For over 30 years international school leaders, teachers, and counselors have come together for PTC professional learning experiences. Each day of every program begins with a “pearl of wisdom,” a “nugget of knowledge,” or a “gem of inspiration” from one of the participants. We are delighted to offer our readers around the world these powerful stories, insights, and strategies, all dedicated to our shared mission of ever more and better learning for our children.
In this Pearl, Ange shares her leadership journey and what it looks like for her to show up authentically with her colleagues and students. She says that, if it’s safe for you to do so, it’s important to “bring yourself to your position. And for those of you who are bringing someone who is different into your leadership team, be ready, be prepared, create space. You want them in your team. Anticipate the things that they’re going to want to challenge and be ready and open for those differences.”
Professional positions cited were the ones held at the time of recording. The positions and schools of those quoted may have since changed.
Ange Molony is the Vice Principal of Grades 6-8 at the Canadian International School of Hong Kong.