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Future of Learning

Leading A Future-Ready International School

BFIS Podcast: Changemaking in Action
By Rachel Hovington
Leading A Future-Ready International School

In the Benjamin Franklin International School (BFIS) podcast, host Rachel Hovington, BFIS Head of School, presents a small school podcast with a difference, that aims to showcase our school’s future-oriented vision for learning and our goal: acting as agents of change in an educational world that must adapt to be ready for a fast-moving now and a fast-moving future. Releasing 2 episodes a month, the podcast will feature students, staff, and community members from BFIS, linking up in thought partnership with guests from other international school communities around the world.

In this first episode, our host and Head of School Rachel Hovington meets Head of School at the International School of Stuttgart, Tim Kelley. They sat down to discuss what international school leadership in a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world context looks like, sharing some positive stories on how they are both working to build schools of the future.

Some of their conversation topics include:

What does a future-ready school look and feel like?

What kind of intentional spaces on campus need to be curated in future-ready international schools (i.e. technology spaces, interdisciplinary spaces, performing arts sustainability-focused spaces, spaces for quiet rest, reflection, and community?)

Research has shown that bringing a diverse array of speakers, artists, musicians, activists, industry mentors, and community members builds strong Social and Emotional competencies in K-12 students (Hall, Panarese, 2016).  Does the research on intentionally building communities lead you to consider your school setup differently?

Inclusive spaces and classrooms - how do you set the tone early on to ensure your school feels welcoming to all, and how do you communicate this effectively to your wider community.

The key question here is: what makes an international school truly international?


Rachel Hovington is the Head of School at BFIS.

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