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Children of Haiti Project Expands to Include Refugee Education

By Forrest Broman, President of COHRP
Children of Haiti Project Expands to Include Refugee Education

Shortly after the destructive 2010 earthquake in Haiti, The International Educator (TIE) and the Principals’ Training Center (PTC), together with many other institutions and interested people, established a school for 60 of the poorest children living in a nearby tent camp in Delmas, Port au Prince.
For going on nine years now, most of the children originally sponsored have continued to pursue their studies in what until recently was known as the Children of Haiti Project (COHP) school. Currently in Grades 7, 8, and 9, they are almost universally in good health, thanks to the school’s nutrition program.
When it comes to academics, these students are doing very well, achieving good results in the French national exams that they take annually. Within five years, all of the school’s current students are expected to graduate.
Meanwhile, management and administrative oversight of the program are now handled by a new private nonprofit organization called Children of Haiti and Refugee Projects (COHRP).
The mission of this organization includes continuing to expand the program in Haiti, as well as working with partners in various parts of the world where refugee children lack access to educational services. COHRP will provide funding—with monitoring and evaluation—to established agencies that are already conducting successful educational programs aimed at refugee children.
Plans are nearly complete for launching programs in Uganda, Jordan, and Israel, with the goal of bringing educational services to over 350 currently unserved refugee children.
In Jordan, the mission is to prepare preschool-age children—mostly Syrian refugees—for entry into Grade 1 in the national system. In Uganda, a new children’s center will be created, serving 200 refugee children between the ages of six and 14.
This program will include training in literacy and numeracy skills, to support the students’ three hours of daily formal schooling. In Israel, a model classroom will serve 35 children who are undocumented immigrants from Sudan and Eritrea, preparing these young people for entry into the Israeli school system. Each of these programs will include a nutritional program to support the children’s health and wellbeing.
These efforts are funded by a major commitment of resources from TIE and the PTC, together with contributions from interested individuals, international schools, and partner organizations.
Until the new COHRP website is up and running, contributions may be made by navigating to and hitting the “Donations” button.
For more information about COHRP and how to donate to our sponsored programs, drop us a line at [email protected] or call us at 508-434-4200.

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08/30/2019 - Princesse Turquoise
Thank you for your continued support to Ayiti. I am an international educator; please send me more information about this program.



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