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What Are Teachers Saying About Your School?

Let Candidates Hear from Teachers at Your School
What Are Teachers Saying About Your School?

Have you added “School Ambassadors” to your TIE school profile?

One of the first things candidates do when researching a school they are considering is reach out through social media and school review sites to find out what teachers are saying.

TIE’s “School Ambassadors” gives you the opportunity to ensure candidates receive accurate and up to date information about your school, providing examples such as: culture of care and collaboration, how the school is fulfilling its mission and vision, opportunities for professional growth and development, leadership support, the school's focus on learning, to mention a few. Candidates will greatly benefit from learning about the lifestyle of your country through the eyes of an actual staff member at your school.

Log in to your school dashboard. Under SCHOOL PROFILE, click on School Ambassadors, and get started by entering the contact information for staff at your school that can answer questions potential candidates might have.

These names will appear alongside your school description, photos, and information when potential candidates are reading any of your job vacancies.

To learn more, attend a demo on all TIE School Service Plans Monday 30th August @ 11am EST - REGISTER

For questions about this or any of the tools and features on your dashboard contact [email protected].

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