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Wednesday, 15 January 2025

+ 2024
By Saqib Rasib
Bilingual language support can enhance academic success and contribute to the cultivation of essential leadership traits… ..more
By Scott Eder
Exploring the key advantages, potential drawbacks, and striking a balance to maximize the effectiveness of Content and Language Integrated Learning… ..more
By Susi Pucci
A peek into the deep skillset of the English as an Additional Language Specialist… ..more
By Miyori Takano
A personal reflection on the impact of hegemonic language ideologies in international schools and the benefits of translanguaging… ..more
By Dr. Samantha Olson-Wyman and Dr. Esther Bettney Heidt
Exploring language ideologies, how they might impact multilingual school communities, and how to shift toward more inclusive beliefs about language… ..more
+ 2023
By Tiffany Crook
Alegria, the English language acquisition program, symbolizes a new beginning, reflecting the dawn of new opportunities, growth, and journeys… ..more
By Sarah Y. Ko
We have the privilege and power to teach and advocate in a way that undoes some of the wrong in our world: reflect on biases, determine gaps, and collaboratively plan… ..more
By Noria (ia) Adam-Lim
Our mindsets must shift from disadvantage to advantage, intervention to inclusion, monolingual to multilingual, equality to equity… ..more
By Raquel Parra and Dr. Yujiro Fujiwara
Incorporating social media into language instruction has been found to have several benefits for language learners… ..more
By Yeji Kloosterman and Matthew Kloosterman
Due to the nature of working with people from different nations, cultures, and backgrounds, defining the term “international” is challenging... ..more
By Stephanie Drynan, Dr. Esther Bettney Heidt, and Jon Nordmeyer
A reflection on developing a dual language program with hopes of informing how to move toward more inclusive approaches to language education… ..more
By John Frame
Education already has enough of its own jargon with which teachers need to grapple without corporate language infiltration adding more complications… ..more
By Alysa Perreras and Matt Hajdun
Guiding questions to invite schools to analyze their current language policies with a DEIJ lens… ..more
+ 2022
By Dr. Virginia Rojas
A call for us to rethink the oppositional intentions of English only vs. translanguaging in school policies and classroom practices… ..more
By Jon Nordmeyer
Understanding the implications of EAL fees on students, teachers, classrooms, and overall equity helps us move toward improving this system… ..more
+ 2021
By Lori Langer de Ramirez and Martina Mencer Salluzzo
During the Covid crisis, language teachers worked to expand our digital toolkit and find ways to connect our students with the world outside our Zoom rectangles. ..more
By Alexandra Ritt Gustad & Esther Bettney
Translanguaging is the adaptable way in which multilingual people use their languages to communicate. As the action and practice of using a person’s full linguistic repertoire to construct meaning, we should be deploying this approach more broadly with our students. ..more
By Bonnie Billak
After months of virtual classes, students have become accustomed to being at home with parents. Now that schools are reopening, special attention needs to be focused on ESL students to ensure that the transition from virtual to face-to-face classes is a smooth one. ..more
+ 2020
By Gregory R. van Goidtsnoven
Learning a foreign language is not simply about understanding the vocabulary, and it requires much more than simply the ability to “pass.” These reductive perceptions don’t begin to take into account the complexity of systems at work in language development. ..more
By Francis T Chapuredima
As an educator, my blood boils when I see job specifications that strongly state “all applicants except those from [insert host country] must be native English speakers from the U.S., Canada, U.K., Australia, New Zealand, or South Africa." Schools should not restrict the pool of applicants to those hailing from a handful of countries. ..more
By Miles McFall
When the decision to expand the Dalian American International School program offerings to include a bilingual school for Chinese nationals was made in 2017, we asked: What do we value? What do we mean when we say we’re a “bilingual” school? How do the influences of culture on individuals and systems inform our planning? ..more
By Andrea Honigsfeld & Jon Nordmeyer
Some international teachers have been in virtual school for months, while for others it is a new experience. This article will share some key takeaways from what are we learning about international schools maintaining collaboration in support of English Learners (ELs). ..more
+ 2019
By Gregory R. van Goidtsnoven
With the emergence of a robust Asian market in global economics, the role of “English language” skills has been placed at the forefront of competitive and effective business strategies. What English should be taught? How should we teach it? ..more
By Anne Keeling
Latest market trends from ISC Research on international education in China show that the international private schools market has grown substantially due to an increasing demand from Chinese parents for an international, bilingual approach to learning for their children. ..more
By Maurice Carder
Detailed, long-term research shows that a professional program of second language instruction is the key element allowing second language students to develop their English. However, many international schools have found it more convenient to follow national models of the Anglosphere. ..more
By Shwetangna Chakrabarty
As an international school teacher, my biggest challenge is to cater to the needs of a diverse population of students from all over the world. At the same time, my greatest teaching asset is precisely the diversity of the student population! ..more
+ 2018
By Bonnie Billak
With proper instruction and scaffolding, EAL students at all proficiency levels are capable of and should attempt the same work assignments as their peers. Sometimes they even excel in the process. ..more
By Ettie Zilber
If songs are so socially and emotionally engaging and so instrumental in the cognitive and physical development of children’s first language, think of how useful they could be in teaching and learning multiple languages. ..more
By Bonnie Billak
It is common practice for schools to test student proficiency levels in a variety of subject areas at all grade levels. Should assessing the English proficiency level of Early Childhood students be added to this battery of testing? ..more
By Bonnie Billak
Three of the most common challenges among ESL programs worldwide are space, scheduling, and staffing. Let’s take a closer look at the characteristics of each challenge and explore some possible ways to approach its resolution. ..more
By Brett Snipes and Christine Xu
For the seventh year in row, YCIS Beijing was selected to host local teachers at our Honglingjin Park campus to observe classroom lessons and learn more about the unique learning communities and bilingual co-teaching model on offer for students. ..more

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The International Educator (TIE) is a non-profit organization committed to matching highly qualified educators with international schools around the world. For more than 30 years, TIE has been the most comprehensive service for securing a job in an international school. TIE is dedicated to advancing the highest professional teaching standards and promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the international school community.