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Friday, 14 February 2025
The TCK Journey: How a Global Childhood Shapes Teaching and Parenting

The TCK Journey: How a Global Childhood Shapes Teaching and Parenting
By Sophie Maclang and Natasha Winnard
Feb 2025
A reflection on multicultural upbringing, the challenges of constant relocation, and how these experiences shape teaching and parenting...

Building a Positive Workplace Culture

Building a Positive Workplace Culture
By Dr. Helen Kelly
Jan 2025
In international schools, workplace culture is a crucial determinant of student outcomes and school effectiveness...

+ 2024
By Andrew Hallam
Results from the first global financial survey for international educators… ..more
By Megan Vosk and Shafali
To face the challenges of today’s world, we need the mental and emotional capacity to see clearly, look deeply, and reflect carefully… ..more
By Seamus Doran
Join us as we delve into the stories of these inspiring educators and gain a deeper understanding of the transformative power of education across borders... ..more
By Eryn Sherman
Join us as we delve into the stories of these inspiring educators and gain a deeper understanding of the transformative power of education across borders. ..more
By Eloïse Engel, Caitlin Harrison, and Hannah Woodhead
To encourage others to pursue their dreams, three educators share the lessons they learned along their collaborative journey… ..more
By Mathew Steuer and Constance Darshea Collins
Join us as we delve into the stories of these inspiring educators and gain a deeper understanding of the transformative power of education across borders… ..more
By Nicholas Forde
The anticipation of the event mirrors the mixture of emotions tied to moving to teach internationally for the first time. Are you ready to make the leap… ..more
By Gavin Kinch
School leaders should foster a "hello" culture, intentionally promoting belonging for each student through simple acknowledgements… ..more
By Laura James
It has never been more important to facilitate social and emotional learning in early years education to nurture independent and confident young individuals… ..more
By Francesca Mulazzi
There is clear evidence that smartphones impact students' mental health, behavior, focus, and relationships. Urgent interventions are needed to support students… ..more
By Luz Stella Martinez
In our interconnected world, the power of networking lies in its ability to create a vibrant, collaborative environment where educators thrive… ..more
By Thespina Rose
Cultivating a strong work-life balance requires concerted effort and support… ..more
By Bruce Gilbert
“Somebody could get hurt” playground rules are misguided. Play is essential for children’s physical development and wellbeing… ..more
By Gavin Kinch
I have a responsibility to look after my own wellbeing, and this requires self-assessment, effort, action, and maintenance… ..more
By Luz Stella Martinez
Prioritizing one’s wellbeing is not only an act of self-care and compassion but a demonstration of courage… ..more
By Tim Logan
In this episode, Matthew Savage, former Principal of an award-winning international school, discusses helping schools use data wisely and well… ..more
By Dr. Niki Melanidou
Metacognition empowers these students to better understand their own learning processes, strengths, and areas where they might need additional support… ..more
+ 2023
By Lena Lee and Natasha Winnard
One adult third culture kid shares her experiences to help guide parents raising globally mobile children… ..more
By Marta Folch
Students created an app to connect socially concerned youth with local volunteer opportunities… ..more
By Rae Merrigan
A seventh-grade science project in the Peruvian Amazon allowed for the development of important social-emotional skills… ..more
By Keeyoung Ryu and Natasha Winnard
We often underestimate the full extent of the challenges globally mobile children and their families face… ..more
By Ian Paynton
In this episode, Kenny Peavy discusses his mission to help young people and educators discover a love for the beauty and mystery of the natural world… ..more
By Douglas Kidd
Reconsidering the discourse around wellbeing in schools and problematizing the increasing trend of wellbeing measurement… ..more
By Lena Lee and Natasha Winnard
An interview with author and former international school student, Lena Lee, about her experiences growing up moving every three years… ..more
By Nick DeForest
Ideas to help educators, especially athletic directors, balance the work/life responsibilities during the summer months… ..more
By Sandy Sheppard
Maybe we have the wrong title; perhaps instead of teachers, we should be called inspirers, growers of people, change makers, or even box flatteners… ..more
By Rachida Dahman
Schools have a responsibility to create environments that are conducive to open discussions, free from aggression, and safe for authentic conversations… ..more
By Kenya J. Washington
You’ve updated your CV, attended the job fair, and you’re ready to sign on the dotted line… ..more
By Shwetangna Chakrabarty
The recent crisis in Sudan has forced international schools to close indefinitely... ..more
By Juan Jacobs Sheblak
The vulnerable and marginalized in our community must have their voices included… ..more
By Natasha Winnard
Strategies to support international educators whose children go overseas to university. What you can do to create independent wellbeing… ..more
By Natasha Winnard
Strategies to support international educators whose children go overseas to university. What can you do to help them create good habits and routines… ..more
By Sean Pettis
Students can share their ideas for protecting the environment through National Geographic’s Slingshot Challenge and Videos for Change... ..more
By Natasha Winnard
Strategies to support international educators whose children go overseas to university… ..more
By Conrad Hughes
What strikes me is less the fact that just about everybody is on their phones and more what they are doing on their phones... ..more
By Charlotte Bolina, Grade 9
In this episode, we’re walked through the life of Whitney Little, a teacher who left her hometown to live new experiences and regretted nothing... ..more
By Damian Bacchoo
Noticing is the root of belonging. And belonging is, I think, the root of happy and healthy children... ..more
By Ross Parker
Parents, educators, and policymakers need to critically re-evaluate what screens are doing to our young… ..more
+ 2022
By Natasha Winnard
There are a number of reasons why a gap year may be something to consider for internationally mobile students… ..more
By Yasmine Sadri
When I say we are our people, we are both joy and pain, and right now we are hurting. Our people are hurting. Our country is hurting… ..more
By Dr. Ben Fishman
Play and unscheduled time that allows for peer interactions are important components of social-emotional learning… ..more
By Kelli Holm
What is social and emotional learning (SEL) and how can you implement it systemically? SEL leaders at CASEL offer information and resources… ..more
By Geoff Smith
A bookcase full of chapters, stories, moments, and a collection of experiences exists. But ultimately, I’ll need new shelves for new experiences… ..more
By Cindy Adair
Our induction program aims to foster friendships and a support network among the new staff cohort… ..more
By Mary Noble
A middle school principal shares the tiring process of an international school job search and offers strategies for schools and leaders in the recruitment process… ..more
By Christian Polizzi
Supporting international school students as they transition into a new school and culture can help improve their social-emotional wellbeing... ..more
By Natasha Winnard
Parents who take the time to build honest, trusting, respectful, and clear communication between home and school are helping their children to succeed... ..more
By Art Charles
It is as much the challenges we overcome as a community as the opportunities we are given that bring us together as a team… ..more
By Jerome Lingo
During times of roadblocks and closed doors, we get to the heart of self-discovery and can equate a sense of “why” with one’s personal fulfillment, clarity, and life meaning… ..more
By John Mikton
Dr. Helen Kelly shares learnings from her research, work, and workshops on wellbeing... ..more
By Natasha Winnard
Not all children attending international schools come from wealthy backgrounds… ..more
By Joel Llaban Jr.
Here's to radically dreaming, to witnessing, naming, and celebrating the tenacity, truths, and tensions of our communities... ..more
By Katherine Clemmens
Living to get through everything stops you from seeing how valuable that moment really is… ..more
By Natasha Winnard
The key to a successful start of school often begins with how well teens have spent their holiday time. But what does that mean in practical terms... ..more
By John Ross
An easy-to-follow roadmap to learning a new language in just 90 days… ..more
By Vickie Swann
Let’s identify the passion, values, and joyful steps to explore so there will be a path that leads us from planning to practice... ..more
By Vickie Swann
Practical ways to be S.U.R.E. you take the necessary steps to find your north star within an organization while staying true to self... ..more
By Rachida Dahman
As graduation approaches, a teacher shares a letter with prayers for her students... ..more
By Drew Vahey
One man’s experience during a month of living in lockdown in Shanghai… ..more
By Michael Iannini
If we embrace our inner tiger, we have an opportunity to constructively address grievances and take control of our professional development. ..more
By Vickie Swann
Recognize your champions, make an effort to champion others, and give yourself the time and space to recognize all the positive and beautiful differences you make each day. ..more
By Vickie Swann
I hope each of you will take a moment to identify and honor your passions, to live by what we teach and provide for our students and colleagues and stay awake at night for all the right reasons. ..more
+ 2021
By Natasha Winnard
Working with the children of our colleagues requires us to pay attention to the positionality of these children, for whom school and home can become all too easily intertwined. ..more
By Natasha Winnard
It can be a challenge to navigate the different hats we wear in our international school communities. One of the most challenging can sometimes be the teacher-parent hats. ..more
By Natasha Winnard
Intergenerational connections provide kids with an extra tier of support ..more
By Alistair Goold
The final article in a three-part series exploring the role restorative practices can play in both personal and professional contexts, beta-tested as the author's family underwent a perfect storm of challenges in the midst of a global pandemic. ..more
By John Mikton
For John Mikton, the pandemic has felt personal. So in the epistolary tradition, he has written a letter to COVID from the perspective of an educator and school leader charged with heading up his school's COVID Task Force and juggling the nuisances and complexity of the situation. ..more
By Alistair Goold
In his Action Research Project, Alistair Goold examined the role that restorative justice practices can play for international families in transition, using his own family as a case study as they moved during the Covid-19 pandemic and faced a perfect storm of challenges. ..more
By Alexandra Bates
A graduating senior at Colegio Franklin Delano Roosevelt in Lima, Peru offers a beautiful reflection on her first day at the new school, capturing the anxiety and trepidation that so many international students experience in transitioning but also the enriching experiences of growth in community. ..more
By Dr. Howard De Leeuw
Has 2020-21 been a stressful time for you as a parent, student, teacher, or staff member? Yes? Now here's the real question: is stress harmful and to be avoided, reduced, managed, or is it rather helpful? ..more
By Alec Aspinwall
In a chapter book created with the help of international school counselors, teachers, principals, and heads of school, Grade 5 twins Patrick and Patricia (aka X-Pats) leave their home country and start new adventures abroad at an international school. ..more
By Shwetangna Chakrabarty
Students at Utahloy International School Guangzhou (UISG), in Guangzhou, China decided to focus on staff and student wellbeing to mark Teacher Appreciation Week and organized five days of fun and fundraising. ..more
By Kathleen Naglee
There is no life now outside of work, confides Head of School Kathleen Naglee, who has stopped trying to pretend otherwise. In the throes of the pandemic, remaining committed to her community of learners and fellow educators has come at a great personal cost. ..more
By Robert van der Eyken
Students at Academia Cotopaxi's school newspaper asked Director Robert van der Eyken to contribute an article on what has been learned over the past year. In this powerful reflection, he submits that 2021 offers an opportunity to apply lessons learned to future challenges. ..more
By Wyatt Franz
Things are changing daily in Myanmar for the author and his family. Navigating this amount of flux and uncertainty can feel overwhelming. Focusing on what is, Wyatt lets us walk in his shoes. ..more
By James Toney
James Toney doesn't want to talk about Chauvin's trial. All the same, this Black educator with a Black son of his own has generously and at personal cost laid out some of the many reasons why he's not up for talking. Are you listening? ..more
By Zenaida Cubbinz
The practice of wearing a hijab and abaya at international schools is not always viewed as being in keeping with the school’s “international” image, according to Zenaida Cubbinz, who also notes that hijabis tend to be hired to teach very specific subjects. ..more
By Lily Chang
Lily Chang is wondering if the DEI movement is not perpetuating an Us vs. Them mentality. Is it not time, she argues, for us to move past skin color and simply discuss how we can all be more inclusive? ..more
By ACS Press Office
As schools across the U.K. return to on-site teaching and learning, ACS International Schools' parents, teachers, and students share their thoughts and feelings on the return to the classroom.  ..more
By Wyatt Franz
Listening to nature can bring us to the present moment in times of turmoil. Wyatt Franz would know. He has been teaching through the pandemic and now a coup in Myanmar. ..more
By Paul Olson
Margie Olson announces the publication of her late husband Paul Olson’s fiction book, Nestlings: Stories of Expatriate Life in Africa. Paul grew up in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo. ..more
David L. Di Maria Associate Vice Provost for International Education, University of Maryland
Associate Vice Provost for International Education at the University of Maryland feels that President Biden’s rollbacks on former President Trump’s travel restrictions signal new opportunities for international students. ..more
By Susanna Thomas
Grieving the loss of her dear friend, Susanna Thomas is finding it difficult to return to the classroom routine as the second term gets under way. What supports exist for educators experiencing profound grief? And when will we start talking about the issue in earnest? ..more
By Mick Amundson-Geisel
The Myanmar International School Counselors Association (MISCA) has allowed its members to stay connected professionally and offer mutual support. But it has also empowered students to pursue their personal and educational goals. ..more
+ 2020
By Christopher Niem
“Our long-term goal is to be able to influence the culture of school food in Hong Kong, and in other areas of Asia as well. Once parents and children can see the benefits of healthy, sustainable food, we really believe that it can become a movement for positive change.” ..more
By Jon Nordmeyer, TIE columnist
I’ve heard from many teachers that this school year feels like starting over again. We have been asking, and trying to answer, really important questions. If we could have a conversation with our first-year teaching self, what advice would we give? ..more
By Adam Rugnetta
International educator and author Adam Rugnetta, like many of our readers, is experiencing Covid-19 abroad. After nearly a year in the hot spot of Milan, Italy Adam looks for silver linings. Check out his latest comic. ..more
By Theo Wilhelm
Teaching from home while parenting is hard. Parenting at home while teaching is hard. Could it be, however, that teachers, parents, and students are all learning and growing from these challenges in new and important ways? ..more
By Bruce Gilbert
Canada presents as an idyllic place to weather the pandemic. But while the move "home" has its obvious advantages, longtime international educator Bruce Gilbert is having trouble making small talk with other parents on the sidelines at his kid's soccer game. And that's a problem. ..more
By Chip Barder
No individual or group within our international schools has been spared from the challenges brought on by the pandemic, including the School Board. Those responsible for school governance have been attempting to navigate new and troubling territory. ..more
By Elijah Petersen
Teachers will try almost anything for their students, including, it turns out, teaching remotely with no internet. When Algeria’s Baccalaureate exams prompted an internet blackout during the week of September 13, staff at American International School of Algiers got creative. ..more
By Eric Semler
What can you learn about leadership and leading during a crisis from the mud and mayhem of a reality show featuring incredibly dangerous roads? A lot, it turns out, if you've ever felt that leading a school can be a treacherous endeavor. ..more
By Diana Shanaa
Cairo American College has weathered a couple of storms since the start of 2020. From covid-related challenges to actual weather events, facing these difficulties together has reinforced the community's sense that it is able to rise to any challenge. ..more
By Debbie Stanton & Tanya Coffey
As parents, you may be wondering what role you can play in supporting your children through this unusual return to school, making sure that they feel safe and secure, but also that they are resilient to the challenges and ready to accept and embrace the new classroom normal. ..more
By Lisa Martin
Disrupted Model United Nations seasons, cancelled conferences, and tens of thousands of disappointed delegates around the world have been grappling with the impact of the pandemic... and innovating like crazy, leading to program growth and increased engagement. ..more
By Helen Kelly
The COVID 19 crisis is increasing the huge levels of stress already experienced by international school leaders. While some are thriving in the face of the challenge, many are overwhelmed and coming close to burnout. Resilience is built through acknowledging our vulnerabilities. ..more
By Josefino Rivera, Jr.
In literature, we find comfort in narratives that follow what Joseph Campbell called the “hero’s journey,” the trajectory of a character who crosses into an unknown world only to return from the experience completely changed. But what about those that don’t return? ..more
By Lorelei Loveridge
Five days after Saudi Arabia’s King Salman declared a 21-day curfew that effectively turned into a compound lockdown, Lorelei Loveridge received the call every expat dreads. He was gone. She couldn't get home to be with family. And still the show had to go on. ..more
By Richard Bampfylde
The explosion in early August that rocked the Lebanese capital Beirut left over 200 residents dead, 6,000 injured, and 350,000 homeless. This tragedy compounded existing social, political, economic, and health crises. Brummana High School Students stepped up. ..more
By Matthew Dicks
We might be raising the first generation of children who truly understand the value of school and appreciate all of the educational opportunities that have been afforded to them. Unfortunately, it is coming at great cost. ..more
By Jaime Ellenberger
Teachers in Sweden tend to enjoy a healthy work/life balance, preventing extensive teacher turnover due to overexhaustion. As an American, Jaime Ellenberger had a lot to learn about walking away at the end of the day. ..more
By Michelle Collin
"You will forever be remarkable people," stated Mr. Smith, Head of Shekou International School. "Partly because you graduated in a remarkable year, but mainly because you are who you are well before the pandemic hit us." ..more
By Nafisa Mustafa, Age 10
"Throughout this learning experience, I have missed many things, but the biggest one is socializing. Being there in the physical classroom with the teacher was better and easier, for some inexplicable reason." ..more
By Jazz Victoria Griffiths, Grade 8
Without a doubt, this remote learning experience has brought both positives and negatives. At times I’ve been tearing out my hair, whereas at other moments I’m basking in a state of Zen that I’d never possessed while engaged in standard schooling. ..more
By Jinho Yoon, Grade 11
On the morning of 17 March, four Korean students and I entered the desolate Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun, India welcomed by the few that worked there with glances of suspicion and disgust. Leaving meant we would not be able to return to school, no matter how things evolved. ..more
By Susana Thomas
It was incredible to work alongside people of color and to be seen for what we are and what we have to offer... It was magical while it lasted. I feared that penning such a candid account would result in my exclusion from the consideration of future employers. But we must. ..more
By Azzah Abrar Dar, Age 10
This time pause has the power to teach me new things every day, Utilize every moment positively, keeping your gadgets at bay. Watching a movie together and these endless family chats, have the power to mellow down, even the nasty spoiled brats. ..more
By Rahaf Ala’aldin Yousef Mishael, Grade 8
We needed to grow smarter and more productive and thus created a new routine for our days, to keep us busy, healthy, and happy. We have uncovered new hobbies and tried to find ways to calm ourselves down during breakdowns and stressful moments. ..more
By Proserpina Dhlamini-Fisher
Racism is still alive in international education. Schools rationalize the terrible practice of excluding teachers and leaders of color by citing parent expectations, visa laws, and a dozen other weak excuses. Are there enough people of color or teachers representing diverse cultures serving as role models and mentors to our students? ..more
By Shwetangna Chakrabarty, TIE blogger
Sadly, international mindedness in today’s context only means diversity in the student body, not the teaching staff. I persevere to teach antiracism and international mindedness, even when I am a victim of racism and discrimination. ..more
By Betsy Grabb Suits
Six weeks ago, I caught one of the last flights out of Laos where all schools closed due to the Coronavirus 19. My mom had been in the hospital during this pandemic and was home under Hospice Care. I didn’t think I would make it back in time to see her again. ..more
By Tom Ulmet, ACAMIS
Executive Director of the Association of China and Mongolia International Schools (ACAMIS) Tom Ulmet recounts the emergence of what has now become a pandemic and recaps important research on the spread of COVID-19. ..more
By Denise Wee
Bloomberg reports Hong Kong’s international schools are bracing for an exodus of families from the city, with some warning they may have to shut for good after the government suspended classes to prevent the spread of coronavirus. ..more
By Dave Krocker
I do believe it is incumbent upon school leaders to place faith in our students’ and community’s ability to handle something new. Tell them you believe in them, that you trust them, and that you want them to have joyful opportunities and make positive memories of their high school experience. ..more
By Proserpina Dhlamini-Fisher
Taking time off from schools is something I have done several times in my career and have enjoyed immensely. I was saddened to realize that my friend did not feel comfortable taking time away, fearing that recruiters would judge my friend harshly for this protracted absence. ..more
+ 2019
By Timothy Veale
I believe it will help current and aspiring leaders to learn about international school “lifers”—those having worked in international schools longer than 20 years—and, in so doing, to understand what will continue to drive these legacies and new ones, well into the future. ..more
By Neil Morgan Griffiths
When policies and practices are designed to support and encourage professionalism, they positively impact school culture. Buyback is the medical world’s equivalent of exercise, in that it cures just about everything, and enhances what is already good. ..more
By Todd Lichtenwalter
When increased insecurity within Venezuela forced Colegio Internacional de Carabobo to discontinue its yearly field trips to Hato Pinero and Morrocoy, a committed team created an Infinity Learning Space for the collaborative practice of 21st-Century Learning Skills and Systems Thinking. ..more
By Meadow Dibble, TIE Editor
Lucaya International School had only just opened its doors to usher in a new school year when Hurricane Dorian forced the administration to abruptly slam them shut again and batten down the hatches. Showing resilience and solidarity, the LIS community seeks to recover and help others do the same. ..more
By Rebecca Perry
Every year, two outstanding principals are selected from the international schools that are assisted by the Office of Overseas Schools of the United States Department of State to receive the National Distinguished Principals Award. ..more
By Margaret Shibuya
International administrators take into consideration racism and sexism in their school environments and hiring practices as they make their decisions to retain or hire employees. But what about ageism? This form of discrimination has yet to be addressed. ..more
By Helen Kelly
In the Asian context, bringing teachers around to the need for change in working toward future-ready learning is only one piece of the puzzle. It is just as important that parents support the direction in which a school intends to move. ..more
A little over two years ago, we set out to provide an educational solution for the children of the Syrian refugees—our neighbors—who had to fled their homeland because of the war. Since then, we have met refugees from all over the Middle East and from Afghanistan, Iran, and Africa. ..more
By Jessica Friend Bartlett
Following a busy year of fundraising for their planned visit to Nepal, unexpected flight cancellations set ACS students and staff on a new path to the Itala Foundation School, a Welsh NGO in Zambia. ..more
By Andrei Ghicu
Concordia's physical education (PE) program began offering parkour for students up to Grade 4. After just six weeks devoted to exploring parkour daily, students can perform stunning moves on the equipment by going under, over, jumping, and landing at a very high speeds. ..more
By Shannon Fehse and Josh Krajczar
For the thousands of international educators who have been fortunate enough to cross paths with Dr. Richard (Dick) Krajczar over the years, there remains an element of disbelief that he’s really gone. ..more
By Alice Brown & Kate Ginn
Last year, the International School of Phnom Penh (ISPP) offered six scholarships to students from the Cambodian Children's Fund. Now, following a tough two-month process, another CCF cohort is about to join the first. ..more
By Michelle Collin
Effective in the 2019—2020 academic year, ISS will change its leadership structure in the Asia Pacific Office. Dr. Dale Cox will step down from the ISS Vice-President, Asia Pacific role to assume a faculty position at Utah Valley University in the U.S. ..more
By Meadow Hilley, TIE Editor
Sheena Nabholz, Head of School at Lincoln Community School in Accra, Ghana, speaks with TIE Editor Meadow Hilley, reflecting on her path toward leadership and the importance of mentors for women of talent. ..more
By Jesse Howe
One might think that in 2018 with the explosion of digital nomads, telecommuting, and the plethora of companies that do not own brick-and-mortar office space, the “trailing spouse” label would no longer be in vogue. And yet... ..more
By Anne Keeling
Winners of the 2019 International School Awards were celebrated at a ceremony in London on Monday night, 21st January. Over 200 senior leaders from international schools and education organizations around the world attended the gala event. ..more
By Patrick M. Carroll
in 2016-17, SMIC had just celebrated its 15th anniversary when Principal Kelley Ridings first broached the idea of redesigning our school’s middle school program, which had gone largely unchanged since the school opened. This simple conversation ultimately led to a reimagining. ..more
By Barry Sutherland
International School Phnom Penh decided it was time to review its assistance program with a view to providing opportunities for very poor students—the ones most international schools choose not to serve. What ensued was an inspiring, impactful, and sometimes painful experience. ..more
By Jane McGee & Angie Andreas
Through the creation of a mosaic mural, members of Vientiane International School in Laos sought to express who they are, making manifest the school's mission and core values while enhancing its sense of community. ..more
+ 2018
By Dominique Pierre and Jacqueline Fabius
This September, COHP started its ninth year of operation, still offering a free education, three meals a day, and full medical care to its student body of 65. While every year has brought its challenges, this year is a big one as COHP launches its high school program. ..more
By Stephen Barratt
The career experiences of an international educator are many and varied, creating considerable opportunities for professional growth. So what happens when they return “home”? If you are considering returning "home,” are you certain you know where that is now? ..more
By Nicole Schmidt
People’s reactions vary widely when they find out that my husband and I have both resigned from our jobs at the Luanda International School and plan to load up our 2007 Land Cruiser with two tents and two boys. ..more
By Michael Griffin
I’ve taken up surfing, and the challenge and difficulty reminds me of the learning and teaching process for mastering music skills. For some reason, we expect skills to just show up, without going through the process of developing them. ..more
By Tamara Studniski
The history of Xiamen International School (XIS) is closely linked with that of industry in the area. When XIS’s doors first opened to 81 students in 1997, many parents of those enrolled worked for Kodak, as the company had just opened a factory in the city. ..more
By Peter Bird
I have taken the plunge and arrived in Chennai, India to repeat the experience of starting a new school in a country that I had never stepped foot in before. Now here I am, busily creating social media buzz and momentum as the countdown clock ticks away on our website... ..more
By Cynthia Nagrath, TIE Staff Writer
Spiritual guru and best-selling author Eckhart Tolle tells us, if you want to start meditating, take one conscious breath in and one conscious breath out. In his book, Mindful Teacher, Mindful School, international school veteran Kevin Hawkins takes this instruction to the next level by laying out a practical and insightful guide on how teachers can bring mindfulness to the classroom by first bringing it into their own lives and daily practice. ..more
By Joy Jameson
When considering a job offer, usually the mind quickly moves to the monetary salary, location, and responsibilities. What will I be doing and how much money will I be paid? However, it’s also important, and perhaps even more crucial, to consider the emotional salary you will earn with the position. ..more
By Oorna Mukherjee
Climate change and plastic pollution are among the most perilous issues of our time. ARIS has joined the march, taking part in the second annual Earth Day Accra and facing the plastic crisis head-on. ..more
By Margriet Ruurs
Margriet Ruurs is a Canadian author who conducts visits to international schools. She has been sharing her reviews with TIE's readers for the past three years. Here are Margriet's summer picks. ..more
By Julie Lawton and Sally Richmond
Over the past 12 years, I have witnessed firsthand a culture and practice of collaboration at BCIS that has been nurtured and developed. This was not a decision that was made one day and miraculously occurred overnight. ..more
By Deron Marvin
In the fall, Deron Marvin will begin his first official international school headship. To prepare the transition, he sought out and interviewed two wise leaders--John Goodwin and Charles Barder--who between them boast 91 years' worth of knowledge and experience in international education. ..more
By Robyn S. Harwood
How can I do the most good? How can little ol’ me make a genuine impact on the next generation? I believe that all educators are asking themselves these questions all the time. This is why we all got into education in the first place, to make an impact and make the world just a little bit better, one child at a time. The big question is: How? ..more
By Chris Irvin
Like that line from a famous Clint Eastwood movie, in Venezuela there’s The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, which is likely what is foremost on your mind. The country has not had any good press for a long time, but there are plenty of positives. ..more
By Chipo Marunda-Piki
Through an action research, I set out to assess the extent to which elements of space affect the development of academic skills in my learners. This article is a glimpse into my journey as a teacher-researcher and into how I can use space as curriculum in my teaching and learning in Southern Africa. ..more
By Linda Egan
Professional musicians from Orchestre de Chambre de Luxembourg (OCL), conducted by the renowned German conductor, Kiril Stankow, will be performing with students from the International School in Luxembourg & St George’s International School on 31 Jan and 1 Feb. ..more
By Sylvia Hendricks
24 June 2018 was a historic day in Saudi Arabia, as women were given the freedom to take the wheels of their vehicles and drive for the first time in their own country. Expatriate women also gained the opportunity to feel the freedom of this significant change. ..more
By Christian Orlic
Last August, 13 students from the American School of Barcelona (ASB) took two weeks off their summer vacation and traveled to the Amazon basin in Peru to participate in a student-run medical mission organized by Michigan State University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine (MSUCOM). ..more
By Jade Fulce
Five Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) students were named among 2019 National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists this year by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC). ..more
By David Lewis
Glowing cheeks. Seeing breath in cold air. Shouts of glee. The sound of skates on ice. It can be cold and dark during the long winter in Kazakhstan, but Almaty International School decided to make it go quicker and have fun while doing it. ..more
By Dale Plotzki
A new Google Innovator project called ‘#EdPins’ is gearing up for back-to-school season. Created by Canadian international educator Dale Plotzki, #EdPins is a new way for schools and teachers to connect online by repurposing Google Maps entries of schools. ..more
By George Couros
In my opinion, the principal is probably the most important job in an educational organization. Though the following questions were developed for superintendents to ask principals, they are questions any educator, parent, or even student should be able to openly ask their principal. ..more
By Jill Dobbe
The heavy, clinging smell of burnt rubber hovers in the morning air, while helicopters buzz low overhead. Streets usually packed with bumper-to-bumper lines of vehicles are nearly empty. Banks, stores, offices, and schools are reduced to limited hours... ..more
By Lateefa Farah
The American School of Doha recently held its annual Friendship Festival celebration, welcoming over 4,000 people from different backgrounds and showcasing the true multicultural state of Qatar. ..more
By Will Griffin
Emily McCormick, a teacher at Seoul American High School, has been named the 2018 Department of Defense Education Activity History Teacher of the Year, an award presented annually by the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History. ..more
By Marcelo Calero
Six Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) schools were selected as 2017-18 state-level winners and honorable mentions in the eCYBERMISSION competition sponsored by the U.S. Army Educational Outreach Program. ..more
By Emma Harper
A small group of high school students at the American School of Milan (ASM) are gearing up for a special service trip to Puerto Rico. This is the third such trip organized by ASM math teacher Dovid Fein, who has been focused on providing students with volunteer opportunities abroad. ..more

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The International Educator (TIE) is a non-profit organization committed to matching highly qualified educators with international schools around the world. For more than 30 years, TIE has been the most comprehensive service for securing a job in an international school. TIE is dedicated to advancing the highest professional teaching standards and promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the international school community.