By Amanda Sunderman
As an International Baccalaureate continuum school, service learning and taking action are key parts of the program at I-Shou International School in Taiwan. Students and teachers participated in the Million Mask Challenge by donating, prepping materials, or sewing masks... more
By Fiona Hopper
Decolonization work in schools begins, argues Fiona Hopper, with the kind of inquiry that questions assumptions about what makes a civilization. What if the measure of a civilization were not the size of its monuments or the power of its hierarchies but rather its sustainability?. .. more
By Dr. Joan Schumann
While many schools have recognized a Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) as a model of choice, collective understanding and further professional learning is required for effective implementation. The International MTSS Summit (IMS) aims to build school capacity. .. more
By Dr. Helen Kelly
Noting a dearth of hard data about the increased levels of stress experienced by international school leaders since the start of the pandemic, Helen Kelly conducted her own in-depth survey, to which 721 leaders responded. The results are alarming.. .. more
By Yvette Cuenco
Yvette Cuenco shares highlights from her recent talk on Filipinx/Asian American history and allyship with the Black Lives Matter movement, presented at the November 2020 Association for International Educators and Leaders of Color and Women of Color in ELT conference. ... more
How do you confront place ignorance within your
school community?
By Graham Watts
With the rapid shift to online professional learning, the international school community experienced a plethora of new opportunities to innovate, engage, and learn at the annual conference of the Association of International Schools in Africa... more
By ACS Press Office
ACS International School Hillingdon has become the first school in Europe to offer the Global Citizens Diploma (GCD), a qualification that acknowledges all of the exceptional citizenship and service-related activities students undertake to become global citizens.. .. more
By Dr. Tiffani Razavi
Critical thinking skills are cited as one of the key strengths of the International Baccalaureate, vital to the core mission of IB programs. Recent research has found that students of the program have significantly greater critical thinking skills than their non-IB peers. .. more
By Gordon Eldridge
In his continuing exploration of the thinking and practice behind global citizenship initiatives, Gordon Eldridge considers a study that examined the impact on students of a particular global citizenship curriculum in a private girls' school in the United States... more
By Emily Meadows & Daniel Wickner
In an effort to improve antiracist practice, Emily Meadows and Daniel Wickner discuss intent in relation to impact and share a series of infographics that cover topics such as cultural appropriation, color blindness, microaggressions, white privilege, and more. .. more
By Bruce Gilbert
Canada presents as an idyllic place to weather the pandemic. But while the move "home" has its obvious advantages, longtime international educator Bruce Gilbert is having trouble making small talk with other parents on the sidelines at his kid's soccer game. And that's a problem. .. more
By John Nordmeyer
I've heard from many teachers that this school year feels like starting over again. We have been asking, and trying to answer, really important questions. If we could have a conversation with our first-year teaching self, what advice would we give?... more
By GOA Staff
It is also the holiday season in many parts of the world, a time to celebrate the people in our lives and those who do so much in service to others. To close 2020, we put together a GOA Gift Guide, curated for educators by educators. .. more
By Kim Marshall
Kim Marshall summarizes an article about a powerful exercise for engaging students in an authentic project, getting them thinking about important issues, fostering collaboration, and developing persuasive writing and presentation skills. .. more
By Stephen Dexter, Jr.
On December 3, my daughter and I stood at the window of our house in Zagreb, Croatia watching the first flakes of the first snow since we stopped keeping track of time in the pandemic and resorted to the ancient rituals of watching seasons pass and sunrise changes. I put my arm around her and said,"Hey, on a day like this, we'd probably be calling a snow day." When I told her that it was one of the few times of the school year when a feeling of pure euphoria and joy overwhelmed us, she looked up and said, "I could use some of that now".... more
By Bambi Betts
While no full-scale data yet exists on whether kids are learning more, less, or the same amount via in-person or virtual learning, one lesson does seem to be emerging.
If you can —if your country will allow it —choose one or the other and go at it with all you've got... more
By Paul Magnuson
My 10-year old was a student in a five-day online language program. Overall she loved it. She learned some German and she learned, more importantly, that learning language is interesting. As a language teacher and language-learning enthusiast, I recommend an online language course to the parents of any motivated child... more
By Margriet Ruurs
In today's column I would like to share with you books of wintry tales and seasonal information. These books can all spark discussions about seasons and traditions as well as lead to classroom crafts and activities... more
By Dan Kerr
So I was having a conversation with a friend of mine the other day about how difficult this past year has been, and he spoke to me about how nervous he is for the upcoming winter months. I mentioned to him that deep down I was tremendously hopeful for the changes that 2021 will bring to our world, and he kind of smirked and said that he loved my sense of optimism. It is true that I am an eternal optimist, probably to a fault, but in my opinion being hopeful is actually very different from simply being optimistic.... more
As the school year continues full force, don't forget to let us know if you have any new leadership appointments this year--school head or other--so that we may share the news with the international school community. No need to even log on to TIE, simply click here to upload a photo and a short bio. So much has been changing this year; let's stay connected!
Kristi Granquist has changed roles at Hong Kong International School from Grade 4 Team Leader to Upper Primary Associate Principal. She formerly served at the American School of Brasilia as Grade 5 teacher, Math Learning Leader, and MAP Coordinator.
Genta Branstetter joins Hong Kong International School as an Upper Primary School Associate Principal from the American School in Japan where she was an Associate Principal of the Elementary School. Prior to that, she was a mathematics instructional coach and longtime classroom teacher.
Carrie Bennett is now High School Associate Principal for Academics at Hong Kong International School. She formerly served as high school Associate Principal for four years and a high school English teacher at the American School in Japan. Prior to that, she was at the American International School in Kuwait.
We accept articles on a rolling basis that cover school news, curriculum, pedagogy, leadership, governance & policy, antiracism, wellness, learning technologies, women in leadership, lifestyle, future of learning, service projects, inclusion, counseling & advisory, professional learning, & every aspect of international education... [email protected]
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December 11 - 14
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Global Virtual Recruitment Fair
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Bangkok Fair
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Check out the TIE Event Calendar for upcoming events, webinars, and job fairs on- and offline within the international education world.
ISS-CGC Monthly Conversation
December 7, 2020
WIDA Differentiation for Linguistically Diverse Students Webinar
December 9, 2020
ASCD Student Success in the Early Grades
December 9, 2020
ASCD Solving Academic and Behavior Problems in a Remote Environment
December 10, 2020
ISS Blended Learning Immersion: Strengthening Community in a Blended Environment
January 11, 2021
ISS-CGC Monthly Conversation
January 11, 2021
Teacher Leader courses:
15 February- 22 March 2021
22 March- 26 April 2021
EAL Course:
Feb 21 - May 1 2021
Here are a few recent listings: