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Dennis Rodman’s Pearl of Wisdom

by Jane Shartzer, PTC Coordinator
Dennis Rodman’s Pearl of Wisdom

Dennis Rodman starts his PTC journey with the Supervision & Evaluation Class, 16 July 2014, Miami
Our final PTC morning meeting session started off much like the preceding ones, as participants and instructors from the curriculum leadership and instructional supervision courses gathered to share information and announcements. Just as we prepared to discuss the daily Pearl of Wisdom, in walked none other than Dennis Rodman, who happened to be strolling the hotel grounds with his entourage.
Mr. Rodman made himself quite at home with the group, letting us know he had a message to share. When I explained that he was addressing a group of international educators gathered for a professional development opportunity, Mr. Rodman seemed eager to impart a message tailored just for us.
Participants later reported having some difficulty following his message, but most of us could at least agree that Mr. Rodman touched on the dangers of the Internet, the need for respect, and the importance of hard work. Furthermore, he seemed determined to address me as “Momma.”
At one point we had the impression that our esteemed visitor might just pull up a chair and join the PTC in its deliberations. Eventually other interests prevailed, however, and Mr. Rodman wandered off to breakfast, leaving us both honored and perplexed.

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