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ISC Research to Publish Bespoke Reports for International School Clients

By Daniel Lincoln

As of September this year, the international schools market had grown to 6,734 schools, 3.4 million students, 316,000 staff, and an annual fee income of US$34 billion.
In several countries, demand for international school places already exceeds supply. The market more than doubled in the last ten years, and will double again well within the next ten. With this in mind, firms such as ISC Research supply critical information to inform international school projects.
ISC Research now offers targeted market intelligence reports, including demographic studies, for key international locations. These have been developed in response to the needs of schools, school groups, and other organizations considering investing in new schools and school expansions. The reports may also be appropriate for organizations looking for a detailed overview of the international schools market in a particular country.
ISC Research has been tracking the market for over 30 years and visiting premium schools on an annual basis. As ISC Chairman Nick Brummitt explained in a recent interview with The International Educator, much of the information is unique to ISC; not least the comprehensive history of growth in schools, students, and fees; and the in-depth data accrued from ISC’s annual interviews with senior staff.
ISC Research has specialist research and report teams in several regions, and has data and research agreements with all key international schools associations.
Research reports are now available for:
• China: Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and provincial China
• South Korea
• Taiwan
• Indonesia
• Malaysia
• The Philippines
• Singapore
• Thailand
• The UAE: Abu Dhabi and Dubai
• Qatar
Other reports will be added soon, including a Global Overview, Latin America (focusing on Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru), Saudi Arabia, and Vietnam.
Each report includes key national and expatriate demographic data; social and economic trends; global, regional and sub-regional summaries; and a detailed analysis of each country’s international schools market.

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