In this collection of stories, international educators share their unique experiences, insights, and perspectives. These accounts include how some began their international school career, things to consider if you’re curious about the international teaching landscape, what they’ve learned along the way, and the unparalleled journeys on this career path.
Join us as we delve into the stories of these inspiring educators and gain a deeper understanding of the transformative power of education across borders.
Born and raised in New York City, and currently working as an early childhood educator in Uganda, Matthew Steuer has spent most of his adult life working internationally, having lived in seven countries on five continents in over 30 years of global adventures. He has always sought to open his heart and mind to the cultures and people in the places where he has lived, building meaningful connections, deepening understanding, and celebrating the rich and colorful differences while at the same time, the profound common threads we share as one humanity. He earned his undergraduate degree from Wheelock College, focusing on birth to 3-year-olds, as well as examining the social systems that impact development. He earned his master’s degree in early childhood education from the Erikson Institute. Matthew believes it is our obligation to work tirelessly so that every single child in this world has the foundation to thrive, the soil to nurture strong roots, realize their gifts, and fulfill their dreams.