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On Learning, Leading, and Loving in Complex Times

Future Learning Design Podcast
By Tim Logan
On Learning, Leading, and Loving in Complex Times

More and more people are questioning the education and training options available for their young people. Powered by NoTosh, we bring together a network of passionate educators and entrepreneurs who are intentionally redesigning the experience of learning in school, work, and life to enable people to grow, innovate, and thrive. This podcast provides a space for enlivening and inspiring conversations to encourage you to join in the movement to help drive positive change.

In this episode, Tim talks with Dr. Brad Kershner, a school leader and independent scholar, currently serving as the Head of School at Kimberton Waldorf School. His research, teaching, and writing cover a wide range of interdependent topics, including education, leadership, parenting, cultural diversity, technology, integral theory, meditation, complexity, and developmental psychology. He received his graduate education at The University of Chicago and Boston College, and he is a longtime student of multiple Buddhist lineages. He is a co-founder of The Reconstitution Project, a meta-political think-tank, (, and his first book is Understanding Educational Complexity: Integrating Practices and Perspectives for 21st Century Leadership. A recent article Brad has written for Integral Life, which he references at the end of our conversation, is Diversity, Empathy, and Integration: Reframing and Reclaiming a Movement Toward Healing and Wholeness.


Tim Logan is an experienced educational leader and learning designer, outstanding communicator, connector, and facilitator. He moves projects from innovative learning design to effectively executing ideas on the ground, swiftly. He has worked extensively with schools and education groups in the Middle East, Africa, and Europe and designed curricula within a variety of frameworks – IB, UK, Cambridge, American, French, German. 


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