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Post Your Appointment Listings with TIE


To keep you connected with your international school colleagues around the world, TIE encourages you to share news of your new appointments both in our newspaper and on our website. NEWSPAPER Due to space constraints, please note that only head of school and administrative-level appointments will be published in our print edition. All other international school staff appointments will be featured online. Administrative bios for publication in TIE should be approximately 30 words in length and should more or less conform to the following model: “[First and last name] has been appointed Principal/Head of School at [School] in [city, country]. Previously, [name] was [title] at [school].” Photos should be headshots of print quality (preferably over 300 dpi resolution). Administrative appointment listings with photos in attachment can be emailed to [email protected] ONLINE DATABASE We typically ask that schools and individuals submit their own appointments online. You can do this at All appointment listings with photos posted to our online database eventually make it into our weekly newsletters, with a distribution of 10,000+. All administrative appointment listings with photos posted to our online database will eventually be culled from our website and featured in an upcoming print edition of the newspaper. POLICIES Your submission, whether for publication online or in print, implies acceptance of our editorial policies: - Submission to TIE is not a guarantee of publication, though we try to publish all appointment news on a rolling basis throughout the year. - Your appointment listing may be edited, shortened, or otherwise amended, as per TIE’s space limitations. - Your listing may be featured on, and/or in our social media outlets (, @teach_overseas on Twitter, etc.). Thank you for your interest in The International Educator and for sharing your news with our community!

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