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International School of Kenya Launches The Commons, Master Plan Flagship

By Pamela Pappas
International School of Kenya Launches The Commons, Master Plan Flagship

ISK staff and students showcase The Commons, the school’s iconic new learning and recreational space (photo: IST).
The International School of Kenya (ISK) is proud to announce the completion of the central hub of a seven-phase facility master plan. The Commons has quickly become the thriving and active center of academic and social life on campus, offering a variety of student-centered learning and recreational areas.
These areas include:
• A bright, spacious, comfortable library
• Diverse technology spaces for research, design tech, and media production
• A cafeteria with a variety of interesting, alfresco dining areas
• Conference rooms, offices, and various multi-purpose rooms
The Commons reflects ISK’s commitment to innovative learning environments and green technology, all in a friendly, architecturally dramatic space. The Commons, with its unique circular design and open-air terraces, complements ISK’s lush campus and outdoor orientation.
The project is part of a US$40 million capital investment vision to create state-of-the-art facilities for an optimal enrolment of 1,200 students on its 40-acre campus. Nairobi has become a magnet in Africa for diplomatic missions, the United Nations, foreign investment, and NGOs—and ISK is one of the reasons that people want to relocate to Nairobi!
In January construction began on phase four of the facility master plan: a new elementary complex that will open in August, 2015. The complex will include shared technology/activity centers for every grade level; a World Languages Center; and many specialized and multi-purpose spaces for learning support, science exploration, and creative activities. The elementary project will expand ISK’s vision for innovative learning spaces, which began with its central project, The Commons.
The Commons—especially the library and media center—is already the hub of activity for the whole community, enjoyed by parents, students of all ages, staff, and faculty. Some teachers are spending as much time in the library with their classes, as they are in their own classrooms! l
Ms. Pappas is Community Relations and Alumni Coordinator at the International School of Kenya.

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