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COHP Silent Auction Raises Much-Needed Funds for Children of Haiti

By Cynthia Nagrath
COHP Silent Auction Raises Much-Needed Funds for Children of Haiti

The Children of Haiti Project Silent Auction, which was held last weekend at the AAIE conference in Boston, proved not only a huge success, but also one of the most popular exhibits at the conference.
With over three tables packed with tempting treats, vacation packages, fashion accessories, sports memorabilia, fine art and much more, AAIE participants made frequent visits to the table bidding on objects of their interest. “We had over 45 items on the table and they generated a lot of interest at the conference,” said Eva Carbonaro, one of the auction organizers. “Some people came back multiple times and the bidding became competitive, which is what we wanted,” said Ms. Carbonaro.
The auction raised nearly US$10,000, which will immediately go to support the children attending the school. “Every dollar helps to support our little school,” said TIE CEO Forrest Broman. “We are so happy and grateful to everyone who donated prizes and came out to bid.”
“One of the people who deserves special mention is Elsa Lamb. Elsa was the original organizer of the auction and ran it for the past two years, but this year our TIE staff took over and did a remarkable job,” said Mr. Broman. “This would not have been possible without the support of Elsa Lamb and Everett McCloughlin of AAIE, who set us up with three tables, made announcements at the conference, and even helped us to get a fourth table,” said Cheryl Harmon, a co-organizer of the auction.
“I think for me, knowing that we raised over US$10,000 for the school was very rewarding,” said Ms. Carbonaro, “but meeting a gentleman at the conference from Haiti, and witnessing his gratitude for our efforts, and the emotion it evoked in him, made me realize just how important it is that we continue to look for ways to help.”

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