Learning from Women Who Lead
By Kim Cofino
Women in leadership positions often appear to have advanced steadily with intention along a clear path towards an ultimate goal. A dozen women leaders shared with Kim Cofino that the reality is often quite different... more
By Wyatt Franz
Listening to nature can bring us to the present moment in times of turmoil. Wyatt Franz would know. He has been teaching through the pandemic and now a coup in Myanmar... .. more
By Ruth Poulsen
"These are international school teachers! They've lived all over the world—they're my people; they're not supposed to be racist..." Ruth Poulsen considers the line between culture shock and racism, suggesting we ask four reflective questions and take up an additive lens. .. more
By Dr. Karen L. Taylor
Thinking routines are pedagogical tools that promote the development of critical thinking skills. This doesn't happen by accident. Classroom teachers work hard to create an environment in which such powerful learning experiences take place.... more
By Gordon Eldridge
When it comes to structuring curriculum for global citizenship, designing instruction and experiences around justice-oriented citizenship is what we should be striving for. So what might the elements of such a curriculum be?... more
By Joel Jr. Llaban
Courageous conversations centered on diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice may initially ignite denial about the different forms of oppression that are perpetuated in the international school sector, writes Joel Jr. Llaban. But what we need is to sustain that courage over time. .. more
By Adelina Holmes
Initially when leading trainings, Adelina Holmes was giving fast lectures and expecting participants to absorb the information she was "gifting" to them—a common mistake. Everything shifted when she started designing her workshops in the same way she planned a class. .. more
By Priyanka Jethani
Priyanka Jethani conducted 15 interviews with administrators from around the world about their perspectives on shared leadership. What is it? Why is it important? What are the benefits? This is the first article in a series she will devote to exploring this topic... more
By Sara Tahir
Educators often sidestep conversations about grading because the topic is deeply personal. Yet grading has an outsized impact on how our students experience school and on which opportunities they can access outside of it.. . more
By Kim Marshall
Teaching with some students in the classroom and some remote is "the most challenging teaching assignment I can imagine," according to Caitlin Tucker. The answer, she says, is designing lessons that allow the teacher to focus on one set of students at a time.. .. more
How are you building community during covid?
By Stephen Dexter, Jr.
Lady Gaga has 83.2 million followers on Twitter. The Dalai Lama has approximately 20 million. Cap'n Crunch, the iconic sugary cereal mascot of my youth, has 790. CBS News in America has 335k. Our "truths" seem to be measured in likes, views, followers and retweets. Visibility, casting itself as the gatekeeper of what we want to believe... more
By Emily Meadows
The conversation around transgender athletes has been roused again of late, given the Biden administration's recent guidance on gender inclusion in schools. Those against inclusion usually push the angle that girls' sports are at risk of being overrun by trans athletes who will snap up all of the titles, leaving cis girls with no chance to compete. This is irrational fear-mongering.... more
By Matthew Piercy
"The self-talk you use regularly creates your reality and your destiny," states Christopher Bergland. So maybe, argues Matthew Piercy, we would do well to stop telling our students that they "deserve" things and stop granting them "permission" to boot... more
By Margriet Ruurs
Picture Books are more than entertainment; they can be great tools to teach concepts such as math. This works for children of all ages and also for second language learners. Here are some of my favourite math picture books. .. more
LaKeicia Denson has been named Secondary Principal at Riffa Views International School (RVIS), Bahrain beginning in August 2021. LaKeicia Denson is currently the Assistant Principal at North Atlanta High School in Georgia, USA.
Ron Wilder has been appointed High School Principal at Colegió Interamericano in Guatemala. Ron Wilder has worked as a teacher and administrator in Switzerland, Guam, Bolivia, the UAE, Costa Rica, Korea, Nigeria, Kenya, and China.
Jeff Brickus will serve as the new Elementary Principal at Colegió Interamericano. Jeff Brickus has years of experience as an educator and school leader in Maryland, Egypt, and Myanmar.
By Youki Terada, Stephen Merrill
Principals' Training Center
June / July Institutes
Are you an international school Teacher, Principal, Counselor, Teacher Leader? Join us in our all new custom-designed virtual courses! June/July institutes are filling fast!
The ISS-Schrole Advantage iFair
March 15-16, 2021
Check out the TIE Event Calendar for upcoming events, webinars, and job fairs on- and offline within the international education world.
Black Womxn in International Schools
March 6, 2021
March 7, 2021
AASSA Beyond Performance: The Work of Equity and Justice in International Schools
March 9, 2021
CIS Tackling Racism Workshop: Intercultural Competence and Achieving Equity in Our Schools and Universities
March 17-18, 2021
BMEsTalk Leadership Lab
March 17, 2021
ECIS Inclusive Recruitment: From Advertising to Appointment
March 18, 2021
AIELOC Community Visioning
March 20, 2021
TLI: Coaching and Supervising Your Team
March 22 - April 26, 2021
ECIS Inclusive Recruitment: From Advertising to Appointment
March 25, 2021
March 27, 2021
Teacher Leader courses:
22 March- 26 April 2021
Teacher Courses:
6 March to 3 April 2021
Program for School Governance Members:
21 March 2021
Courses for All International Educators: