“Show What You Know: A Landscape Analysis of Competency-Based Education” by Tom Vander Ark, Mary Ryerse, et al. from Getting Smart and XQ Institute, October 23, 2018 https://xqsuperschool.org/competency-based-education-cbe/part1 In this report from Getting Smart/XQ Institute, Tom Vander Ark, Mary Ryerse, and co-authors present a blueprint for competency-based education. “Students who are deeply engaged in their own learning and fully prepared for all that the future has to offer,” they say, have the following characteristics: • Masters of all fundamental literacies: - Building the academic core necessary to prepare for college, career, and life; - Critical readers; - Compelling writers; - Mathematical and numeric thinkers; - Data and visual thinkers. • Holders of foundational knowledge: - Curious people who are knowledgeable about the world, its history and culture, its sciences and underlying mathematics, its biology and cultural currency; - Engaged participants who are key to creating a more just and functional democracy – who participate fully in all America has to offer. • Original thinkers for an uncertain world: - Sense-makers – dealing with conflicting knowledge; - Generative thinkers – creating many ideas in ambiguous and new situations; - Creative thinkers – reframing, imagining, and seeing problems from different perspectives. • Generous collaborators for tough problems: - Self-aware team members who bring their strengths; - Talent-seekers who find the expertise of others; - Essential co-creators – because of what they bring, and how they show up; - Inquisitive world citizens who seek out – and respect – diversity and diverse points of view. • Learners for life: - Self-driven, self-directed; curious learners – about themselves and the world; - Inventors of their own learning paths, careers, and lives.
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