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American School of Warsaw for Ukraine

By Agnieszka Swietliczko
American School of Warsaw for Ukraine

Donations pile up in the corridors of ASW, Warsaw, Poland. (Photo source: American School of Warsaw)

For the past couple of weeks, we all have been horrified by the news and images coming to us from our eastern border after Russian troops invaded Ukraine. Over a million refugees have now crossed the Polish border, leaving their lives, family members, and the belongings of their lives behind. They arrived in Poland only with hopes for a better future one day. 

With the outbreak of the war and when the first refugees arrived at the border, the phrase "Polish hospitality" took on real meaning. In large cities and small towns, Poles rushed to support those in need. They opened their hearts and their homes.

The American School of Warsaw community followed closely. From the very first minute, when it became clear that there were people in need, our community started helping under the leadership of the Service-Learning Coordinator and in a strong relationship with Polish Non-Government Organizations, which have been our partners for many years. Many of our families have welcomed people into their homes. Others help by donating money and goods to support refugees from Ukraine. Students and parents continue packing countless boxes filled with donations from American School of Warsaw (ASW) families.

What started out as an ordinary helping hand reaction quickly turned into an aid campaign we called #ASWforUkraine. We created a dedicated website where we collect information from both sides, those in need and those who offer their help. Our website is robust and includes regularly updated accounting of our work. There, we also collect money. Through ASW Foundation we set a Rally Up donation which allows us to build a long-lasting financial reserve that will be used to pay for food, gas, transportation, and support for the refugees as needed.

Among many activities that the ASW community has engaged in, our school provides support to The Central and Eastern European Schools Association (CEESA) School students displaced by the War in Ukraine, and their families coming from Ukraine. As of now, our school has welcomed 30 students from Kyiv International School and Pechersk School International.

ASW was recently chosen to be a host location for a meeting between US Vice President Kamala Harris, who was visiting Poland, and representatives of Ukraine refugees. Our campus was a preferred location because of our efforts, longstanding partnership with the Embassy, and excellent security and COVID mitigation protocols.


Agnieszka Swietliczko is the Director of Marketing and Communications at American School of Warsaw.

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