By Ranjana Harlalka
Students at Sarala Birla Gyan Jyoti school in Guwahati, India have been working with enthusiasm, hope, and determination on meaningful creative projects throughout the pandemic, sometimes in collaboration with students around the world. .. more
By Alistair Goold
In his Action Research Project, Alistair Goold examined the role that restorative justice practices can play for international families in transition, using his own family as a case study as they faced a perfect storm of challenges. .. more
By Alexandra Bates
A graduating senior at Colegio Franklin Delano Roosevelt in Lima, Peru offers a beautiful reflection on her first day at the new school, capturing the anxiety that so many international students experience in transitioning but also the enriching experiences of growth in community. .. more
By Lindsay Kuhl, Jane Russel Velazy,
& Esther Bettney
Teachers everywhere have repeatedly faced new and ongoing challenges over the past year as we have transitioned through various forms of learning. We have tried to ensure that multilingual students' voices are heard and that we provide a variety of options so all students can succeed... more
By Kimberly Cullen
At recent virtual gatherings of international educators, Kimberly Cullen and Debra Lane asked participants to describe the struggles that women leaders face in international K-12 schools and to identify what they are willing to start and stop doing to raise themselves and others up.. . more
By Nayoung Weaver
Since international students are brought into tertiary education systems to diversify them, writes college counselor Nayoung Weaver, colleges should accordingly take responsibility and provide a supportive environment for these students rather than expect them to "orient". .. more
Learning from Women Who Lead
By Kim Cofino
Many Women Who Lead interviewees spoke of a competitive and tense zero-sum atmosphere around female leadership positions, as if there's a pie and everyone has to frantically grab a piece because it's in danger of running out. Here's the thing: it is not a pie... more
By Dr. Howard De Leeuw
Has 2020-21 been a stressful time for you as a parent, student, teacher, or staff member? Yes? Now here's the real question: is stress harmful and to be avoided, reduced, managed, or is it rather helpful?.. . more
In a global competition launched by Book Creator and Planet Classroom, youth aged 11-18 were asked to create a one-page storybook, including a cover illustration, and to read it aloud. Over 480 stories poured in. .. more
By Tim Johnson & Tony Winch
When the authors decided to give more autonomy and control to their students, some failed to prioritize work, but many adapted well. The new approach generally made students more responsible for their learning, boosted achievement, and taught critical skills. .. more
By Kim Marshall
Research shows that the process of critiquing their peers' essays helped students notice and correct problems in their own writing. By receiving and providing high-level feedback targeting similar problems, students are motivated to perform better.. .. more
What exceptional work have your students produced
this year?
By Matthew Piercy
Being fully immersed in another school for five days is like no other professional development. And it is available to us all. Today, the United States Department of State has granted authorization to six regional non-profit accreditation agencies. Recently I was invited to participate in my first virtual visit by one of these agencies .. more
By Shwetangna Chakrabarty
I collected data from a group of teachers across the world and learned that the most common challenges we now face relate to wellbeing. Whilst still nursing pandemic wounds I found solace in service, so I thought of applying the same strategy at work, using service learning for mental wellbeing. ... more
By Margriet Ruurs
Books don't always have to be issue driven or full of information. Sometimes a just plain funny book can hook a reluctant reader into wanting to read more... more
Check out the TIE Event Calendar for upcoming events, webinars, and job fairs on- and offline within the international education world.
May 27th 2021
June 5th 2021
June 15th 2021
June 23rd- 25th 2021
June 24th 2021
June 19-25, 2021
June 19-25, 2021
June 28 - July 4, 2021
June 28 - July 4, 2021
June 28 - July 4, 2021
July 7-13, 2021
July 7-13, 2021
July 16-22, 2021
July 16-22, 2021
July 16-22, 2021
June 21-25, 2021
June 21-25, 2021
June 21-25, 2021
June 28 - July 2, 2021
June 28 - July 2, 2021
July 5-9, 2021
July 5-9, 2021
July 12-16, 2021
July 19-23, 2021
July 19-23, 2021