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Looking Back To Move Forward Into Our New School Year

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Looking Back To Move Forward Into Our New School Year

Creating a nurturing and dynamic environment for educators and school leaders is essential for fostering excellence in international schools. As we embark on another school year, it's beneficial to reflect on strategies that enhance our school culture and support our staff. To assist in this journey, we revisit several insightful articles that offer valuable perspectives and practical solutions.

Successful Onboarding of New Teachers by Cindy Adair

Every international school approaches onboarding through a different lens depending on its unique resources and needs. Attracting new hires, retaining new recruits, financial implications, and creating equitable opportunities for local and international hires all play a part in a school’s decision on how to welcome new teachers and staff. This article looks at one school’s way of creating a successful induction program. 

Helping International Students Settle Into School Life: Why a Good Beginning Is Vital by Mark Wilson

As educators, we need to ensure that students, and their families, are given the best possible support from the minute they land here so that they can flourish into future leaders and global thinkers. This article shares key insights into helping students settle into a new school year.

Hidden in Plain Sight: School Culture's Unspoken Truths and Bold Fixes by Dr. Yael Cass

Every individual plays a pivotal role in the vibrant ecosystem of our international schools. As leaders, we often endeavor to understand the heartbeat of our school's culture. Here is an article that shares strategies for strengthening school culture and creating a tailored onboarding program.

Elevating Student Learning: The Impact of Standards-Based Growth and Appraisal Systems in International Schools by Sue Easton

At its essence, a standards-based growth and appraisal system should revolve around embracing and embedding international standards of practice for educators. These standards should serve as a reference point for the entire school community, a way to articulate and acknowledge exemplary teaching and learning. This article empowers educators to start strong and positive impact student learning.

The Power of Slowing Down and Silence by Megan Vosk and Shafali

To face the challenges of today’s world, we need the mental and emotional capacity to see clearly, look deeply, and reflect carefully. When we rush from one thing to the next without stopping, we run the risk of acting reactively. We cannot solve problems that arise if we cannot think straight. We can, however, cultivate space in our hearts by slowing down and paying attention. Slowing down is a skill that can be nurtured with practice. This is necessary now more than ever. This is a great article that helps us calm down as we rush into a busy year.

Reflecting on Assessment, and Leading Learning by John Bray

As we start the new year, many schools, teachers, and leaders grapple with the exam results, analyzing and deep-diving into the data of external exams. This article helps to strategize the outcomes of assessments. Changing the way we assess student learning is a slow process but necessary to consider at the beginning of a school year.

Enhancing Teacher Agency in Professional Development by Tina Fossgreen

The concept of teacher agency in professional development is pivotal for fostering effective and meaningful educational practices. Teacher agency involves allowing educators to have a substantial say in their learning and development process, leading to more engaging, relevant, and personalized professional experiences. This is necessary for all schools to consider in their onboarding process, read this article to find out more.



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