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Lincoln’s Online Museum

By Bill Willis
Lincoln’s Online Museum

Lincoln School in Nepal was invited to participate in the beta test of the Google Open Gallery Project, part of the Google Cultural Institute.
The project is still developing, but we have our very own online gallery now, located at:
Google has provided the school with an online consultant located in Paris, and in return, we provided Google with feedback.
The school has been able to create numerous exhibits with Open Gallery. The vision for our museum gallery is to showcase exemplary work from the school community, raise the profile of the school, and to provide a new platform for the expression of school projects.
Our museum gallery was a perfect venue for AP Art student Yazmin’s exhibit “The Nepal Collection” ( as an example of outstanding work.
One of the interesting features of the Open Gallery is the way in which pictures are rendered. Typically, a web page calls for low-quality images, otherwise pages take too long to load. The Open Gallery is different; curators load high-definition images and the platform automatically adjusts them, allowing users to zoom in close quickly.
Visit our museum, check out an exhibit, click on a picture, then use the magnification tool to zoom in on any part of the image for a crisp view, and enjoy your visit!
Go to Google’s Open Gallery and sign up. With an account, users can add administrators and curators and create multiple exhibits.
Create, curate, and spread the culture!
Bill Willis is Director of Technology at Lincoln School Nepal.

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