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Virtual Opportunity for International Choir Enthusiasts

Naomi Greenberg

From Dr. Paul Fochtman, Head of School at Frankfurt International School:
A Grade 12 student at Frankfurt International School has created a virtual choir for singers in international schools around the world. If you have students in your school who would like to be part of a global choir, please read and share her letter below. I think it is a fantastic project and I hope your school will take part.
Kind regards,
Music has the power to bring people together.
This saying is familiar to all of us. Perhaps it is even overused. But as a student at an international school since the age of 5 and a member of that school’s choir since age 6, I can tell you that it is absolutely true. 
I have participated in international choir festivals every year since eighth grade. This year, for obvious reasons, a large-scale gathering of international students could not take place. However, music can still happen. Collaboration can still happen. Unity can still happen. 
So, I began VOICE (Virtual Opportunity for International Choir Enthusiasts). Through VOICE, we hope to combine the voices of individual students into one unified choir. The song we will be collaborating on is “The Song We Sing” by Jacob Narverud. Feel free to check it out here.
I would love to have as many participants from as many international schools around the world as possible. Please send this message to your high school choir and music students and encourage them to join! 
To participate in VOICE, you do not have to be a flawless singer, or an insanely dedicated choir student. You just have to love music. 
Sign up here
Once you have filled out the consent form (which allows us to include your video and voice in the final product), you will receive access to a Google folder containing sheet music and simple instructions. These will guide you through practicing, recording, and submitting! 
Please contact [email protected] with any questions about VOICE. I’m excited to see what we can do! 
Naomi Greenberg (Class of 2020, Frankfurt International School) 

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