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13 October 2021

By Cheryl-Ann Weekes, M.Ed

An authentic apology has three parts: why, because, and. The 'why' is where you provide an explanation of your actions. The 'because' is where you acknowledge the harm done. The 'and' is what you will do differently in the future or the changed behavior. By using this framework, the person receiving the apology will know that you have given thought to their feelings... more

By Kim Cofino

If, as a woman, you feel isolated in your leadership journey, you're not alone! Many aspiring women leaders feel exactly the same way. Trying to find a mentor isn't always easy... more

By Alysa Perreras

To engage with intersectionality in international schooling, to deeply examine how systems of oppression intersect to create disparate experiences for staff and students, can feel intimidating... more

By Proserpina Dhlamini-Fisher

"As leaders we need to know that the journey is not easy. We need to be resilient, hopeful, and be very clear on what our personal purpose is"... more

By Nicholas Alchin

We often use choice and autonomy interchangeably, as if they are the same thing - but I have now come to think that these are two very different things; and one matters much more than the other... more

By David Richards

Additional measures need to be in place to help students meet the new requirements imposed by many institutions... more

By Amanda Bates

The Black Expat podcast, Global Chatter, is an ongoing conversation that focuses on international mobility, identity, race, career, and more, as it relates to Black and Brown people. In this episode, Amanda talks with Kevin Simpson of AIELOC on "How to Become Education Expat Entrepreneur"... more

By Stephen Rhodes

Policies and curriculum on dealing with e-cigarettes should be based on an understanding of current research on the relationship between nicotine addiction and the adolescent brain... more

By Sarah Metzger

Many children have been limited in their access to early childhood facilities, outdoor activities, and playdates with friends. This has impacted young children in their development of gross motor, self-regulation, and cooperation skills... more

By Qatar Foundation Press Office

The members of an all-female Afghan robotics team evacuated from Afghanistan to Qatar are to continue their education through scholarships to study at Qatar Foundation's Education City... more

By Marko Mädge

As the Bavarian International School (BIS) celebrates 30 years, it focuses on its future with a vision towards equity, diversity, and inclusion... more

By Johnny Schwerk

Despite the obvious challenges of participating in a conference online, the delegates from Lincoln Community School, Ghana showed great resilience and courage in the MUN debates... more

By Grade 5 Students

In the spirit of amplifying student voice, two fifth grade students from Chile write letters sharing ideas for improving their educational experience... more

Would you like a walk through
of the new TIE resume?
By Daniel Kerr

So I have been spending a lot of time this week trying to get to know the names of our new students, which incidentally might just be the most critical aspect of my job as we begin the new school year. I have been eating lunch with them and hanging out with them at recess, and tracking kids down on the playground before school, and you know what, it's given me plenty of time to reconnect with an undeniable and absolute truth, which are awesome! more
By Shwetangna Chakrabarty

This September, it will be one and half years since I crossed any international border. Being an international school teacher, one of the much-awaited times of the year is the summer or winter holidays, when expats like me cross many boundaries to reach our destinations... more
By Paul Magnuson

In January 2013 I started my first language course on Duolingo. Little did I know just how many hours I would spend over the next eight years! Right up to this morning, in fact, during my walk with Gilligan, our koiru ... chien ... Hund ... cachorro ... perro ... more
By Margriet Ruurs

In this column I share my favorite books to read aloud, curl up with and put into the hands of young readers. This week, a look at books about libraries and books... more

Jason A. Grissom,
Anna J. Egalite,
and Constance A. Lindsay
The Wallace Foundation
Dominic Maher is the founding Principal at the Lolland International School in Denmark which opened its doors in August 2021.
Thomas Cangiano has been appointed Head of School at the American Community School Beirut in Lebanon as of September 2021.
David Ottaviano is the new Head of School at the International School of Florence in Italy.
Justin Kilcullen-Nichols has been appointed Principal of the newly established Leonardo da Vinci Academy in the Czech Republic.
Graham Howell is the founding Principal at the PACE Modern British School in the United Arab Emirates.
Fred Schafer has been appointed as the new Elementary School Principal at Beijing City International School in China.
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TIE is committed to publishing stories, case studies, and insights that will hopefully serve as provocation and inspiration for individuals and institutions to reflect, learn, and take action. The articles presented in TIE are a reflection of the diverse perspectives of the international school community and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the organization.

17 July 2024 | New Opportunities for a New School Year
19 June 2024 | Taking Pride in Your Purpose
05 June 2024 | Belonging
22 May 2024 | Beliefs Drive Behavior
08 May 2024 | Learn by Doing, Learn by Caring
24 April 2024 | Tell Your Story
10 April 2024 | The Power of Reflection
27 March 2024 | Shifting Our Thinking
13 March 2024 | Coaching is More Than What You Think
28 February 2024 | A Culture of Global Support
14 February 2024 | Enhancing Agency
31 January 2024 | What Is an International School?
17 January 2024 | Navigating a New Year
06 December 2023 | Wellbeing & Learning
22 November 2023 | Bridging the Gap
08 November 2023 | Nurturing the Whole Child
25 October 2023 | Umoja
11 October 2023 | Settling In to School Life
27 September 2023 | The Future is Now
13 September 2023 | New Season of Growth
16 August 2023 | Empowering Others to Succeed
19 July 2023 | You’re Seen, You Matter, You Belong
21 June 2023 | We Are Here For the Kids
07 June 2023 | You Belong Here
24 May 2023 | Supporting Community
10 May 2023 | Student Voices
26 April 2023 | Evolving Identities
12 April 2023 | Innovation, Inclusion, & Inspiration
29 March 2023 | Empowering Positive Change
15 March 2023 | Understand, Care, & Grow Together
01 March 2023 | Staying & Leaving
15 February 2023 | Holding On to Hope
01 February 2023 | Mindset, Heartset, Skillset
18 January 2023 | New Year (Re)Solutions
07 December 2022 | Being and Becoming
23 November 2022 | Building a Thriving Community
09 November 2022 | Exploring Equitable Pathways
26 October 2022 | Culture of Care
12 October 2022 | Coming Together
28 September 2022 | Getting Our House in Order
14 September 2022 | Grounding Our Practices
17 August 2022 | New Growth, New Beginnings
13 July 2022 | Reflecting & Healing
22 June 2022 | Having Pride
08 June 2022 | Humanizing Ourselves
25 May 2022 | Direction & Vision
11 May 2022 | Widening Perspectives
27 April 2022 | Asking Questions
13 April 2022 | Rethinking Identities, Priorities & Fears
30 March 2022 | Passion & Purpose
16 March 2022 | Crisis & Challenge
02 March 2022 | The Learning Playlist
16 February 2022 | Voices in Action
2 February 2022 | Brave & Beautiful Journey

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