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Monday, 16 September 2024

+ 2023
By Jérémie Rostan and Beth Stark
AI integration will not be truly effective and impactful in education unless it helps us to augment and amplify excellent pedagogical practice... ..more
By Dan Worth
In this episode, Daniel Jones discusses how Globeducate is managing the rapid rise of generative artificial intelligence… ..more
By Adam Duckworth and Dr. Yujiro Fujiwara
It is vital that we examine the use of AI, reflect on its implications on educational practices, and provide guidelines for creating policies in schools… ..more
By Nickolas Hironao Harris
We must take into consideration the various advantages and disadvantages of technology’s educational transformation… ..more
By Yosef Karasik
FutureTech is a new course designed to meet the needs of our rapidly evolving, technology-driven world… ..more
By Robert Bauer
A conference developed to bring together our educational communities and share the exceptional things happening in our schools… ..more
By Dr. Megel R. Barker
School leaders are compelled to reflect on future-facing strategies to embrace AI in their schools and provide a sustainable platform to reap the benefits… ..more
By Conrad Hughes
What strikes me is less the fact that just about everybody is on their phones and more what they are doing on their phones... ..more
+ 2022
By Roselyn Pastorfide Baronia
The successful implementation of technology in schools is faced with many obstacles... ..more
+ 2021
By Richard Bampfylde
Students from twenty schools representing six countries across three continents participated in this 5th edition of BHSMUN, demonstrating key skills necessary for a balanced Middle-East region and to lead through very challenging times towards a bright future. ..more
By Irem Noyaner
Organized for the 7th time this year and attended by more than 1,400 students to date, the Hisar Coding Summit offers courses and workshops in a variety of fields, such as artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and application, and game development—all taught by students. ..more
Finlay Morriss
Online learning platform Mangahigh has launched its Maths Challenge competition in partnership with COBIS to help improve attainment, as well as support schools and students who are currently learning remotely. ..more
By Angela Beach
Dalian American International School Elementary in Dalian, China takes distance learning beyond the screen by offering student toolkits to enhance instruction and add a personal touch—a weekly-refreshed bag of physical supplements to online learning. ..more
+ 2020
By Sena Chang
The abrupt change in pedagogy at The American School in Japan (ASIJ) brought on by the pandemic has sparked many conversations about the effectiveness and value of digital learning. Three middle schoolers shared their views with ASIJ student Sena Chang. ..more
By Anne Keeling, ISC Research
Technology played a vital role in supporting the continuation of student learning in schools during covid-19, according to a new report by ISC Research, focused on understanding the use of technology during campus closures and its impact on international schools. ..more
By Emily Sargent-Beasley
No longer is there a chance to kneel beside a child, smile from across the room, or nudge with clear feedback using a tone that invites listening and understanding. The traditional toolkit has been left behind. Each tool now feels as if it must be replaced. ..more
By Henry Afful
It’s often said that adversity is the mother of innovation. This has been a true reflection on the response we had to our teaching and learning experience at ARIS. Truly, the challenges the COVID-19 global pandemic has fueled our quest for excellence and led to some serious creativity and innovation. ..more
By Josefino Rivera, Jr.
All schools in Hong Kong were suspended until 20 April 2020, but that did not stop students at the American International School (AIS) of Hong Kong from learning as AIS educators elaborated their innovative teaching strategies using various online tools. ..more
The TEACH-NOW Graduate School of Education announced today the appointment of Dr. Kevin J Ruth as the Vice President of Strategy. Dr. Ruth is an expert in international education and is the former Chief Executive Officer of the Educational Collaborative for International Schools (ECIS) ..more
By Andrea Honigsfeld & Jon Nordmeyer
Some international teachers have been in virtual school for months, while for others it is a new experience. This article will share some key takeaways from what are we learning about international schools maintaining collaboration in support of English Learners (ELs). ..more
By Shwetangna Chakrabarty
Education 4.0 is a term used to describe the ways in which we need to prepare students for the fourth industrial revolution, or the advent of the 22nd century. Guangzhou Nanfang International School in China has had the opportunity to pilot Education 4.0—albeit under duress. ..more
By Matt Brady
An imagined conversation among a school’s leadership team reconvening for 2019/2020, discussing tech integration—or taking old systems and tacking on the latest tech, taking as many shortcuts as possible, and then assuming everything will work just fine. ..more
+ 2019
By Todd Lichtenwalter
When increased insecurity within Venezuela forced Colegio Internacional de Carabobo to discontinue its yearly field trips to Hato Pinero and Morrocoy, a committed team created an Infinity Learning Space for the collaborative practice of 21st-Century Learning Skills and Systems Thinking. ..more
By Matt Harris, TIE Columnist
At many schools, parents are expected to monitor around five channels of communication for important school information. School staff have to deal with even more. Students eyeballs-deep in academic responsibilities are asked to keep track of multiple communication systems. ..more
By Jill Barshay and Sasha Aslanian
Georgia State is one of a growing number of schools that have turned to big data to help them identify students who might be struggling – or soon be struggling – academically. Critics question if predictive analytics at college invades privacy and reinforces racial inequities. ..more
+ 2018
By Scott McLeod
Like most institutions in society, international schools are realizing that the intertwined, very disruptive forces of technology and globalization require us to rethink things, often at an elemental level. As they reassess, they are typically focused on four big shifts. ..more
By Matt Harris
Are STEM, STEAM, and coding programs having the desired effect of building intrinsic technical skills among students that will be used in university and beyond? My travels and experiences have shown the answer to be… maybe. But we can do better. ..more
By Brandon Fisher
In the episode of Concordia International School Shanghai’s EdTech podcast, “Are You Ready to Be Amazed?” the EdTech team shares tips and resources teachers can use to help their students evaluate and interpret online news in order to best determine what information to trust. ..more
By Matt Harris
Technology tools differ in every school and the needs of students vary based on age and curriculum. There is no clear bifurcation between those who are and are not tech-savvy teachers. Instead, tech-savvy teaching encompasses a spectrum of skills across a range of categories. ..more
By Rich Lehrer and Kristen MacConnell
A new generation of technology is emerging that allows students to create highly refined, professional, and effective products with the potential for actual impact in their communities and the world. ..more
Laurin Gschwenter (Grade 8), American International School Vienna
It’s a Friday afternoon. I have social studies class… boring. I’m supposed to do a task on zoomin. Instead, I take out my phone, stand up and sit someplace where my professor can’t notice me. Instantly, my other mate takes his phone out too... ..more
By Nina Blake
For its commitment to taking a whole-community approach to preparing its students to use the immense power of digital media to explore, create, connect, and learn, while limiting the perils that exist in the online realm, ASF kicks off the 2018–19 school year having earned official recognition as a Common Sense District. ..more
By Meadow Hilley, TIE Editor
Over the past dozen years, Will Richardson has become an outspoken advocate for change in schools worldwide. Writing and speaking about the intersection of social online learning networks and education, Will has worked with educators in over 20 countries to understand the opportunities and challenges of learning in the modern world. ..more
By John Mikton
For European international schools, due to the implementation of a new law called the General Data Protection Regulation, the personal data of all faculty members, parents, and students will need to be organized and protected in accordance with the new rules laid down by the GDPR. ..more
By Brandon Fisher
The Big Data and Analytics Education Conference (6th BDA EdCon) at Concordia will bring together academics, educators and industry partners to exchange knowledge and ideas to better prepare students for the work force. ..more
By C. M. Rubin
C. M. Rubin chats with Futurist and Global Ed Thought Leader Charles Fadel, who believes new and more innovative knowledge maps are now needed to help us navigate the complexities of our expanding landscape of knowledge. ..more
By Matt Harris
On the international school market, candidates have difficulty proving their skills and employers find it difficult to validate their claims. There is, however, one area in which educators can document their skills and distinguish themselves from others: Educational Technology. ..more
By Linda Belonje
Ultimaker together with Septillion company, leading 3D printing companies, recently recognized KIS International School as winner of the "Ultimaker Education Challenge APAC 2017." Ultimaker supports creative and innovative educators who boldly pioneer new technology in the classroom. ..more
By Matt Harris
Screen time is a key element of the hyperconnected world children live in today. Their access to information, entertainment, communication, and now learning is tied more and more to screen time. They need devices to fully experience modern childhood, for better or worse. ..more
By Dale Plotzki
A new Google Innovator project called ‘#EdPins’ is gearing up for back-to-school season. Created by Canadian international educator Dale Plotzki, #EdPins is a new way for schools and teachers to connect online by repurposing Google Maps entries of schools. ..more
By Linda Egan
Computer Science Education Week is a worldwide annual program. For the fifth year in a row, students from the International School of Luxembourg (ISL) took part in “The Hour of Code” and other activities to develop their computational thinking skills. ..more
By Marcelo Calero
Six Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) schools were selected as 2017-18 state-level winners and honorable mentions in the eCYBERMISSION competition sponsored by the U.S. Army Educational Outreach Program. ..more

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The International Educator (TIE) is a non-profit organization committed to matching highly qualified educators with international schools around the world. For more than 30 years, TIE has been the most comprehensive service for securing a job in an international school. TIE is dedicated to advancing the highest professional teaching standards and promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the international school community.