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The Dalton Plan and Digital Innovation at Luxembourg's EIMLB

By Ingrid Delange
The Dalton Plan and Digital Innovation at Luxembourg's EIMLB

Luxembourg's thriving financial services sector, small population, and business-friendly policies have made the country gain the world's highest gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. This remarkable economic prosperity allowed it to prioritize education and invest heavily in its schools and students. In 2017 through the major push of Claude Meish, its Minister of Education, Luxembourg began to significantly expand and develop its public international school system. In an effort to meet the demand from the country's growing non-Luxembourgish population and a willingness to provide greater flexibility in language offerings, new schools were then launched. They were mostly based on the European programs to carry on expanding the language options available and go beyond the traditional French, German, and English that most Luxembourgish people speak besides Luxembourgish.

One particular school caught my attention. It added to the ambitious program of developing critical thinking, creativity, citizenship values and global competencies, the willingness to lead on Mr Meisch’s top priorities of “preparing students for the digital transformation" and shift the paradigm of the direct teaching, regularly perceived as the only efficient way to teach among the local population. For this, they aimed to develop a student-centered approach based on the pedagogical philosophy of the Dalton Plan.

This teaching methodology developed by American educator Helen Parkhurst (1887-1974) reimagines the roles in the classroom, the delivery of the lessons, and the use of space in the school. Placed at the center of their holistic development, students learn to be active and responsible learners. For this, an emphasis is placed on three key aspects of their development: contextual learning to make each learning path personal and relevant, motivational analysis to encourage the exploration and understanding of personal driver, and metacognitive growth to develop self-awareness of efficient learning approaches while fostering their growth mindset. In this context, teachers transition from the traditional role of lecturer to that of a supportive facilitator, thought-provocateur, mental coach, and inspiration curator.

The Dalton Plan also features a transformative content delivery mechanism, eschewing traditional daily delivery of the syllabus for an innovative approach centered on extended assignments or projects. This transformative method unfolds within a modular classroom environment, where students work towards completion within agreed-upon timeframes. The reimagined use of space catalyzes a paradigm shift in learning dynamics.  The classroom metamorphoses into a vibrant ecosystem, expertly segmented into zones that echo diverse learning needs—from individual focus and collaborative inquiry to personalized remediation. Within this dynamic landscape, students become autonomous navigators, seamlessly transitioning between areas that nurture independent thought, foster innovation, and offer targeted support. This fluid structure supported by a large toolkit of approaches to learning offered in the assignments, not only facilitates flexibility and collaboration but also encourages regular reflection, and the development of personalized learning rhythms. In this nurturing environment, students are empowered to experiment without fear of failure, extract valuable lessons from mistakes, and embrace their role as vital citizens of a vibrant learning community.

The Ecole Internationale de Mondorf-les-Bains (EIMLB) stemmed from this educational philosophy fused with the unprecedented context of the digital revolution catalyzed by artificial intelligence. Inspired by Sal Khan’s Tedtalk, the school embarked on a transformative journey leveraging technology to empower teachers beyond content curation positioning them as catalysts for creativity, instigators of project-based learning, and curiosity-igniting coaches, while facilitating real-time, synchronous feedback and adaptive exercises that are crucial for maintaining each student's personalized learning momentum.  

To overcome the obstacles set by transitioning to a fully self-driven, digital student-centered education model, the school, however, must strategically invest significant resources in crafting robust digital strategies, to vigilantly address the crucial balance of screen time and artificial intelligence (AI) integration with the pen and paper requirement of the European system. It also needs to develop the perfect nudges for harmoniously blending the required technological advancement with its human-centered values.

While educators familiar with innovative programs might not find the concepts mentioned above revolutionary, EIMLB distinguishes itself through its unique "buffet" approach to education. This culinary metaphor, championed by Mr. Weyrich, the Head of School, represents a truly innovative idea in a world where differentiation often hinges on individual teacher initiative and the constraints of learning harmonization.

Just as we cater to diverse dietary needs and preferences in food service, EIMLB wants to apply this principle to education, offering students a rich array of learning experiences to choose from. The school's three language sections, taught by educators from varied backgrounds, provide a spectrum of learning approaches, which offered to all could enable students to select how they want to pursue their interests and goals within the curriculum framework. This model recognizes that both teaching and learning styles are as diverse as culinary specialties. It boldly challenges the conventional wisdom that a single educator should be a pedagogical polymath, capable of seamlessly providing differentiated instruction across various educational levels and learning modalities within the confines of a single lesson. Instead, it embraces the power of specialization and choice, allowing both teachers and students to excel in their preferred approaches. By enabling students to explore various forms of instruction and select their preferred methods, EIMLB prioritizes self-directed and co-learning approaches. It also nurtures often-neglected competencies such as open-mindedness, lateral thinking, and critical analysis which represents a significant step towards a more effective educational experience, better preparing students for the complexities of the modern world.

The school's journey is, however, still in its infancy. It faces a long and challenging path ahead as it is often the case with revolutionary ideas- conservative voices resound loudly, mounting formidable opposition. Navigating this landscape will require unwavering resilience and strategic dissemination of information to foster a nurturing atmosphere conducive to the necessary growth mindset development.  A delicate balance will need to be carefully crafted to empower visionary educators to chart unexplored pedagogical territories and holistic education while simultaneously affirming the invaluable contributions of traditional teachers ensuring they feel valued and unthreatened in this evolving educational paradigm. I cannot wait to see how this project will unfold.


Ingrid Delange is a seasoned educator with extensive experience in the International Baccalaureate (IB) framework, serving as a senior examiner and author. She has worked at various international schools across the Middle East, Africa, and Europe. Ingrid is passionate about innovation, wellbeing, sustainability, and empowering future generations to make a meaningful impact. Currently, Ingrid teaches mathematics and science to emergent bilingual students at one of the campuses of the International School of Differdange as part of the Luxembourg Ministry of Education's program for newly arrived learners.


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