By Emily Meadows
I've run into a lot of folks who mistakenly believe that their internal acceptance of LGBTQ+ people is sufficient for inclusion. Kids can't read teachers' minds, however, so a classroom without LGBTQ+ representation looks uninviting, regardless of the teacher's internal feelings. We need to actively and deliberately include LGBTQ+ students in order to cultivate equitable schools. Staying silent maintains the status quo of exclusion... more
Actress Laverne Cox is the first openly trans person on the cover of Time magazine. Thanks to Educating for Justice you can download her inspiring words & share them with your students.
Edutopia offers three strategies elementary school teachers can use to foster a sense of inclusion for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer students in the classroom.
By Marina Gijzen
At Lincoln Community School, elementary school teachers and leaders learned from their emergency online experience that there might be a more effective way to provide a student-centered approach to online learning. .. more
By Anna Rose Sugarman
Feedback is most powerful when it comes from the student and is directed toward the teacher. Have yours had any voice in the trajectory of their learning? I have started to ask students what they consider to be the best ways for them to learn. .. more
By Hamsini Sivakumar
This short story was produced by Hamsini Sivakumar at Frankfurt International School's Writing & Art Symposium, where authors and artists worked with students on a bilingual interschool publishing project.. .. more
By Dr Karen L. Taylor
Teachers everywhere have repeatedly faced new and ongoing challenges over the past year as we have transitioned through various forms of learning. We have tried to ensure that multilingual students' voices are heard and that we provide a variety of options so all students can succeed... more
By Shwetangna Chakrabarty
Legalizing, institutionalizing, and legitimizing discrimination under the pretext of celebrating internationalism is a crime, writes the author. In her experience, as a woman of color, this crime was committed over and over until she lost her own voice. Fortunately, she's recovered it... . more
By Sally Robertson
80 students from 10 schools in 9 countries on 4 continents collaborated to produce 60 stories in Hear It Out - A memoir of an extraordinary year, a performance project that celebrates real life stories and creates a significant piece of collective oral history. .. more
Dominique Dalais interviews Abena Baiden, middle school Humanities teacher at the International School of Kuala Lumpur in this sixth episode of his podcast.
In Conversations With an International Teacher of Colour, Dalais asks members of international schools, international organisations, and international recruitment agencies about the systemic changes they are making with respect to racial equity.... more
By Jeffrey Gibbs
Yasmin Erkohen, an eleventh grader and second year writing consultant for Hisar Writing Center has won the MENAWCA's annual award for providing exemplary service to students through innovative tutoring techniques and the quality of her tutoring work... . more
Part II of Employing Restorative Justice Practices in Navigating a Family's Move during Covid-19
By Alistair Goold
When covid hit and Alistair Goold's family underwent a major life transition, he turned the focus inwards and sought to find out if the restorative methodologies he employed in the classroom could be helpful in restoring relationships on the homefront.. .. more
By Kim Cofino
Many Women Who Lead interviewees spoke of a competitive and tense zero-sum atmosphere around female leadership positions, as if there's a pie and everyone has to frantically grab a piece because it's in danger of running out. Here's the thing: it is not a pie. .. more
By Kim Marshall
Principals know they're not seeing everything, but because there's never enough time, they act as if they're omniscient. "The key challenge for school leaders," says Rodberg, "is to know that our information is limited and to ask… What am I missing?". .. more
What exceptional work have your students produced
this year?
By Daniel Kerr
So here we are, finally staring down the last few weeks of school, and as I think back over the last ten months or so, the only thought that I can come up with is, wow, that was quite a year. I guess what I really want to share this week with all of you is a heartfelt thank you, and a joyous congratulations, for your Herculean and heroic efforts throughout arguably the most difficult year of our professional lives. .. more
By Shwetangna Chakrabarty
Today, change is the only constant and decisions are fluid and unpredictable. Ensuring student and staff wellbeing requires strong emotional anchoring. Coaching and mentoring is a great way to establish emotional resilience and moral support. .. more
By Matthew Piercy
Teaching internationally sometimes is like being inside a cocoon. School days typically in English. The comforts, routines, and rhythms in our new "homes" are similar; often little difference whether in Cairo, Shanghai, or Rio de Janeiro. We're typically so comfortable, in fact, that we may even have to go out of the way to feel vulnerable. Still, the fact remains that always outside the doors of home or school is something "different." And this is why we're here. .. more
By Margriet Ruurs
Friendship. What better topic to discuss in the international classroom? And what better tool to use than great books. Here are some of my favourite titles ... more
Some bad ideas never seem to die, despite research showing they don't actually work.
Bryan Goodwin
Hold Fast to JEDI Dreams
Reflections on where we are
and where we need to go next
This event on 19 June at 9 am ET closes out the 2020-2021 Community Visioning process.
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June 21-25, 2021
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July 19-23, 2021