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Saturday, 8 February 2025

+ 2024
By Rachael Thrash
We can turn AI from a potential barrier into a powerful tool for authentic learning. A case for student agency in assessment… ..more
By Anna Hasic-Wallis
We assume that students are as engaged with their learning as we are, that they understand feedback is integral for improvement and growth… ..more
By Timothy Fuller Bazin, Jungmeen Lee, Calvin Kamphuis, Kasia Martin, and Vasile Lozneanu
Seoul Foreign School shares the student learning as well as practices that made it possible to create a project-based learning fashion show… ..more
+ 2023
By Tristan Reynolds
Adopting double blind marking into your school’s practice can improve the learning environment for students, teachers, parents, and school leaders… ..more
By Dr. Yujiro Fujiwara
A framework that describes a purposeful instruction/learning/assessment cycle… ..more
By John Bray
Change in how we assess is happening but slowly. There are ways schools can adapt, even within structures with culminating examinations... ..more
By Shannon Kerry
Course content can act as a bridge between a student’s inner emotional world and their developing conceptual understanding of the real world… ..more
By Conrad Hughes
Using technology and not trying to ban it is not only a preference but also a necessity… ..more
+ 2021
By Neil Morgan Griffiths
The evaluation of individual student physical literacy levels feels like an imprecise practice…. Perhaps we could pause right there and consider a solution. ..more
By Jill Alali
Fairgreen International School is the first school in Dubai to introduce a revolutionary, data-driven system of movement screening and remediation to promote optimal physical wellbeing for its students. ..more
By Dr Karen L. Taylor
Thanks to developments in neuroscience we now know much more now than we did in the past about the interplay of emotion and cognition, feeling and thinking. What could this interconnectedness mean for us in terms of our classroom practice? ..more
By Dr Karen L. Taylor
As important a pedagogical tool as scaffolding may be, we should not oversimplify its relationship to the zone of proximal development. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive, but they are also not synonymous. ..more
By Dr. Rachel Ball
Formative assessment presents a powerful opportunity for improving student outcomes. Here are several practical suggestions for providing formative feedback to students in hybrid and virtual learning settings. ..more
By Adelina Holmes
Initially when leading trainings, Adelina Holmes was giving fast lectures and expecting participants to absorb the information she was "gifting" to them—a common mistake. Everything shifted when she started designing her workshops in the same way she planned a class. ..more
By Chip Barder
TIE is uplifting the profession by presenting a more substantial view of what an outstanding educator looks like. Those seeking positions can now showcase their candidacy through a standards-based lens, supported by evidence of their own choosing. ..more
By Elizabeth Stark
Last spring, Elizabeth Stark was dumbfounded to learn that the IBDP exams had been canceled and those all-important "points" were suddenly rendered meaningless. But it wasn't long before this eclipse allowed her to see things in a new light. ..more
By Bambi Betts
Standards for teachers is not a new idea. Standards for teachers reflecting the unique international needs? Gathering steam. What is new? Truly using them as drivers for learning in view of keeping an outstanding teacher in every classroom every day. ..more
By Kristen MacConnell
What classroom assessment practices will contribute most to understanding and improving student learning? And what is the role of the teacher leader in supporting student learning through effective assessment practices? Here are some effective strategies and tools. ..more
By Kim Marshall
Including students in shaping what will be assessed by co-constructing success criteria has proven an effective way to improve student writing, according to Jennifer Gonzalez. “It’s essentially backward planning with students for success.” ..more
+ 2020
By Dr. Tiffani Betts Razavi
Critical thinking skills are cited as one of the key strengths of the International Baccalaureate, vital to the core mission of IB programs. Recent research has found that students of the program have significantly greater critical thinking skills than their non-IB peers. ..more
By ACS Press Office
ACS International School Hillingdon has become the first school in Europe to offer the Global Citizens Diploma (GCD), a qualification that acknowledges all of the exceptional citizenship and service-related activities students undertake to become global citizens.  ..more
By Dr. Tiffani Betts Razavi
After some seven months of covid-19, educators and researchers are asking: what progress has been prompted by the pandemic? Are any of the lockdown-induced adjustments here to stay? Are there any old ways that won’t survive the virus? ..more
By Colin Brown and Lindsay Prendergast
Standards-based grading practices proved to be a critical element of consistency and stability in guiding our focus around student learning and in providing accurate, meaningful, and proactive feedback to our learners and their parents during these turbulent, complex times. ..more
By Carlos Minuesa
The 21st-century school aspires to teach through comprehension, but how do teachers know when students have understood a topic? ASV is using various indicators to renovate their academic programs and to respond to challenges in contemporary education. ..more
By Matt Piercy
What does “learning” really mean? It seems essential that we define it—if not as a society, or as an international school community, then at least at the institutional level. How do we expect students to think critically if we are not providing them the necessary time and space in which to do it? ..more
+ 2018
By Matt Harris
Are STEM, STEAM, and coding programs having the desired effect of building intrinsic technical skills among students that will be used in university and beyond? My travels and experiences have shown the answer to be… maybe. But we can do better. ..more
By Chris McCarthy
After implementing the Teachers College Reading Writing Project program, I noted measurable progress in the quality of my students' writing and their ability to read both fiction and non-fiction with incisiveness. But is a workshop model compatible with the inevitable high-stakes exams students must take in high school? ..more
By Diana Martinez
This year in my classroom I struggled with a couple of students who were experiencing difficulty staying on-task. I decided to create a more comfortable classroom environment and give them options as to where to work, with whom, and in what order to complete their tasks. ..more
By Jason Hicks
We failed Cody. As I reflect on my development as a teacher leader, I now believe that we failed this student not because our team lacked efficacy or consciousness, but because we did not understand, and I did not apply, practices related to effective teacher leadership. Effective leaders understand how to develop collaborative groups. ..more
By Mike Simpson
Resilience, along with perseverance, diligence, self-discipline, positivity, and a love for learning, is a success skill that we are working hard at our school to develop in all of our children. I believe that the development of all of these success skills are dependent upon a child’s sense of capacity—the belief that they are capable of achievement. ..more
By Bonnie Billak
It is common practice for schools to test student proficiency levels in a variety of subject areas at all grade levels. Should assessing the English proficiency level of Early Childhood students be added to this battery of testing? ..more
By Neil Morgan Griffiths
I’m not sure what amazes me more, the relentless conviction demonstrated by educators in their desire to still use grades or the abject failure of educators, demonstrated through their inability to stop using them? Through physical education we probably find one of our greatest opportunities to embrace a paradigm shift. ..more
By Chloe McMath
Over 1,300 delegates convened in Jordan on 3 and 4 March 2018, for the fourth annual Teacher Skills Forum to hear renowned international education experts discuss key trends in education under the theme of Growth beyond Grades. ..more

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The International Educator (TIE) is a non-profit organization committed to matching highly qualified educators with international schools around the world. For more than 30 years, TIE has been the most comprehensive service for securing a job in an international school. TIE is dedicated to advancing the highest professional teaching standards and promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the international school community.