As I sit here in Doha, Qatar I can’t help but consider myself lucky, rather privileged to not have to worry about police brutality. No land is perfect, but I sure consider myself to have not experienced the horror black males face in America. In the grand scheme of things, from an international educator point of view, I am very fortunate to have a chance to shape, educate, and challenge young minds. To help them realize that we are all human, and that hate and racism are TAUGHT! If they are taught, surely they can be unlearned and “untaught.” We have a perfect opportunity as international educators to embrace all people, despite what native language they speak. It is time we focus on educating future generations DELIBERATELY, as opposed to telling these minorities what they need to do to survive because, clearly, they have done it all yet still....!
Francis Chapuredima is a Zimbabwean international educator, who is currently teaching in Qatar where he lives with his wife Robinah and two kids, Maita and Nenyasha. He is one educator who strongly believes in the power of having tough conversations so as to create inclusive spaces.