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Welcome to Africa!

I am Dr. Peter Bateman, Executive Director of the Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA), and I am thrilled to acquaint you with our organization's vital work.

Africa, the world's second-largest continent, boasts 54 countries and over 2,000 spoken languages, testifying to the rich ethnic, cultural, and geographic diversity of this magnificent region. From Morocco to Mozambique, our member schools are nestled within bustling coastal cities and the serene savannahs of East and Central Africa. If you've dreamed of experiencing renowned landmarks, the enchantment of wildlife, the diversity of food and culture, or the warmest of welcomes, we invite you to join us in Africa.

For over five decades, AISA has been devoted to the development and delivery of strategic programmes supporting professional growth, good governance, strategic thinking, and wellbeing in our member schools across the continent.

In line with our commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ), we've strived to create a global community that respects and values individual differences. We believe these are essential components to our mission, and we are committed to fostering an inclusive culture in our schools where everyone feels valued and respected.

Our member schools are diverse, each reflecting the unique nature of the communities they serve. All teach in English, and while some schools are large with over 1,000 students, others are more intimate with fewer than 100 students. They may be non-profit or proprietary, religiously affiliated, or secular. Curricula also vary, with American, British, IB, or a blend of these being offered by our member schools. Regardless of size or affiliation, we provide a forum for educators to connect with and learn from each other.

As we look to the future, the 2023/24 school year will mark a significant milestone for me personally as I will be stepping down as Executive Director of AISA in June 2024. I am delighted to pass the baton to my esteemed colleague, Elizabeth Imende, whom I know will continue to uphold and expand our noble mission.

It has been an incredible journey, and while I still have a year to go, I am deeply grateful to have had the privilege to serve in this role. I wish Elizabeth, and AISA as a whole, every success as they continue to shape the future of international education in Africa, and I look forward to seeing the exciting developments that lie ahead under Elizabeth's capable leadership. As we transition in the coming 12 months, please join me in welcoming and supporting Elizabeth in her new role.

AISA ensures that school leaders, educators, and co-professionals are always learning and growing, creating a productive school environment brimming with fresh ideas and practices to inspire students to focus and flourish as they prepare to become global citizens. So come and join us as an educator in an AISA member school and experience firsthand the transformative power of education in Africa.

Peter Bateman
Executive Director

International School News from Africa

An Accidental Teacher on 09-Oct-24

Join us as we delve into the stories of these inspiring educators and gain a deeper understanding of the transformative power of education across borders…

African Peacemakers on 14-Aug-24

I am alone in this moment, surrounded by the echoes of the past and the dreams of a future yet to be realized…

Dakar, Senegal on 14-Aug-24

In this episode, Estelle Baroung Hughes shares her story and tackles the question, “What would you do if you wanted the children of Africa to change the world?”…

African Peace Makers: Forging Stability and Harmony on 19-Jul-24

An exploration of the invaluable contributions of African peace makers in promoting peace, resolving conflicts, and inspiring future generations…

Stories from the field ...

A University Counselor’s Perspective on 10-Apr-24

The world of teaching, leading, and counseling has become more complex and more challenging…

An Accidental Teacher on 09-Oct-24

Join us as we delve into the stories of these inspiring educators and gain a deeper understanding of the transformative power of education across borders…

What Makes Your Country My Country on 24-Sep-25

Join us as we delve into the stories of these inspiring educators and gain a deeper understanding of the transformative power of education across borders...

Be Flexible if You Want To Be Successful on 11-Sep-24

Join us as we delve into the stories of these inspiring educators and gain a deeper understanding of the transformative power of education across borders...
Share your story ...

Recent Appointments

Jeff Marquis

Harare International School
Secondary Principal

Christelle Lonez

Luanda International School
Primary Principal

Joe Buscemi

American International School of Lusaka
Primary School Principal

Bridget Davies

Luanda International School



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Making the Most of the Experience: A Reflection on Recruiting Fairs
With another school recruiting season almost in the rear-view mirror, it is worthwhile reflecting on what went well and what could be improved… ...

Exploring the Job Search: A One Minute Survey
Help us measure how our industry is evolving and what job seeking may look like in the future… ...

In Your Own Backyard: Keeping Relevance Post-Hiring Season
Now that the hiring season is almost coming to a close, we can re-group and re-think how our current faculty and staff are faring in our school environments… ...

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Considerations Before Signing a New Contract
You’ve updated your CV, attended the job fair, and you’re ready to sign on the dotted line… ...

A Recruiter's Interview Toolbox
During the interview process, there are some approaches we may want to hold on to, some we need to avoid doing, and others we may want to move towards… ...

Do You Have the DEIJ Support You Need During Recruitment Season?
Ideas and thoughts that might help educators of color as they navigate recruitment season in the international school system… ...

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+1 508-790-1990 [email protected]