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Saturday, 27 July 2024
Exploring the Job Search: A One Minute Survey

Exploring the Job Search: A One Minute Survey
By Stacy Stephens
Jun 2024
Help us measure how our industry is evolving and what job seeking may look like in the future…

+ 2024
By Stacy Stephens
Schools should engage in Evidence-Based Recruiting because it provides more accurate and in-depth information on a candidate... ..more
+ 2023
By Dominique Dalais
Ideas and thoughts that might help educators of color as they navigate recruitment season in the international school system… ..more
+ 2022
By Dr. Deborah Welch
More often than not, as a job seeker your résumé precedes you. It is the first impression a potential school has of you – and is usually a quick one. ..more
+ 2021
Have you added School Ambassadors to your TIE school account? Identify staff at your school that can answer questions potential candidates might have! ..more
By David Willows
Has Covid-19 already started to mold and influence the ways in which today’s generation of students will choose the right school for their children? David Willows decided to test this idea on the school-aged people in his own family. ..more
By Chip Barder
TIE is uplifting the profession by presenting a more substantial view of what an outstanding educator looks like. Those seeking positions can now showcase their candidacy through a standards-based lens, supported by evidence of their own choosing. ..more
By Bambi Betts
Recruiters today are looking for tangible, compelling evidence of quality teaching. PTC Director Bambi Betts outlines the standards of practice for international school teachers and how to provide compelling evidence that you meet them. ..more
By Bambi Betts
Standards for teachers is not a new idea. Standards for teachers reflecting the unique international needs? Gathering steam. What is new? Truly using them as drivers for learning in view of keeping an outstanding teacher in every classroom every day. ..more
+ 2020
By Heidi Dyck Hilty
Racism in international schools sounds like a misquote. There can’t be racism in international schools; it goes against everything we’re supposed to believe in, against everything we say we promote. And yet... ..more
By Susana Thomas
It was incredible to work alongside people of color and to be seen for what we are and what we have to offer... It was magical while it lasted. I feared that penning such a candid account would result in my exclusion from the consideration of future employers. But we must. ..more
By Proserpina Dhlamini-Fisher
Racism is still alive in international education. Schools rationalize the terrible practice of excluding teachers and leaders of color by citing parent expectations, visa laws, and a dozen other weak excuses. Are there enough people of color or teachers representing diverse cultures serving as role models and mentors to our students? ..more
By Nicholas McKie
Teachers with less international experience and expertise are being chosen over their fully qualified international counterparts who teach in international settings on the basis that they have studied in the UK so will have QTS. Time for a rethink. ..more
By Francis T Chapuredima
As an educator, my blood boils when I see job specifications that strongly state “all applicants except those from [insert host country] must be native English speakers from the U.S., Canada, U.K., Australia, New Zealand, or South Africa." Schools should not restrict the pool of applicants to those hailing from a handful of countries. ..more
By Meadow Dibble, TIE Editor
TIE Editor Meadow Dibble interviews Edward E. Greene, Executive Director of the East Asia Regional Council of Schools (EARCOS), who describes the impact of the coronavirus on international school communities throughout his region. ..more
By Denise Wee
Bloomberg reports Hong Kong’s international schools are bracing for an exodus of families from the city, with some warning they may have to shut for good after the government suspended classes to prevent the spread of coronavirus. ..more
By Proserpina Dhlamini-Fisher
Taking time off from schools is something I have done several times in my career and have enjoyed immensely. I was saddened to realize that my friend did not feel comfortable taking time away, fearing that recruiters would judge my friend harshly for this protracted absence. ..more
+ 2019
By Anne Keeling
Today, according to data from ISC Research, 5.6 million children between the ages of 3 and 18 are attending English-medium international schools around the world. Nearly two decades ago, in the year 2000, there were just 969,000 children learning in these schools. ..more
To keep you connected with your international school colleagues around the world, TIE encourages you to share news of your new appointments both in our newspaper and on our website. ..more
By Dzenana Ceman
Dr. Bunnell has stated that the “PRP in a school... is still probably an individual whose background is not in PR and who does it alongside other teaching or managerial commitments.” I interviewed schools in various parts of the United States and Europe to find out whether much had changed since Dr. Bunnell conducted his 2005 study. ..more
By Anne Keeling
Southeast Asia has become a major region for international education. The field of international schools there continues to expand, and the desire among parents to provide their children with an English-medium education that follows international curricula and examinations is rising. ..more
By Anne Keeling
Latest market trends from ISC Research on international education in China show that the international private schools market has grown substantially due to an increasing demand from Chinese parents for an international, bilingual approach to learning for their children. ..more
By Jesse Howe
One might think that in 2018 with the explosion of digital nomads, telecommuting, and the plethora of companies that do not own brick-and-mortar office space, the “trailing spouse” label would no longer be in vogue. And yet... ..more
By Anne Keeling
“Pathways From English-medium International Schools to University” is a new, free report published by ISC Research that shares information about the university choices being made by students at the world’s international schools. ..more
By Xianxuan Xu
A solid body of empirical research documents that support and mentoring by veteran teachers has a positive effect on beginning teachers’ quality of instruction, job satisfaction, commitment, retention, and capacity to improve their students’ academic achievement. ..more
+ 2018
By Bradylee McGeough
Why don’t more international schools offer effective retirement packages? They don’t have to. The job market doesn’t require it. Many international teachers are temporary or peripatetic, and so a long-term benefit holds little appeal. ..more
By Anne Keeling
ISC Research reports that student enrollment increased globally during the last twelve months by 7 percent, taking the total number of children now learning at international schools to 5.1 million, a compound annual growth rate in the past five years of 6.7 percent. ..more
By Xianxuan Xu
In the educational field, principals tend to make hiring decisions based on perceptions of organizational fit of applicants, and they believe it is an important attribute to look for in making their selection. However, researchers disagree on whether organizational fit is an effective criterion for assessing the quality of candidates. ..more
By Meadow Hilley, TIE Editor
John Magagna is Founding Director of Search Associates. He spoke with TIE Editor Meadow Hilley at Search Associates' Cambridge fair, held 26–28 January. John will retire in August. Here he shares his wisdom and experience with TIE's readers. ..more
By Xianxuan Xu
The primary task of human resource management is simple: to choose the right person for the right job. This is especially important in education because the success of a school is determined to a large extent by the effectiveness of its teacher, leader, and staff workforce. ..more
By Meadow Hilley, TIE Editor
Frankfurt International School (FIS) has been getting a lot of attention of late from companies looking to relocate their employees to Germany in the wake of Brexit. Rather than grow, however, FIS has opted to maintain its current size. ..more
By Kathleen Naglee
We lead world-renowned schools with highly qualified staff, and accredited programs with U.S. State Department assistance. Yet, there were only three female heads of school in our region in academic years 2016–17, 2017–18. How is this still the case in educational leadership? ..more
By Anne Keeling
Arlo Kipfer has joined ISC Research as Business Development Consultant for Asia Pacific and the Americas. Arlo’s move to ISC Research demonstrates the company’s commitment to ensuring that highly skilled location and sector specialists are available to provide the essential expertise. ..more
By Anne Keeling
Demand for international education is going from strength to strength in many countries of the world. At the recent ISC Research Conference, the company’s field researchers shared some of the very latest intelligence and data about developments within the international schools market this academic year. ..more
By Matt Harris
On the international school market, candidates have difficulty proving their skills and employers find it difficult to validate their claims. There is, however, one area in which educators can document their skills and distinguish themselves from others: Educational Technology. ..more
By Lexi Lee
AISJ's former campus was over 40 years old. With aging buildings and a growing student population, it was time to upgrade facilities. This time, AISJ has moved to a new, purpose-built, state-of-the-art campus. ..more
By Anne Keeling
A report published by ISC Research shows the opportunities that English-medium international schools provide as a route to higher education. The study queried over 300 college counselors around the world to identify the higher education destination choices of Grade 12 international school students and what influenced their selection. ..more
By Anne Keeling
At the ISC Research Conference, which took place near Oxford this January, the company’s field researchers shared some of the very latest intelligence and data about developments within the international schools market this academic year. ..more
By Chris Beingessner and Lauren Mehrbach
With international school hiring season just around the corner, many teachers are dusting off their resumes and shining their webcams to prepare for securing their next adventure. There are some things that you can do to stand out among other candidates (and, maybe more importantly, some things you should NOT do in order to avoid disappointment). ..more

TIE Online

The International Educator (TIE) is a non-profit organization committed to matching highly qualified educators with international schools around the world. For more than 30 years, TIE has been the most comprehensive service for securing a job in an international school. TIE is dedicated to advancing the highest professional teaching standards and promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the international school community.