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Ending Racism in America

By Forrest Broman
Ending Racism in America

Ethnic prejudice is an issue international schools can lead the way on
As the recent SAE fraternity scandal at the University of Oklahoma reveals, racism in America is alive and well.
Here, we need not analyze the circumstances of unarmed African-American men being shot by police. Here, white college students are reveling in singing a song celebrating the lynching of young black men, with a pledge that [“N------”] would never be allowed into their fraternity.
Most Americans, black and white alike, are duly shocked. But the mere fact that a busload of university students would even tolerate this behavior is deeply disturbing—and revealing. Is Oklahoma the only place this could happen? Hardly.
This I know from my long experience as an international school director: when children mix daily with kids of different backgrounds, creeds and races, they grow up with virtually no racist attitudes.
So until the United States and other nations find a way to ensure the healthy mixing of all races and ethnic groups from K through 12, I am afraid we will keep coming face to face with shocking vestiges and expressions of racial hatred and abuse.
Mr. Broman is CEO of The International Educator.

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