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Explore, Innovate, Connect: Learning 2.014 Africa

By Alex Lancia
Explore, Innovate, Connect: Learning 2.014 Africa

The first Learning 2.0 conference outside of Asia will be hosted by the International Community School of Addis Ababa in Ethiopia on 18-20 September 2014.
A safari is a journey of exploration, which is what learning is all about. Join us at Learning 2.014 for a safari through some fascinating areas of the modern world of education!
We will explore new educational terrain with our Learning 2 leaders who—like all expert safari guides —have good local knowledge, but are also explorers themselves, constantly on the lookout for new insights.
In our Learning Safari, we will make connections with our fellow voyagers, our guides, and the local people and places. These connections will make our journey a lasting experience.
Learning 2.0 is a conference created and run by international school teachers for international school teachers. Learning 2.0, like Web 2.0 services, is not a static “read-only” conference with experts presenting to attendees. Learning 2.0 participants actively engage and contribute to the learning that happens at the conference. While there will be discussion of technology and educational tools, the focus of the conference is learning and teaching.
A Learning 2.0 conference is where participants are expected to “be different,” “be social,” and “be a connector.” Learning 2.0 participants engage through participant-led workshops, unconference sessions, and poster sessions.
Dust off those boots, get your sunscreen, book those tickets, and come join us at the International Community School of Addis Ababa for a memorable safari experience!
Learn more at

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