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Friends of Forrest Broman Remember His Contributions as TIE's CEO Retires

By Cynthia Nagrath, TIE Staff Writer
Friends of Forrest Broman Remember His Contributions as TIE's CEO Retires

When Forrest Broman announced his retirement from The International Educator (TIE), which he founded thirty years ago, his friends and colleagues shared their memories and admiration for this exceptional leader in the field of education.
“There are many thousands of us involved in international education, but, when it comes down to it, there are just a handful of women and men who have made a transformational contribution. These are the people who left ‘the learning business’ irreversibly changed because of their innovative minds, entrepreneurship, and personal courage. Unquestionably, Forrest Broman is in that tiny minority of game-changers. We cannot imagine now an international education network without TIE and PTC... but the fact is that, BF, (Before Forrest) they simply did not exist. He saw the need, dreamed up the solution, made it real. Unparalleled contribution, unique visionary, loyal friend, and a great guy.”
— Kevin Bartlett, Director of the International School of Brussels & Co-Director, Common Ground Collaborative
“Forrest models the ideals of what an international community should be, especially in terms of his ever-present support, kindness, generosity, and excellence in everything he does. Forrest regularly reminds us of the human element of our work and the importance of relationships.”
— Barry Dequanne, Head of School at the American School of Brasilia
“Forrest is one of the few who has lived amongst African-Americans, called them friends, socialized and played basketball with them, and understands from his close experiences their unique culture, lives, and difficult history in the U.S. He is truly a-racial in his behavior and loves and treats everyone he meets with a special warmth and authenticity. I am proud that he cared so much for the impoverished nation of Haiti and its downtrodden peoples that he launched a school for Haiti’s tent children immediately after the earthquake.”
— John Randolph, CEO Global Education Systems
“Forrest is definitely an extraordinary international man of many ‘seasons.’ He has been inclined throughout his entire life to unselfishly assist all who have been blessed to be in his special presence. He always has been able to blend his unique brands of innovativeness, kindness, generosity, tenaciousness, and good humor to enrich everyone. Thankfully, despite Forrest electing to transition from his official leadership roles to other mature phases of his life, he will always be available for the benefit of others, including his precious family, a vast multitude of respected friends, community affairs, and his beloved Children of Haiti Project (COHP).”
— Frank Anderson, Superintendent Emeritus Colegio Internacional de Carabobo, Special Administrative/Educational Consultant for Latin America
“I have had the fortune to be one of Forrest’s students in a school he transformed from a drug-infested, low-attendance, mediocre environment to a top-notch academic institution that fed ivy leagues, among other prestigious universities and colleges. As an adult I have had the honor of being partnered with him in the Children of Haiti Project that is actively changing the lives of hundreds of people in a community in Port au Prince. As a leader, Forrest does not micromanage; he believes in people’s abilities, not their resumes, and he puts them at the helm. The only thing he lets you know is that he expects results. Somehow, once you are on his radar, without it ever being said, failure is not an option.”
— Jacqueline Fabius, former AIS student and Executive Committee for the Children of Haiti Project

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A good and kind and brilliant human being.



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