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Offer Support to International Schools in the Region

Offer Support to International Schools in the Region

Many schools in the region have set up ways you can support them, their staff and students. If your school has links to contribute to this page please reach out to [email protected].

Pechersk School International (PSI)
- Kyiv, Ukraine

Pechersk School International (PSI) are grateful for the generous support being offered to the PSI, Kyiv community during this horrendous crisis. We are using the form below to help us organise the offers so that we can more effectively match them with our areas of need.


More informationa on the PSI website:

International School of Krakòw (ISK) - Krakòw, Poland

If you are a member of our community and would like to join in the efforts, or are wondering how you could do more, please click the survey link to volunteer.

Are you already helping and need our support?

Have you been displaced from an International, English instruction school? APPLY.

Do you need more information? For a list of available resources for refugees and support possibilities please see the spreadsheet from this link.

American School of Warsaw (ASW) - Warsaw, Poland

ASW aid campaign #ASWforUkraine is where we collect information from both sides, those in need and those who offer their help. : 

To donate money ASW Foundation we set a Rally Up donation which allows us to build a long-lasting financial reserve that will be used to pay for food, gas, transportation, and support for the refugees as needed.??

We have established a page on the AISB HootBoard so parents can share resources (linked here).

American International School of Budapest (AISB)- Budapest, Hungary

We have established a page on the AISB HootBoard so parents/helpers can share resources (linked here). 

For more information with resources in Hungary see the AISB website.

Please fill out the form below if you would like to post a comment on this article:


16-Mar-22 - Julie Frederick
This is heartwarming to see. When the international school communities in Myanmar faced violence, abductions, bombings and dislocation after the brutal Myanmar military coup one year ago, our Asian and Southeast Asian international school neighbors offered condolences but no concrete support. No one "signs up for" war crimes no matter where your life takes you. The leadership I've seen coming from international school administrators in Ukraine is impressive. They are supporting their teachers, staff and all students and families. I commend European international school communities for stepping up for Ukraine and its people during this unprovoked invasion that is killing civilians and traumatizing an entire nation! Our communities can be a powerful force for humanitarian aid and support.