How do we make a difference when there is so much suffering in the world? How can we choose one worthy cause over another? Where do we begin? These are the questions that nag us as we are bombarded with calls for help, for funds, for contributions. The voices grow louder as the resources seem to get smaller. We all want to make a positive change ... but are not sure how. Four years ago, in February, international educators from around the world all came together and decided to take action in their own way. In an area they knew everything about. Schools.
In January 2010 the earthquake hit Haiti.
In February 2010, you all decided to build a school.
The help that the people of Haiti needed wasn’t coming through big major initiatives, through governments, multinational corporations, or institutional efforts; instead it was coming from YOU... A small, but determined group of educators who understood that when a child is hurting in one part of the world, children everywhere suffer. That when a child is denied education anywhere, it casts a shadow on the education we provide for our own children. We don’t concern ourselves with the idea that we can’t do for all, we know that doing what we can is all that matters. The Children of Haiti Project is a beacon of hope to children who lost what little they had in the earthquake. It is a school that educates boys and girls who otherwise, would not be attending school. It is two hot meals a day, for children who know how it feels to go to bed hungry. It is medical treatment for children who would have no other access to healthcare... This is COHP, the school you helped to build. Keep building it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO KEEP BUILDING 1. Donate as much or as little as you can today. 2. Get your school to sponsor a child for a year or more. 3. Spread the word and share this article with other educators and international schools . 4. Come visit the COHP booth at the AAIE 2014 Conference in Boston Feb 6-9 and participate in the SILENT AUCTION to raise funds. 100% of the proceeds go to the school and the children. Prizes include getaways in New York City, London, Miami, Cape Cod, Tickets to Disney, and much more. Thank you for remembering COHP!
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The articles presented in TIE are a reflection of the variety of perspectives within the international school community and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the organization.