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21 June 2023

By Michael Neumann and Tyler Shepard

Through our school-wide celebration of Pride, we aim to cultivate an atmosphere of inclusivity where every member of our community feels valued… more

By Lotus Das-Hyland, Grade 11 student

Every day we make the choice to love, as students and as teachers, to love those around us, and to love ourselves… more

By Marta Folch

Students created an app to connect socially concerned youth with local volunteer opportunities… more

Jackie Rakochy

Grade 5 students delved into their passions, uncovering ways to create positive change in areas ranging from environmental conservation to social justice… more

By Leigh Anne Toler

In this Pearl, Leigh Anne reminds us that “we don’t work for adults. We work for kids…” more

By Dominique Dalais

I advocate and take action in the spaces I occupy so that I can stand up for students and staff who might need support in their everyday lives… more

By Juan Jacobs Sheblak

We have an obligation to create a learning environment that allows each child to prepare for an unknown future… more

By Samuel J. Richards

One-hundred-and-ten-year school history was used to cultivate design thinking and interdisciplinary project-based learning… more

By Nickolas Hironao Harris

As educators, we have a crucial responsibility to recognize and appreciate the various identities and cultures which our students represent… more

By Voices Around The World 2023

Students around the world came together as one voice to sing an anthem about hope and peace… more

By Ryan Persaud

Any initiative or change that we may be trying to move forward is going to take buy-in and a collaborative effort… more
By Paul Magnuson

I’m not sure if English needs another portmanteau. After brunch and spork all others fall a bit short. But the term pracademic struck a chord with me when Ruth Kane, University of Ottawa, shared the dissertation of Trista Hollweck (now also a faculty member at the same university) that explores what it is to be a pracademic... more
By Conrad Hughes

The other day I was lucky enough to attend the graduation ceremony at La Chataigneraie, one of the three campuses of the International School of Geneva. It was a special graduation: 50 years of the IB at the campus with a guest star appearance of the first IB Diploma coordinator, Anthony Peiris, who spoke touchingly about how different things were in 1973... more
By Matthew Piercy

Kevin O’Leary of the hit TV show Shark Tank purports how compliance is the fastest-growing cost in American business. A close friend of mine recently was blindsided when his small business was threatened with a lawsuit. His website was not accessible to the blind. When he first told me this, I honestly wondered if I missed the punchline... more
By Margriet Ruurs

It’s been a long time since I saw a newly published alphabet book. Imaginary Alphabet by Sylvie Daigneault brings back memories of Wallace Edwards’ Alphabeasts. From a clumsy camel to velvety vampire bats and many in between, the book is full of fanciful animals in tutus and twirling on ice... more
By Daniel Kerr

So this week, for my final post of the school year, I want to talk about one of my favorite things about school…maybe my most, most favorite thing of all the things that I love about coming to work each and every day. I’ve written about this before, but this past week the following sentiment has resonated with me even more profoundly than ever before... more
By John Mikton

In recent years, there has been a remarkable surge of attention and resources devoted to artificial intelligence (AI). This momentum has been further amplified by the sudden appearance of ChatGPT and the development of Natural Language Processing (NLP) models... more

International Baccalaureate Organization
Elizabeth Imende has been appointed Executive Director of the Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA).
Dr. Jeffrey Paulson has been appointed Chief Operating Officer (CEO) of the Academy for International School Heads (AISH) in the USA.
Jennifer Tickle has been appointed Head of School of International School of Siena in Italy.
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your new position yet?
Check out the TIE Event Calendar for upcoming events, webinars, job fairs and more...
PTC Creating an Effective School (online)
Jun 17 - 23, 2023
PTC Curriculum Leadership
Jun 19 - 25, 2023
PTC Instructional Supervision and Evaluation
Jun 19 - 25, 2023
PTC-CTC Getting to Solutions: The Heart of Counseling
Jun 22 - 26, 2023
PTC Curriculum Leadership (online)
Jun 26 - Jul 2, 2023
PTC Assessment Leadership (online)
Jun 26 - Jul 2, 2023
PTC Leadership and Team Dynamics
Jun 27 - Jul 3, 2023
PTC Creating an Effective School
Jun 27 - Jul 3, 2023
PTC-CTC Essential Skills for International School Counselors
Jun 28 - Jul 2, 2023
PTC Teacher Leader Institutes Curriculum—The Heart of the Teacher Leader Role
Jun 28 - Jul 2, 2023
AMISA OPCON23 School Operations Conference
Jun 28 - 30, 2023
PTC-CTC Mental Health and Well-being in International Schools
Jul 4 - 8, 2023
PTC Teacher Leader Institutes Leadership Tools
Jul 4 - 8, 2023
PTC Leadership and Team Dynamics (online)
Jul 5 - 11, 2023
PTC Assessment Leadership
Jul 5 - 11, 2023
PTC Technology Leadership (online)
Jul 5 - 11, 2023
Jun 28 - Jul 2, 2023

Jul 4 - 8, 2023

Jun 26 - Jul 2, 2023

Jun 26 - Jul 2, 2023

Jun 27 - Jul 3, 2023

Jun 27 - Jul 3, 2023


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TIE is committed to publishing stories, case studies, and insights that will hopefully serve as provocation and inspiration for individuals and institutions to reflect, learn, and take action. The articles presented in TIE are a reflection of the diverse perspectives of the international school community and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the organization.

17 July 2024 | New Opportunities for a New School Year
19 June 2024 | Taking Pride in Your Purpose
05 June 2024 | Belonging
22 May 2024 | Beliefs Drive Behavior
08 May 2024 | Learn by Doing, Learn by Caring
24 April 2024 | Tell Your Story
10 April 2024 | The Power of Reflection
27 March 2024 | Shifting Our Thinking
13 March 2024 | Coaching is More Than What You Think
28 February 2024 | A Culture of Global Support
14 February 2024 | Enhancing Agency
31 January 2024 | What Is an International School?
17 January 2024 | Navigating a New Year
06 December 2023 | Wellbeing & Learning
22 November 2023 | Bridging the Gap
08 November 2023 | Nurturing the Whole Child
25 October 2023 | Umoja
11 October 2023 | Settling In to School Life
27 September 2023 | The Future is Now
13 September 2023 | New Season of Growth
16 August 2023 | Empowering Others to Succeed
19 July 2023 | You’re Seen, You Matter, You Belong
21 June 2023 | We Are Here For the Kids
07 June 2023 | You Belong Here
24 May 2023 | Supporting Community
10 May 2023 | Student Voices
26 April 2023 | Evolving Identities
12 April 2023 | Innovation, Inclusion, & Inspiration
29 March 2023 | Empowering Positive Change
15 March 2023 | Understand, Care, & Grow Together
01 March 2023 | Staying & Leaving
15 February 2023 | Holding On to Hope
01 February 2023 | Mindset, Heartset, Skillset
18 January 2023 | New Year (Re)Solutions
07 December 2022 | Being and Becoming
23 November 2022 | Building a Thriving Community
09 November 2022 | Exploring Equitable Pathways
26 October 2022 | Culture of Care
12 October 2022 | Coming Together
28 September 2022 | Getting Our House in Order
14 September 2022 | Grounding Our Practices
17 August 2022 | New Growth, New Beginnings
13 July 2022 | Reflecting & Healing
22 June 2022 | Having Pride
08 June 2022 | Humanizing Ourselves
25 May 2022 | Direction & Vision
11 May 2022 | Widening Perspectives
27 April 2022 | Asking Questions
13 April 2022 | Rethinking Identities, Priorities & Fears
30 March 2022 | Passion & Purpose
16 March 2022 | Crisis & Challenge
02 March 2022 | The Learning Playlist
16 February 2022 | Voices in Action
2 February 2022 | Brave & Beautiful Journey

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