the reality of frequent teacher turnover in many international schools. How are the two related? ..more
By Stephan Anagnost
Organized by Lincoln Community School in Accra, Ghana, the Krakow Journey is a unique, meaningful, and powerful initiation in which all participants begin to explore the roots and consequences of hatred, bigotry, and racism in their own lives and in the world. ..more
By Dominique Pierre
Dominique Pierre, Director of the Children of Haiti project (COHP), reassured Forrest Broman today, that despite some damage, the hurricane that tore through Haiti and other Caribbean nations had spared the school. ..more
By Cynthia Nagrath
TIE has recently changed printers in order to promote more sustainable practices and make better use of natural and renewable products. TIE's CEO Brittany Betts discusses the company's green commitment. ..more
By Andy Leathwood
A series of bomb attacks in Turkey and an attempted coup in mid-July added to months of challenge and uncertainty for Andrew Leathwood, Head of Tarsus American College in southern Turkey. So how to lead in this environment? ..more
By Gwen Cario
On September 10, 2016, The Awty International School celebrated its 60th anniversary with a ceremonial groundbreaking for its new Early Learning Campus. The new facility will house students in Pre-K3 through first grade. ..more
By Frank O’Gara
Three Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) Schools were recognized today by U.S. Secretary of Education John B. King as 2016 National Blue Ribbon Schools, an award based on their overall academic excellence or their progress in closing achievement gaps. ..more
By Liliana M. Garces, Pennsylvania State University
In the Fisher case judgment, the Supreme Court has reminded institutions to assess race-neutral policies. But a large body of evidence shows so-called race-neutral admissions policies are not as effective for attaining racial diversity and could exacerbate racial inequities. ..more
By Panos Vostanis
Out of the 60 million people who have been evicted from their homes due to persecution and conflicts worldwide, at least half are children. But it's not just children who need support to cope--their families and caregivers do, too. ..more
Jim Gilson
An update from Jim Gilson of Quality Schools International on the fire that destroyed several rooms at the International School of Benin on 3 September 2016. ..more
By Katharine Mudra
For another year running, a student from the International School of Stavanger (ISS) claimed one of only two prizes awarded at the regional Konkurransen Unge Forskere (Norwegian Contest for Young Scientists/Researchers). ..more
By Simon Gauci
The American International School of Guangzhou (AISG) World Languages Department, under the leadership of Ms. Sarah Ting, has been sponsoring Chinese interns at AISG for six years, offering workshops to Sun Yat-Sun University (SYSU) graduate students. ..more
By Robert Marx
The most effective weapons in the fight to stop LGBTQ bullying might just be quite simple – young people coming together to talk, laugh and share their lives. An article from The Conversation by Robert Marx and Heather Hensman Kettrey of Vanderbilt University. ..more
By Janet Rose and Rebecca McGuire-Snieckus
How do we teach a child to behave? Rewards and sanctions rely on a calm, fully functional and rational mind to operate successfully. A different approach to children's behavior could improve relationships and resilience. ..more
By Susanna Fajardo
On March 19, 2016, the American International School of Lagos (AISL) hosted over 200 local teachers and administrators from 135 Nigerian schools at the 14th annual Nigerian International Schools Conference (NISC). ..more
By Anthony Wong
Singapore American School is collaborating with the International School of Beijing to bring together international school security professionals to learn from the best safety and security practitioners in the region. ..more
By William Scarborough
At Singapore American School, we are aware that Southeast Asia can be a turbulent region. Recognizing our visibility as a symbol of the U.S., in recent years we have worked to improve our security measures while maintaining our traditional welcoming atmosphere. ..more
By Peter C. Mott
"NEASC’s trail-blazing new accreditation protocol—ACE Learning—has now been launched," states Peter Mott, "and all of our members have received an invitation to a dedicated ACE Learning site." ..more
William Powell of Education Across Frontiers sadly passed away 11 July surrounded by his family. Bill served as an international school educator for 30 years in the United States, Saudi Arabia, Tanzania, Indonesia, and Malaysia. We are posting here the letter his family shared on Thursday, 14 July via EAFnet. ..more
By Marwan El Nashar
For the last five years, El Alsson School in Giza, Egypt has been breaking new ground by offering free English lessons for the children and community surrounding the school. ..more
By Michael J. Hibbeln
Ninety-six international school teachers and assistants from fourteen area international schools attended the first annual Milan International Teacher Association (MITA) Conference at the American School of Milan last November. ..more
By Anna Seipelt Goco
When asked how her life changed with the education she received at International School Manila (ISM), Bernice Delos Reyes says “My perspective of the world has changed so much, in the sense that I have more empathy and understanding of how the world works.” ..more
By Matthew Johnson
Whether you are a classroom teacher, an instructional coach, a grade-level coordinator, or a teacher leader, there are very practical steps that you can take to move forward and enhance your role and position in today’s schools. ..more
By Clint Randles
The way we experience music has changed. So what should the 21st-century music classroom look like? Has students' learning kept pace with the changes that got under way more than a century ago? Or is it way past time for music education to undergo a metamorphosis? ..more
By Thomas Longrigg
Beijing City International School (BCIS) ran one of its monthly Parents as Learners (PAL) Workshops, titled “Transitions: Supporting Your Child Through Change," which was focused on the many transitions we face at all ages. ..more
By Anne Keeling
An increasing number of international English-medium K–12 schools are embracing the opportunities and challenges of inclusion, according to a recent survey conducted by ISC Research and Next Frontier Inclusion (NFI). ..more
By Ettie Zilber
Most high schools offer a “Career Week” in which professionals are invited to speak to the students and describe their fields of activity. I remember being upset when I first realized that the roster of speakers never included educators to speak about a career in education. ..more
By Lana Captan Ghandour
Lincoln Community School (LCS) in Accra, Ghana launched a Loyalty Card Program that quickly transformed a number of LCS students into award-winning social innovators and philanthropists recognized throughout Africa. ..more
By Joy Jameson
Should school email accounts be considered as private or public domain? That is to say, should school administrators have free access to teachers’ school email accounts and the privilege of reading the emails in the accounts? ..more
By Tiffany Razavi, TIE Staff Writer
The Comparative Indicators of Education report includes reading literacy data from fourth graders, mathematics and science data from fourth and eighth graders, PISA data from 15-year-olds, and literacy, numeracy, and problem-solving data from 16- to 65-year-olds. ..more
By Kevin Schafer
It is with great pleasure and excitement that the Board of Trustees of the Near East South Asia (NESA) Council of Overseas Schools announces the appointment of Madeleine Hewitt as the next NESA Executive Director. ..more
By Peter Bergman
It's that time of the year when students get ready to enroll in college. But many don't, even after being accepted. What can be done? Peter Bergman of Teachers College, Columbia University, weighs in on the efficacy of carefully designed nudges. ..more
By Naima Thompson
The UN Declaration of Human Rights stipulates that everyone has the right to education. But tens of thousands, if not millions, will never know the inside of a classroom. Necessary Arts School was founded in an effort to Reach the Unreachable. ..more
By Lourdes Lanote
In a world littered with 140-character thought fragments, the Universal American School (UAS) community celebrated the revolutionary power of literacy with a week-long event that engaged over 1,400 students, 150 teachers, and 120 support staff, as well as parents and administrators. ..more
By Marga Akerboom and Nancy Kroonenberg
The American International School of Rotterdam (AISR) is in the third year of offering an expanded mother-tongue language program in grades PreK1 through Grade 5, which includes French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Russian, and Spanish. ..more
By Pierina Redler
Bright Girls Shela Secondary School on the Kenyan island of Lamu provides education to girls who otherwise may be married off at an early age. The International School Kenya (ISK) has had on ongoing relationship with the school, building classrooms and donating library books. ..more
Jim Anderson
This Earth Day, QSI of Dongguan, Utahaloy of Zengcheng, ISD of Dongguan, NCPA of Dongguan, and SIS of Shenzhen united to have the first Eco Ed China conference in Dongguan that was solely dedicated to the environment. ..more
By Sarah Lillo
Service-learning efforts rely on leaders and organizers. These efforts involve many people, including both school and local community members. It is easy to underestimate the skills required to inspire, organize, and manage these diverse groups. ..more
Hilda Alposilva
The new campus of the International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL) contributes to the mission of providing an exceptional international education to children of families who are globally minded and seek a diverse learning environment. ..more
By Anne Keeling
The UAE continues to be the leading country in the world for English-medium K-12 international independent schools. Currently competing in a very tight race with China with respect to the total number of schools, in terms of student enrollment the UAE leads the world decisively. ..more
By Leanne Moore and Mats Haaland
While writing labs are fairly common in U.S. high schools, they have yet to be prevalent in English-language international high schools. Even less common is the use of writing labs among a student population composed entirely of English language learners. ..more
By Natasha Broman, TIE Staff Writer
With growing numbers of non-English-speaking children in British classrooms, a forthcoming report ordered by the U.K.’s Education Secretary Nicky Morgan will examine how “education tourism” and an influx of refugees may be changing the face of education in the country. ..more
By Cynthia Nagrath, TIE Staff Writer
Forrest Broman announced his retirement after an exceptional 30-year career as CEO and founder of both The International Educator (TIE) and The Principals’ Training Center for International School Leadership (PTC). ..more
By Kristen DiMatteo
Students, teachers, staff, parents, and other members of the Munich International School community were moved and moving at Arts Day, our annual celebration of cross-curricular, whole-school arts and learning. ..more
By Jeff Grabill
The writing part of the new SAT, considered optional, is required by many colleges and universities. What special challenges does it pose? And are schools ready to teach students those writing skills? ..more
By Cynthia Nagrath
Joy Jameson’s article, Teachers’ Lounges: Valuable or Wasted Space? brought back distant memories for me that until now had been long forgotten. ..more
SeriaShia J. Chatters
Though state and local lawmakers have put policies in place to address and prevent bullying and schools have done much to implement interventions, SeriaShia J. Chatters has found that bullying based on bias continues to be an issue. ..more
By Cynthia Nagrath, TIE Staff Writer
When Forrest Broman announced his retirement from The International Educator (TIE), which he founded thirty years ago, his friends and colleagues shared their memories and admiration for this exceptional leader in the field of education. ..more
By Deron Marvin
Trust is an especially fragile but necessary entity in our work. For the conscientious leader, it takes deliberate planning and devotion to successfully realize it. Employ the following five steps to help build and maintain trust within your team. ..more
By Andrea A. Curcio
In the past couple of years, much has been written about the high rate of sexual assaults on college campuses. What no one seems to be talking about is that most assaults occur in the dorms during the first weeks of the semester among acquaintances. ..more
Recent headlines in education news and research: Hold the praise to raise performance levels, Personal appearance plays a part in grading, California insists on inclusion in new standards, Michelle Obama seeks better access to education for girls worldwide, and more... ..more
By Robbie Jefferiss
The numbers on transcripts are faceless and cold. How difficult it becomes as a counselor when your realize your favorite student’s chance at being admitted to his or her dream college may be dashed, based in part on not having the right numbers. ..more
By Clare McDermott
I am channeling Oliver Twist as I walk through the food court during lunchtime. Of course, none of my students are looking up at me with pathetic, hungry eyes, asking for more. It’s not the lack of options, but the overwhelming selection that has that song running through my brain. ..more
By Jess Hench & Xian Xu
The general public has become increasingly concerned with the performance of schools and teachers. If used thoughtfully, student growth measures can play a valuable role in documenting our school and classroom successes. ..more
By Donald E. Heller
Debt-free college? Tuition free college? From my perspective, as a researcher of college access and finance over the last two decades, the reality is that free college makes little sense in today’s political and economic environment. ..more
By Andrew Hallam
Reams of international teachers are aware of something dark. Those working overseas for long periods of time may not reap the benefits of their home country social programs when they retire. But building a portfolio of index funds takes less than one hour a year. ..more
The Trust for Sustainable Living (TSL), based in the U.K. has announced that Akepipat Nimitsawan from KIS International School, Thailand, is one of the shortlisted finalists in the Primary age category in the TSL 2016 International Schools Essay Competition. ..more
Elizabeth Bettini
Special educators serve students with significant learning and behavioral needs. To effectively serve their students, they must have sophisticated knowledge and skills about content, pedagogy, and students' learning. ..more
By Noel Mzese and Natasha Haque
In talking about culture, we sometimes schools overlook a very important one--namely, that of the school environment itself. This article presents some of the ways in which Dar es Salaam International Academy (DIA) has taken steps to recognize and develop its unique culture. ..more
C.M. Rubin
“As demography shifts and migration patterns make classrooms more ethnically and culturally diverse, the global knowledge economy demands graduates with nuanced, global skills,” says World Savvy Co-Founder Dana Mortenson. ..more
By Lois Engelbrecht
Representatives from four international schools in the greater Manila area met at Faith Academy to set up a multidisciplinary team, initiating the process of expanding their child protection policies to include local resources. ..more
By Rose C. Puffer
Last December during their Winterfest performance, the middle and high school choir at the International School of Islamabad dedicated a moving requiem to those lost during the deadly attack on the Army Public School in Peshawar, Pakistan. ..more
By Tiffani Razavi, TIE Staff Writer
Susan Kumriel, Head of Field Research at International School Consultancy (ISC) shared an annual update on the international schools market, with a special focus on inclusion. ..more
By Tiffani Razavi, TIE Staff Writer
The Association for the Advancement of International Education (AAIE) opened its historic 50th annual conference in Atlanta on February 8 under the theme "Interconnected and Inclusive." ..more
By Joy Jameson
At this time of year, with contract renewals coming up, having to tell an employee that it’s time to retire is perhaps one of an administrator’s most difficult and dreaded tasks. Some prefer to drop a hint rather than engage in a direct conversation with the employee. ..more
By Lawrence Torres III
Andersen Elementary School fourth-grade student Gracie Giles attended the fourth annual Healthy Lunchtime Challenge and Kids’ State Dinner in Washington D.C. for her “Y’obama Yakisoba” recipe. ..more
By Proserpina Dhlamini-Fisher
Are we recruiting with our students in mind, to enable them to have role models from their own cultures? Are we also consciously thinking about diversity within our teaching staff in our international schools? Do we remember our mission statements during interviews? ..more
Bambi Betts & Forrest Broman received the Walid Abushakra Award for Impact on International Education at the 50th annual AAIE conference held in Atlanta, Georgia last week. ..more
Tiffani Razavi
Some 120 participants gathered today for AISH’s 9th Annual OASIS Day at Atlanta International School to discuss learning and leadership in an interactive session with Kevin Bartlett, Former Director of the International School of Brussels and now Co-Designer and Co- Leader of Common Ground Collaborative (CGC). ..more
By Meadow Hilley, TIE Editor
Search Associates' Cambridge fair brought together 423 pre-screened teachers, administrators, and intern candidates, along with 241 recruiters from international schools around the world looking to fill openings. ..more
By Mark Helman
This year, the American School in Taichung hosted the 13th Annual Session of the Taiwan Model United Nations (TAIMUN) Conference and partnered with the United Nations Foundation’s Nothing But Nets (NBN) Campaign. ..more
By Jess Hench & Xian Xu
While the belief and best efforts for PD are genuine, the results are proving to be disappointing, at best. In fact, recent large-scale studies in the U.S. found that most PD failed. ..more
By Jim Gilson
On the night of 29 December 2015, the dome building at Sanaa International School (SIS) in Yemen was hit by an airstrike and destroyed. Damage was also done to the original classroom buildings. ..more
By Ed Ladd
Ed Ladd of the American School in Japan expresses his views on The College Board's approach to the AP Japanese program, insisting the organization should re-write its software to support multi-platforms. ..more
By Ettie Zilber
Students at the International School of Arizona (ISA) participated in trilingual versions of two fairy tales in their end-of-year play productions of Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella. ..more
By Kristie Da-Ngoc Nguyen
Kristie Da-Ngoc Nguyen of AIS Chennai shares the moving story of how her father--"a man who embodied courage, confidence, compassion, and creativity"--came to immigrate to the US and raise four children on his own. ..more
By Bobby Fagogenis
At times it can seem like a herculean task to address the sea of messages one can find in an inbox on any given day. Here are a few helpful tips for teachers on dealing with email overload. ..more
+ 2015
By Jacqueline Fabius
In 2014, ten-year-old Bella Gibbons of New Zealand decided to give up her Christmas presents to raise money so she could send gifts to students at the Children of Haiti Project. “I wanted to do something big that no one had really done before." ..more
By Anne Keeling
The number of English-medium international schools around the world has reached 8,000. In total, these schools are teaching over 4.26 million students aged from three to 18, according to ISC Research, and the market continues to grow. ..more
By Sheila Ascencio
As educators, we need to make strategic decisions aimed at shaping and reshaping our professional growth. That growth is essential throughout an educator’s professional life, and occurs through both individual efforts and collaborative work with colleagues. ..more
By Tim Sheu
With the rising number of English language learners around the world, it has become ever more important for international schools to recognize the needs of ESL students and embrace them as an asset, while understanding the challenges they face. ..more
By Ross Idris
The International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL) celebrated its 50th Anniversary this past spring with a series of special events, from the Alumni Reception to Malaysian Stall Night to the Gala Dinner featuring a fashion show. ..more
By Frank O’Gara
The Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) named Dr. Emily Kyser Marsh to a temporary appointment effective 31 July as the Acting Director for DoDEA operations in the Americas. ..more
Middle States' Program of Distinction award recognizes high-achieving schools for their ongoing accomplishments in a specific area and serves as an external validation that the program is world class. ..more
By Bill and Ochan Powell
More and more international schools are embracing the effort to achieve inclusion of children and young adults with learning challenges. But too many continue to argue that they lack the resources, community approval, and professional capacity. ..more
By Cynthia Nagrath
TIE Editor Meadow Hilley climbed New Hampshire's Mt. Washington to raise awareness and money for the Breast Cancer Fund’s mission to identify and eliminate the environmental causes of the disease. ..more
By Lucia Mock
ACS Beirut has a longstanding partnership with the Women’s Program Association Learning Center in Burj el Barajneh refugee camp and has recently expanded its scope to serve Syrian refugee children living in the camp. ..more
By Jess Hench
We are constantly pushed to compare student achievement and teacher effectiveness in our schools across the globe, which makes teacher evaluation increasingly prominent in schools. There are a variety of evaluation methods in use, and some may be more effective than others. ..more
A team of 11 students from Taipei American School won the Grand Prize at iGEM's Giant Jamboree--the premiere world championship for synthetic biologists--held at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston MA, from September 24-28, 2015. ..more
By Lesley Murphy
Students at American School of The Hague surpassed the majority of their peers around the world this year in the IB Diploma pass rate and their scores on American AP exams. ..more
By Arlette Stuip
Every winter, fifth-graders at the American School of the Hague (ASH) get busy raising funds to support an amazing animal shelter in Phuket, Thailand called Soi Dog, which means “street dog.” ..more
By Andrew Hallam
"You don’t have to retire in poverty," writes Andrew Hallam, who teaches at Singapore American School and writes a personal finance column. "If you save plenty of money and invest intelligently, you could earn a far better lifestyle than your homebound friends." ..more
By Angie Cairns
With the goal of teaching teachers how to integrate new iPad applications into the classroom, Tashkent International School took a bold step and put 33 sixth graders in charge of their instruction. ..more
By Tiffani Razavi, TIE Staff Writer
A new study involving participants from over 50 schools--including 2,800 students from seven international schools--shows that teenage girls simultaneously hold and are the subject of gender biases, both explicit and implicit ..more
By Anne Keeling
When the British School of Kathmandu announced an appeal to support local schools and communities devastated by Nepal's earthquake, Teachers International Consultancy and its employees jumped in to help. ..more
By Rich Lehrer
“e-NABLE,” a group of volunteers committed to globally crowdsourcing the design, production, and dissemination of cheap, 3D-printed prostheses, is empowering students around the world to create tools to help others. ..more
By John Mikton
There is a belief that children nowadays are natural, "Digital Natives," and that we adults on the sidelines are "Digital Immigrants." This in turn contributes to a sense of disconnect between us, in response to which educators often restrict access to technology. ..more
By Jared Kuruzovich
On Thursday, 9 October 2015, NIST hosted its fifth annual Pinktober event, which aims to raise awareness for the prevention and treatment of breast cancer and to ensure annual health screenings for the school's female support staff. ..more
By Meadow Hilley, TIE Editor
While we accept articles on a rolling basis, submissions for The International Educator's upcoming December issue must be received by November 1. Texts should be no more than 800 words and include photographs, captions, a byline, and a very short author bio. Email all submissions to [email protected], or write for more information. ..more
By Marc Morian
After a year of construction, the International School of Hamburg's new West Wing is now officially open, a welcome addition since the school has been expanding steadily over the years. ..more
By Neil Griffiths
The teaching of PE has migrated through a multitude of approaches over the past century. With the evolving nature of education, concerning our students and the betterment of society, it is likely that the journey to identify what’s worth measuring in PE is not yet over. ..more
By Richard Pacheco
Endicott’s fifth M.Ed. summer study center, which opens in July 2016, will be hosted by Endicott’s partner institution, The British School of Costa Rica, in San José, Costa Rica. ..more
By Steve Parker
Teachers and administrators at The Sullivans School opened their first Parent University on September 29 to teach parents about the new College and Career Ready (C&CR) curriculum standards. ..more
By Anne Keeling
Over 33,000 students from schools around the globe this year shared in one common learning experience: to master one of the vocal parts for a new song called “Listen To Us!” as part of the Voices Around The World project. ..more
By Forrest Broman
Forrest Broman, CEO of TIE, decries the massive refugee crisis and addresses a plea to his colleagues in the international education community: "Isn’t it time for a concerted effort to intervene in some necessarily small but meaningful way?" ..more
By Frank O'Gara
Three Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) Schools were recognized on 29 September by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan as 2015 National Blue Ribbon Schools. ..more
By Michael D. Popinchalk
In his fifth and final year as a global representative for New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), Michael D. Popinchalk of the Commission on International Education shares a few thoughts on recent trends. ..more
By Bonnie Billak
When working with language learners it’s important to focus on creating producers of language, not solely consumers, argues ESL Specialist Bonnie Billak. In this article she offers classroom strategies that provide the scaffolding needed for success. ..more
By Gail D. Schoppert
The Foreign Administrators and Retirees Tournament of Sport played its 21st edition in splendid weather in New Hampshire’s scenic Upper Valley on June 29 and 30, benefiting the Children of Haiti Project and C4K. ..more
By Frank O'Gara
Dr. Dell W. McMullen is the new Director of Department of Defense Education Activity Schools in Europe with oversight of the 66 schools serving more than 28,000 children of U.S. military and civilian personnel families. ..more
By Peter Ellerton
It is a common lamentation that students are not taught to think, but there is usually an accompanying lack of clarity about exactly what that might mean. A new paper points out the value of giving students experiences that go beyond simple recall or learned procedures. ..more
This Saturday, 5 September, NIST will host the inaugural TEDxYouth@NIST event: Voices. Several NIST students will give presentations on their passions and desire to make change alongside notable alum and other inspirational guests. ..more
By Claire Young
Northumbria University graduate Marius Nazare, 23, is part of a team of entrepreneurs behind Podstel, the world’s first crowdsourced hostel. And it all started with a study abroad program... ..more
By Meadow Hilley
After being held for over a year, JIS's Neil Bantleman and Ferdinant Tjiong were released last Friday when the Jakarta High Court overturned their convictions. ..more
By Frank O'Gara
Dr. Linda L. Curtis, current Area Director of DoDEA Pacific Schools, has been named the new DoDEA Principal Deputy Director and Associate Director for Education. Dr. Gael Coyle will become Acting Area Director of DoDEA Pacific Schools. ..more
By Trish Frazzetto
High School Principal Nicholas Kent of Concordia International School Shanghai joins the Secondary School Admission Test Board. ..more
Rob Brewitt retires after having served for over forty years as Principal and Superintendent in international schools in Thailand, Norway, Austria, and Holland. ..more
By Tiffani Razavi, TIE Staff Writer
Low-income students perform less well than high-income students when it comes to grades, high school completion rates, and test scores. Findings suggest that these income-related differences are growing more stark. ..more
The Hong Kong Education Bureau selected Dubai-based international school operator Esol Education to establish and operate a new American school in Tai Po. ..more
By Anne Keeling
K-12 English-medium international schools now provide education for over 4 million students around the world. “The market is exceedingly healthy, with strong growth in the numbers of schools and students certain for the foreseeable future.” ..more
By Gwen Cario
The Awty International School Chess Team is the 2015 National High School Champion. Over three days in April, ten Awty students competed in seven matches each—some lasting up to four hours—at the national championship tournament. ..more
By Chris Starr
At the International School of Luxembourg, first graders recently took on the challenge of disposing of rubbish without sending it to an incinerator during Zero Waste Week, promoting good recycling practices at school and home. ..more
By Bambi Betts
Five years ago, following the massive earthquake that devastated much of Haiti, the Children of Haiti Project (COHP) opened its humble doors to 85 children. Today, it is able to pursue this mission in a new facility. ..more
By Cynthia Nagrath
Burned-out, stressed-out, under-appreciated, pressed for time, micro-managed, under- paid -- all common complaints heard frequently about teachers these days, but is this leading to unhappy teachers? ..more
By Bill Willis
Within a week of our arrival, we were jolted out of our sleep by an earthquake that hit a remote part of southwestern China. ..more
The New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) and the European Council of International Schools (ECIS) are pleased to announce a partnership to co-develop a professional learning curriculum. ..more
Education news briefs from The New York Times, The Guardian, Education Week, U.S. News & World Report, Black Boys Report, The Daily Telegraph, The Atlantic, and more. ..more
By Anne Keeling
New data from ISC Research reveals that there are now 722 English-medium international schools in Africa employing 28,700 full time teaching staff and serving more than 293,000 students. ..more
By Jess Hench and Xianxuan Xu
AISH highly recommends and endorses the Stronge & Associates teacher performance standards as the preferred standards for international schools, as they delineate expectations and serve as an effective basis for evaluating and developing good teaching. ..more
By Meadow Hilley
International school communities are particularly vulnerable to the threat of sexual predators, according to the International Task Force on Child Protection, which reported on their progress at AAIE's February conference. ..more
By Steve Parker
The Sullivans School hosted its annual Special Education Professional Exchange, a unique opportunity to share information about special education programs among American educators and local Japanese special education teachers and students. ..more
By Anne Keeling
Singapore has opened up new opportunities for international school development. Several 30-year lease sites zoned for education use are being made available. The Request For Interest announcement will take place on 5 May. ..more
By Antonio Morales
There has been a rapid increase in the number of families moving from their home country to foreign countries due to employment, education, or military assignment. The children who accompany their parents or guardians on the global excursion are called Third Culture Kids (TCKs). The educational needs of TCKs are unique and the international schools TCKs attend affect their transition into the multinational arena. ..more
By Ettie Zilber
What are the catalysts that send educators on a career path into international schools around the world? Ettie Zilber thinks there are very specific, indelible, and early life events that influence a future wanderlust. ..more
By Terry Howard
Forty years after the end of the Vietnam War, the American School of Bilbao (ASB), Spain was given the chance to have a guest speaker named Robert Kleinbrook come talk to the IB History class on this topic. ..more
By Forrest Broman
TIE CEO Forrest Broman offers a reflection on the recent SAE fraternity scandal at the University of Oklahoma and the role international schools can play in eliminating ethnic prejudice. ..more
By Frank O’Gara
National School Counseling Week provides recognition for school counselors who implement comprehensive school counseling programs, vital to students as they meet the challenges of the 21st century. ..more
By Deron Marvin
As an administrator, finding yourself buried under email will keep you away from teachers and students for a substantial chunk of the day. Following these tips will curb the affliction of email and allow you to focus on fostering learning. ..more
By Bonnie Billak
Administrators are often unaware of the key role they play in developing and maintaining ESL programs at their schools. In fact, their level of involvement is of such great importance that it can be a deciding factor in the success or failure of the entire program. ..more
By Lawrence Torres
“Ms. Baker does an excellent job, and we are proud to have her represent the Japan District as the recipient of the OSNHA School Nurse of the Year Award,” said DoDEA Japan District Superintendent Lois Rapp. ..more
By Susanna Fajardo
In the middle of the school day, on August 27, Nigerian officials came to the American International School of Lagos campus, insisting that our director close the school immediately due to the Ebola virus. Offering all courses online suddenly became an urgent necessity. ..more
By Gerardo Peralta
ANS aims to develop its multicultural student community into “ethical individuals capable of realizing their leadership potential by making meaningful contributions to society,” and offers 17 high-impact community service clubs. ..more
By Steve Parker and Calvin Grosshuesch
The National Geographic Bee local final rounds were held in January at Sullivans Elementary School. The first place winner will now take a written examination to qualify for advancement in the worldwide competition. ..more
By Bambi Betts
Over 100 school heads gathered in the innovative Nueva School in San Mateo for the annual AISH OASIS event on the theme of "Practical Innovation," designed to provide international schools heads with a brief opportunity for some rich professional development. ..more
By Frank O’Gara
The Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) has named Dr. Joan Islas to a temporary appointment effective immediately as the Interim Director for DoDEA operations in Europe, Western Asia, and the Middle East. ..more
By Harry Brake
The American School Foundation’s student literary art magazine Repentino., based in Mexico City and formerly known as Reflections, received the Gold Crown Award in journalism from Columbia University in 2015. ..more
News briefs on education-related topics from around the world: Indonesia, New Zealand, Liberia, Finland, U.S., Canada... ..more
By John Mikton
John Mikton discusses the ways in which Reid Wilson's infographic "The Profile of a Modern Teacher" challenges the thinking of today's educators and pushes them to reconsider the pedagogic discourse of learning in schools. ..more
By Patricia Salleh Matta
The International School of Kenya (ISK) is building a new elementary teaching and learning facility, conceived as a "third teacher" seeking to meet the needs of the individual learner by offering a flexible learning environment. ..more
By Robert Landau
Deborah Welch, Director of the American School of Doha for the past five years, has been offered and accepted the offer to be the next CEO of AISH. She was formerly the Deputy Director for Learning at International School Bangkok. ..more
By Josefino Rivera, Jr.
This year, Asociación Escuelas Lincoln in Buenos Aires, Argentina joined the handful of international schools that offers a TED-Ed Club on campus and will host a TEDx Youth Event. ..more
By Jeff Smith
It’s that time of year. The dance begins and recruiting is in full throttle. Searching the databases from SEARCH, TIE online, COIS, etc., writing emails to folks to see if they are interested in moving to our particular beat. ..more
By Bill Willis & Warren Apel
Who is doing what to solve the various common problems and tasks we face at international schools? Several years ago, the authors asked that very question and devised a Functionality Overlap chart. ..more
By William Scarborough
Twenty years ago, almost all international schools were non-profits, explains William Scarborough of SAS. But in the last two decades this trend has changed as for-profit schools began to open, or non-profit schools were bought by profit-making companies. ..more
By Frank O’Gara
The Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) will participate in the 2015 National History Teacher of the Year (NHTOY) competition, sponsored by the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History and Preserve America. ..more
The Academy of International School Heads (AISH) hosted their annual OASIS Day in the open and welcoming spaces of the beautiful Nueva high school campus ..more
By Kyra Gailis
Kyra Gailis shares some tips about how to deal with sudden growth and creative responses to questions such as Where will we ever find an additional teacher? How will we find room in the building, not to mention in the budget? What will the parents say? ..more
By Siri Berman
The Theory of Knowledge Department at Colegio Americano of Quito hosted its first ever Indigenous Knowledge Systems workshop in October, featuring guest speakers who shared their insights into the importance of folklore, rituals, herbs, and songs for indigenous communities. ..more
By Sarah Lillo
Sarah Lillo pursues her World Literary Challenge, in which she proposed to read a text from every country in the world, this time exploring works either written by African authors or set on the African continent. ..more
By Gregory A. Hedger
Gregory Hedger describes the experience of trying to run Escuela Campo Alegre in Caracas, Venezuela at the height of the country's instability during the 2013-14 academic year. ..more
By Katharine Mudra
Linda Duevel of ISS in Norway was voted this year’s Ernest Mannino International Superintendent of the Year by the Association for the Advancement of International Education. ..more
+ 2014
By Forrest Broman
Forrest Broman and Frank Anderson spent three days in Haiti, meeting with parents, staff and children in the COHP Program, that now educates, feeds and cares for 65 impoverished children. ..more
By Tara Barton
AISJ teachers and administrators want to ensure that service is totally connected to classroom learning and demonstrates positive and meaningful action within the community. ..more
By Angie Cairns Kuschel
To commemorate Tashkent International School’s 20th anniversary, 500 eager students and over 100 staff members gathered in the center of campus for a group photo. ..more
By Kim Maialetti
The Middle States Association Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA-CESS) has recognized ACS Beirut for Programs of Distinction in Early Childhood Education and World Languages-Arabic. ..more
By Jim Gilson
Jim Gilson, President of Quality Schools International, reports on recent enrollment data from all 36 private international schools within the QSI network. ..more
By Karen Kish
A personal reflection on the years the author spent teaching in Egypt, and all that has taken place in the years since. "The Egypt we know is a land of friendly, fun-loving, and hard-working people." ..more
By Steve Parker
Members of Commander Fleet Activities, Yokosuka Base Energy Team visited the Sullivans School in Japan recently and shared their knowledge of the Naval Base’s solar arrays. ..more
By Joseph Cubas & Sunita Bhargava
To reflect on its 35-year history and celebrate its journey, the American School of Bombay will publish a comprehensive history of the school and chronicle changes in teaching approaches over the last four decades. ..more
By Loryn Guiffre
The Hawaii Association of Independent Schools (HAIS) Board of Directors has named Robert Landau the organization’s new executive director, replacing longtime Executive Director Robert Witt. ..more
By Lucy Frembgen
Students of Beirut’s American Community School ran to raise awareness and collect donations in their 2nd annual Fitness Food Drive, combining fitness and community service to benefit Al Layan Syrian refugee camp. ..more
By Connie Buford
Each year, the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) sponsors the National Distinguished Principals Award Program. This year's two award winners from U.S. Department of State-assisted schools are Simon Gillespie from International School Manila, Philippines, and Robert Jackson from the QSI International School of Minsk, Belarus. ..more
A letter by Bambi Betts
In this letter, Bambi Betts informs members of the Academy for International School Heads (AISH), an institution she has led as CEO for the past nine years, of her decision to step down from this position in order to pursue other projects and activities. ..more
By Teresa Guitterez
This past winter saw higher-than-normal Air Quality Index (AQI) values in Shanghai. Concordia's high school students turned this environmental challenge into a real-life learning experience. ..more
by Jeff Trudeau
Jeff Trudeau, Director of the American International School of Monrovia, has written to inform the international education community of the closure of his school due to the prevalence of the deadly Ebola virus in the city and region. ..more
By Nena de Alvarado
The international Day of Peace has been celebrated at The American School of Tegucigalpa as a school-wide event for the past 8 years. This year, the community marked the occasion with the inauguration of a peace pole. ..more
By Bill Willis
Lincoln School in Nepal is participating in the Google Open Gallery Project, part of the Google Cultural Institute, and has created numerous online exhibits. ..more
By Meadow Hilley
On October 5, teachers were celebrated by their students, their administrators, and their peers to mark 2014’s World Teachers’ Day, an event created by UNESCO in 1994 to draw attention to this vital profession. ..more
By Kate Ferrier
In late August, the Dulwich College International network inaugurated its newest campus in Singapore, welcoming 884 students from Toddler to Year 8 onto its purpose-built, state-of-the-art campus in Bukit Batok. ..more
By Anne Keeling
Online learning is an increasingly fundamental part of higher education and the workplace. International schools in particular are helping to lead the way, with a growing number embracing this new approach to learning and teaching. ..more
By Gordon Eldridge, TIE Columnist
We all aim to meet the diverse needs of our students, but it can be difficult to find reliable information that can help us support students from varying cultural backgrounds. TIE columnist Gordon Eldridge considers familiar stereotypes and the realities they mask. ..more
By Allen Mondell
A new documentary film by Allen Mondell looks back on the Peace Corps experience through the eyes of a first-wave volunteer. ..more
By Chris Starr
The anti-social behavior of Portugal's defender Pepe offered psychologist and author Fari Khabirpour a prime example in discussing "Respect – Responsibility – Resiliency" within the framework of ISL's Parenting Seminar Series. ..more
By Karen Kish
Karen Kish describes some harrowing experiences when various sorts of vehicles collide on Cairo's congested streets, and the inevitable thrill they produce in the unsuspecting expat. ..more
By Matt Errico
Students at ASD participated in Qatar History Day, conducting oral interviews to explore the country's rich past and its meteoric rise from a poor, pearl diving country to one of staggering affluence. ..more
By Robert Bennett
The American International School of Libreville in Gabon hosted its first high school graduation last May, awarding four diplomas to its promising seniors. ..more
By William O’Hale
Hundreds were present at the inauguration ceremony for the American School of Madrid’s (ASM) new Athletics Complex and O’Hale Center for the Sciences. ..more
By Daniel Lincoln
After holding executive leadership positions in both the public and private educational sectors internationally, Vincent Ferrandino retired from his position as Senior Education Advisor at the Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). ..more
The not-for-profit Association for the Advancement of International Education (AAIE) is a dynamic global community of learning, currently seeking a new Executive Director. The application deadline is November 15, 2014. ..more
By Gregory Hedger
There have been times I felt a knot in my stomach walking into potentially abrasive meetings with parents. But parents are there in the best interests of their children, and so am I. ..more
By Kim Marshall, TIE Columnist
In this Chronicle of Higher Education article, Ms. Storbeck describes the unfortunate effect as a candidate uses his iPad and keyboard throughout an interview. ..more
by Gordon Eldridge, TIE Columnist
A common misconception about inquiry is that it never involves explicit teaching. Truly purposeful inquiry is far more complex than this. ..more
By Daniel Lincoln
A panel of international experts on effective teaching practice and supervision convenes to compare notes, contrast views, and challenge their audience of experienced international school heads. ..more
By Nancy Lhoest-Squicciarini and Pam Tunney
I was the geek who bought every book that was mentioned on the TTC course and requested additional articles on a topic. Now, my role at PTC courses is about to change... ..more
+ 2012
By Natasha Broman
For many counselors and therapists, the arts remain an untapped resource in their practice. Even in a small room and with limited resources, the arts offer extremely powerful facilitation techniques for all types of problems that children might be facing. ..more
+ 2011
By Cynthia Nagrath
International schools come in many different shapes and sizes and the term itself, includes a variety of school systems encompassing a wide variety of formats and curricula, with some being more international than others. ..more
+ 1905
By Leila Holmyard
We can all visualize the caricature of the mercenary, unscrupulous school owner exploiting overburdened teachers, or that of the parent governor running roughshod over the rules and regulations he or she so fastidiously scrutinized. But is the governance of international schools really as inadequate as these stereotypes lead us to believe? ..more

TIE Online

The International Educator (TIE) is a non-profit organization committed to matching highly qualified educators with international schools around the world. For more than 30 years, TIE has been the most comprehensive service for securing a job in an international school. TIE is dedicated to advancing the highest professional teaching standards and promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the international school community.