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No Place To Call Home

By InĂªs Rosa, Grade 11 student
No Place To Call Home

This talk is about dealing with the challenges of living a life overflowing with constant change, and the struggles of moving away from familiar and comforting places. It can be hard to ask for help in new situations and the best way to feel safe is by learning how to cope with the hardest moments and how to enjoy the best ones. My name is Inês Rosa, I am finishing my International Baccalaureate degree in hopes of studying political sciences in university. It has always been an ambition of mine to leave my mark in the world, to make a difference, and to help as many people as I possibly can. I created my speech with all the things I wish I had been told when I began moving countries, so I truly hope I can help others in the way I needed.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Inês Rosa is a Grade 11 student at the International School of Luxembourg.

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