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TIE Is Going Green

By Cynthia Nagrath
TIE Is Going Green

When you receive your October issue of TIE you may notice that we have a slightly different look. The pages may look a bit whiter and brighter, but they’re actually greener!
We have recently changed printers in order to promote more sustainable practices and make more use of natural and renewable products. Our publication is now printed on recycled paper (30% PCW) and we are now utilizing soy/vegetable-based inks for our newsprint.
“Our green commitment is to not only utilize materials that are more environmentally friendly, but to partner with a printer who shares our commitment to sustainability,” said Brittany Betts, CEO of The International Educator. “After an extensive search, we selected Schuman Printers, based in Fall River, WI to help us on this mission,” said Betts.
Schuman is an FSC Certified Printer, certified by the Rainforest Alliance since 2009, due to their efforts to significantly reduce their paper usage and their environmental footprint. This commitment is carried out in every phase of the print production process, from how they heat and light their plant (recycled heat for heating and air-conditioning, use of the most efficient T8 florescent lights, LEDs, and Conservair units) to the use of natural soy and vegetable-based inks, ecological solvents, and full recycling of all waste paper and inks.
Because each issue of TIE literally spans the globe in order to reach our audience of international educators around the world, we wanted to insure we take steps to reduce our environmental footprint. We will continue to seek ways to expand this effort across all aspects of our organization and we ask you, our partners at international schools around the world, to help us by making sure that you recycle your copies of TIE after each use!

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07-Oct-16 - Laurence
It's so refreshing to see the changes being made so we can all do our part in helping the planet. Kudos to TIE!



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