By Kathleen Naglee
There is no life now outside of work, confides Head of School Kathleen Naglee, who has stopped trying to pretend otherwise. In the throes of the pandemic, remaining committed to her community of learners and fellow educators has come at a great personal cost.. .. more
By Bambi Betts
Professional standards are a key to boosting the quality of teaching. We rely on these standards to define the essence of the work of the profession and to ensure integrity, keeping us grounded in the best of what research can offer. So how do we leverage them fully?. .. more
By James Toney
James Toney doesn't want to talk about Derek Chauvin's trial. All the same, this Black educator with a Black son of his own has generously and at personal cost laid out some of the many reasons why he's not up for talking. Are you listening?. .. more
By Kimberly Cullen
Worldwide, it is clear that "teaching is frequently a female profession with men in charge." Kim Cullen and her colleague Debra Lane have been thinking, writing, and talking publicly about the many struggles that women leaders in international K-12 schools face.. . more
By Richard Bampfylde
Students from twenty schools representing six countries across three continents participated in this 5th edition of BHSMUN, demonstrating key skills necessary for a balanced Middle-East region and to lead through very challenging times towards a bright future.. .. more
The crew that produces Nevertheless has commissioned another four female illustrators from South America, Africa, the Middle East and China to produce a new set of posters featuring role models in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, now available in eight languages. Listen to their podcast episode on STEM Role Models here.
By Irem Noyaner
Organized for the 7th time this year and attended by more than 1,400 students to date, the Hisar Coding Summit offers courses and workshops in a variety of fields, such as artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and application, and game development—all taught by students. .. more
By Gregory Hedger
The morning of Monday, February 1 was a complete shock to the system. I awoke at 5:00 AM to a phone call from our Director of HSSE informing me a military coup had occurred just a few hours earlier. I remember taking my phone from my ear at the end of the call in a state of disbelief. Dealing with COVID had been an incredible challenge as it had been for schools around the world. Now this? What do you do during a coup, especially in the midst of a pandemic?... more
Ikigai SISU School, located in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, is the first SISU school to open in a global franchise model designed to create world-class K-12 international schools, born of a collaboration between International Schools Services and Lumo Education... more
By David Willows
The entire future of how our schools will function appears to be the subject of some considerable debate and not an insignificant amount of opinion and conjecture. Problem is, people are not very good at making predictions.. .. more
By Mark Harrison, Stephen Chatelier,
& Elke M. Van dermijnsbrugge
Wellbeing has become an area of increasing focus for schools right across the world, including in international schools which continue to largely serve the privileged. One consequence is that wellbeing has been added to the ever-growing list of things for which teachers are responsible.. . more
By Kim Marshall
Equity consultant Jerome Bennett and educators Jake Giessman and Jane Hubley describe how a school followed up when its leaders realized that there were three times more discipline referrals for African-American male students as for other students. .. more
Learning from Women Who Lead
By Kim Cofino
Better understanding both the stereotypes and expectations you may face as a woman in pursuing a leadership role, and having some strategies to deal with them, may help you feel more confident in taking the next steps towards your dream job... more
What have you left behind?
By Emily Meadows
I've run into a lot of folks who mistakenly believe that their internal acceptance of LGBTQ+ people is sufficient for inclusion. Kids can't read teachers' minds, however, so a classroom without LGBTQ+ representation looks uninviting, regardless of the teacher's internal feelings.... more
By Shwetangna Chakrabarty
Microaggressions are like dementors, from the Harry Potter series: they suck away the happiness, ambition and zeal to succeed from people of colour and minorities. This silent killer leaves them with no other option than to perish silently, never raising a voice or even trying to make a difference... more
By Matthew Piercy
You can sum up this school year in a variety of ways. However, please don't use the word "unprecedented." The challenge isn't what to say about the past 7 or 8 months - the challenge is how will we end it. Punctuation marks might be the best way to frame this finish. .. more
By Margriet Ruurs
Books truly can be a window to the world. While reading, you can live in another country, learn what life is like in a different culture while discovering both the world and yourself. These books shed light on a variety of settings and situations and help to create awareness... more
By Paul Magnuson
Tim Logan, the host of the Future Learning Design podcast, recently interviewed Jennifer Groff, Innovation Fellow at WISE (QATAR Foundation). She advocates for both teacher and student agency, and since Tim ends each of his podcasts with the invitation to continue the conversation, let's do just that... more
Eileen Niedermann has been named Director of the International School of Phnom Penh (ISPP), Cambodia beginning July 2022. Eileen is currently the Director of Mahindra International School, India.
Glen Radojkovich has been appointed Head of School Improvement for Taaleem Education in the United Arab Emirates. He was formerly Head of School at GEMS International School, Dubai.
Jeff Aitken has been named Head of the Upper School at Upper Canada College, effective August 1, 2021. He joins UCC from Dulwich College, Singapore, where he currently serves as Head of the Senior School.
Jack Zenger & Joseph Folkman
Check out the TIE Event Calendar for upcoming events, webinars, and job fairs on- and offline within the international education world.
June 19-25, 2021
June 19-25, 2021
June 28 - July 4, 2021
June 28 - July 4, 2021
June 28 - July 4, 2021
July 7-13, 2021
July 7-13, 2021
July 16-22, 2021
July 16-22, 2021
July 16-22, 2021
June 21-25, 2021
June 21-25, 2021
June 21-25, 2021
June 28 - July 2, 2021
June 28 - July 2, 2021
July 5-9, 2021
July 5-9, 2021
July 12-16, 2021
July 19-23, 2021
July 19-23, 2021