By Veenaa Agrawal
The Little Library, a student project spearheaded by Veenaa Agrawal of Lincoln Community School in Accra, Ghana, is making a big impact on local students in her Abelemkpe community as access to learning resources grows even more limited due to the pandemic... more
By Dr. Tiffani Betts Razavi
After some seven months of covid-19, educators and researchers are asking: what progress has been prompted by the pandemic? Are any of the lockdown-induced adjustments here to stay? Are there any old ways that won't survive the virus?. .. more
By Scott B. Freiberger
This in-depth article provides six steps for instructional success at a time when fine-tuning online and blended learning environments is becoming paramount in international school settings. ... more
Many international school teachers have lost their jobs, their friends, their belongings, and their homes. Shwetangna Chakrabarty is one of them. In this moving piece, she reflects on her personal experience of loss and the wisdom that has helped sustain her while in full flux... more
By Bill MacKenty
Schools have faced tremendous challenges since the start of the pandemic. In so doing, they have gleaned hard-won, hard-earned insights into teaching and learning. These insights that should not be lost with a return to "normal". .. more
By Becky Green
Prioritizing engagement is culturally responsive instruction. When teachers make the shift from designing for students to show up to designing for each and every student to access learning, they make a vital shift in designing for equity.. .. more
By Anna Clara Fontoura Fernandes Reynolds & Xoà i David
The Organisation to Decolonise International Schools held a webinar that brought together two alumni groups, Out For Solidarity (OFS) and #DoBetterDover from the Overseas Family School Singapore and the UWCSEA Dover Campus respectively. .. more
By Kim Marshall
In this article in Principal, Carol Larson and Tyrone Martinez-Black say that too many schools make the mistake of identifying a problem--i.e., inequitable outcomes for English learners--and going straight to action planning... .. more
By Gordon Eldridge, TIE Columnist
As we make decisions about the kind of global citizens we hope our schools will produce, it is important to examine some of the beliefs and assumptions which underpin differing conceptions of what it means to be a global citizen... more
What is the conversation like
at your school around extra-curricular activities?
By Helen Kelly
As Germany, France and the UK move into new national lockdowns this week, the decision has been taken to keep schools open. Anxiety among teaching staff and parents has been climbing. Isolation from family and friends during a lockdown can increase the focus upon schools as a source of emotional support. This will place additional strain upon already struggling school leaders. ... more
By Stephen Dexter, Jr.
- Describe your dream house and where it would be located.
- What will be the reason you quit this job, if you ever do?
- What do you need from our school in order for you to be a success?... more
By Paul Magnuson
If that title doesn't get your attention, I'm not sure what would! The Scab Faerie is a whimsical children's book I collaborated to produce alongside a talented illustrator. Our project got us thinking about those times when work isn't a chore, but an adventure. When we hit a state of flow and the difference between work and play disappears in the buzz of purposeful, joyful production. Are we doing school with the glow that comes from finding that state of flow for our students and ourselves? more
By Margriet Ruurs
This Week Margriet reviews a number of biographies featuring strong voices in her ongoing project to share wonderful picture books for all ages that can be read
and discussed in the classroom... more
By Dan Kerr
Being back on lockdown is hard for sure, and the timing is rough as well with the weather getting colder and the days getting shorter and the flu season just beginning. There is a lot of uncertainty as we stare down the next few weeks, and if we are not careful the literal darkness of the days can start to seep into our mindsets and our attitudes and it can start to sap our energy and joy. What we can't forget is that we have the incredible gift of each other, and we need to commit to reaching out for whatever it is that we need.... more
By Shwetangna Chakrabarty
To raise the bar or not to raise the bar? This has been a constant discussion topic in many schools. Many believe in order to be inclusive one should lower the expectations to suit the student's ability while others strongly disagree. Some even confuse this issue with differentiation, as they think giving students work that they can complete as per their ability is differentiation. As for me, I believe in The Pygmalion Effect... more
As the school year continues full force, don't forget to let us know if you have any new leadership appointments this year--school head or other--so that we may share the news with the international school community. No need to even log on to TIE, simply click here to upload a photo and a short bio. So much has been changing this year; let's stay connected!
Gustav Helman has taken the post of Interim Upper School Principal and MYP Coordinator at The American School of Belo Horizonte. His previous post was DP and CAS Coordinator at Chiyoda International School Tokyo, Japan, where he took the school to authorization and started the programme.
Mel Curtis is the new Head of School at ISN Nice. She has been a teacher, an academic director, and Principal across Europe, the Middle East, and North America for over 30 years. Her most recent leadership role was with Nord Anglia Education as Principal in Switzerland, Czech Republic, and before that, in the USA.
Viki Stiebert is now Director of the International School of Bergen (ISB) in Bergen, Norway. Prior to her role at ISB, Viki was the Director at the International School Panama. Her previous experiences include leadership roles in Switzerland and New Zealand, as well as time in Austria, Germany, and Scotland.
We accept articles on a rolling basis that cover school news, curriculum, pedagogy, leadership, governance & policy, antiracism, wellness, learning technologies, women in leadership, lifestyle, future of learning, service projects, inclusion, counseling & advisory, professional learning, & every aspect of international education... [email protected]
Advantage iFair
November 15 - 16
Search Associates
Latin America Virtual Fair
November 13 - 16
Advantage iFair
December 15 - 16
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Global Virtual Recruitment Fair
December 11 - 14
Recruitment Fair
4-6 December 2020
Global Recruitment Collaborative
Virtual Fair
5 December 2020
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Global Virtual Recruitment Fair
December 11 - 14
Check out the TIE Event Calendar for upcoming events, webinars, and job fairs on- and offline within the international education world.
AIELOC Society Webinar: Why Are There So Few Black International School Leaders?
12 November 2020
CIS Tackling Racism Workshop: Intercultural Competence and Achieving Equity in our Schools and Universities
11-12 November 2020
47th AMLE Annual Conference
12-14 November 2020
AASSA Beyond Performance: The Work of Equity and Justice in International Schools
12 November 2020
ISS Diversity Collaborative Member Meeting
12 November 2020
Big Questions Institute Two-Day Workshop
Deeper Than Diversity: Exploring Transformative Principles in the Quest for Racial Justice
13-16 November 2020
AIELOC and Women of Color in ELT Conference
14-15 November 2020
2020 Independent Charter School Symposium
15-17 November 2020
CIEE International Education and Exchange Summit
16-20 November 2020
ISS Mary Anne Haas Webinars: Reflect, Recharge and Reinforce Womenars
16 November 2020
CIS Forum on International Admission & Guidance
17-19 November 2020
AASSA Making Mathematics Visible: Documenting Learning in the Digital Era
17 November 2020
KlingSalon: Anti-Oppression Work and Reimagining "School"
19 November 2020
GTC- "School Governance" in the Time of COVID
23 November 2020
AACE Global Learn 2020 Cape Town
30 November - 2 December 2020
CIS Tackling Racism Workshop: Establishing Structures and Systems to Tackle Racism and Promote Equity in Our Schools and Universities
30 November - 1 December 2020
ASCD Conference on Educational Leadership
3-6 December 2020
GTC- Board Chair Training for International Schools
6 December 2020
ISS Blended Learning Immersion: Strengthening Community in a Blended Environment
11 January 2021
A Program of the PTC
22 November 2020, 7:00 - 9:00 am EST
'School Governance'
in the Time of COVID
For international school board members,
owners, and heads of school
Here are a few recent listings: